Se antes de cada acto nosso, nos puséssemos a prever todas
as consequências dele, e pensar nelas a sério, primeiro as imediatas, depois as
prováveis, depois as possíveis, depois as imagináveis, não chegaríamos sequer a
mover-nos de onde o primeiro pensamento nos tivesse feito parar. ~ José
If before each of our acts, we could foresee all the consequences of it, and think about them seriously, first the immediate, then the probable, then the possible, then the imaginable, we wouldn’t even start to move ourselves from where the first thought had stopped us. ~ José Saramago
If before each of our acts, we could foresee all the consequences of it, and think about them seriously, first the immediate, then the probable, then the possible, then the imaginable, we wouldn’t even start to move ourselves from where the first thought had stopped us. ~ José Saramago
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