sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2014

Colecciona momentos não coisas.

Collect moments not things.

Amor é... o que precisas exactamente para começar o teu dia.

Se não entendes o meu silêncio, como é que vais entender as minhas palavras?

If you don't understand my silence, how will you understand my words?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta espantosa fotografia, vemos o lago de lava no Monte Nyiragongo, um vulcão activo dentro do Parque Nacional de Virunga, na República Democrática do Congo. O vulcão entrou em erupção pelo menos 34 vezes desde 1882, criando vários lagos de lava de diferentes tamanhos que têm formado crateras, e as drenado e alterado. A imagem acima (tirada em 2011) mostra a mais recente interacção do lago de lava da montanha. Ela foi formada a partir de uma erupção de 2002.


In this amazing photo we see the lava lake at Mount Nyiragongo, an active stratovolcano inside Virunga National Park, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The volcano has erupted at least 34 times since 1882, creating various-sized lava lakes that have formed, cratered, drained and reformed. The image above (taken in 2011) shows the most recent iteration of the mountain’s lava lake. It was formed from a 2002 eruption.

As Pessoas Mais Ricas # The Richest People

Nunca te contentes com objectivos em segunda mão ou egoístas. Define metas para ti mesmo que envolve ajudar outras pessoas; as riquezas virão a seguir. As pessoas mais ricas que conheço são aquelas que se entregaram desinteressadamente a outras pessoas. Tal motivação, afectará a maneira como vendemos, cozinhamos, ensinamos ou lidamos com o nosso negócio particular. As verdadeiras riquezas, é claro, não estão relacionadas em nada com o dinheiro ou a recompensa material. Na verdade, se uma pessoa ganhou dinheiro sem ajudar as pessoas, o seu dinheiro não vai comprar-lhe felicidade. ~ Lucas 6:38


Never settle for second-rate or selfish goals. Set goals for yourself that involve helping other people; the riches will follow. The richest people I know are those who have given themselves unselfishly to other people. Such motivation will affect the way you sell, cook, teach or ply your particular trade. True riches, of course, are totally unrelated to money or material reward. In fact, if a person has earned money without helping people, his money will not buy him happiness. ~ Luke 6:38

Tim LaHaye

Kari Jobe - Find You On My Knees ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Troubles chasing me again,
Breaking down my best defence,
I'm looking, God, I'm looking for You
Weary just won't let me rest and fear is filling up my head.
I'm longing, God I'm longing for You

But I will find You in the place I'm in, find You when I'm at my end,
Find You when there's nothing left of me to offer You except for brokenness.
You lift me up, You'll never leave me thirsty,
When I am weak, when I am lost and searching
I'll find You on my knees.

So what if sorrow shakes my faith,
What if heartache still remains,
I'll trust You, my God I'll trust You.
'Cause You are faithful and

I will find You in the place I'm in, find You when I'm at my end,
Find You when there's nothing left of me to offer You except for brokenness.
You lift me up, You'll never leave me thirsty,
When I am weak, when I am lost and searching
I'll find You on my knees, my knees.

When my hope is gone, when the fear is strong
When the pain is real, when it's hard to heal
When my faith is shaken and my heart is broken and my joy is stolen, God I know that

You lift me up, You'll never leave me 

Find You in the place I'm in, find You when I'm at my end,
Find You when there's nothing left of me to offer You except for brokenness.
You lift me up, You'll never leave me thirsty,
When I am weak, when I am lost and searching

I'll find You on my knees.

Google Doodle

"A palavra e o assunto são modernos. Restaurar um edifício não é mantê-lo, repará-lo ou refazê-lo, é restabelecê-lo em um estado completo que pode não ter existido nunca em um dado momento."

~ Eugène Emannuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879), arquitecto francês ligado à arquitectura revivalista do século XIX e um dos primeiros teóricos da preservação do património histórico.


"The word and a building are modern subject. Restoring a building is not keeping it, repairing it or remakeing it, it's to reestablish it in a complete state that may have never existed at any given time."

~ Eugène Emmanuel Viollet-le-Duc (1814-1879), french architect connected to the revivalist architecture of the nineteenth century and one of the first theorists of the preservation of historical heritage.

Amor é... ser acordada com um beijo e uma rosa.

O Céptico # The Skeptic

- Did you like the motor? Do you think he could have popped up?
- Like from nothing?
- Yes.
- Of course not! Everybody knows that motors have to be designed.
- Did you know the bacterias have microscopic electric motors? But they say that these appeared without a design...

Dignidade # Dignity

Apanhei hoje um táxi, e o motorista disse-me: "Eu amo o meu trabalho, este carro é meu, tenho o meu próprio negócio, sou o meu próprio patrão, ninguém me diz o que fazer!"

Eu disse-lhe: "Vira à esquerda aqui!"


I took a cab today, and the driver told me: "I love my job, I own this car, I´ve got my own business, I'm my own boss, no one tells me what to do!"

I Said: "Turn left here!"

quinta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2014

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta imagem ao final da tarde, vemos o horizonte de Manhattan observado a partir do 'Top of the Rock' a coberta de observação no Edifício GE do Centro Rockefeller (Edifício RCA). A coberta de observação 'Top of the Rock' está localizada no 67º, 69º e 70º pisos da Praça Rockefeller 30.


In this evening capture, we see the Manhattan skyline as observed from the ‘Top of the Rock‘ observation deck at the Rockefeller Center’s GE Building (RCA Building). The 'Top of the Rock' observation deck is located on the 67th, 69th and 70th floors of 30 Rockefeller Plaza.

Precisamos de Comunhão e Relacionamentos # We Need Fellowships and Relationships

Se quisermos conhecer companheirismo e amizade, tem que haver um compromisso para com a comunhão como um todo, e tem que haver uma prontidão para identificar-nos individualmente com as pessoas para o nosso bem e para o delas. Para o teu bem e o meu, precisamos de amizades. Precisamos de comunhão e relacionamentos. E eles não acontecem por apenas entrarmos na igreja e sentarmos no meio das pessoas e, em seguida, voltarmos para casa. Estas amizades acontecem quando há um compromisso com o grupo como um todo, e quando nos envolvermos em situações em que podemos começar a cultivar relações mais pessoais, mais íntimas. ~ I Pedro 1:22


If we are to know fellowship and friendship, there has to be a commitment to the fellowship as a whole, and there has to be a readiness to identify individually with people for our good and for theirs. For your good and mine, we need friendships. We need fellowships and relationships. And they don't happen by just coming into church and sitting among the people and then going back home. These friendships happen when there is commitment to the group as a whole, and when we get ourselves into situations where we can begin to nurture more personal, more intimate relationships. ~ I Peter 1:22

D. Stuart Briscoe

Nil Lara - Vida Más Simple ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

É assim que fico quando passas por aqui e nem um "Olá!" me deixas.

That's how I get when you pass by here and don´t even leave me a "Hello!"

Amor é... encontrar a carta dele no meio de todo o correio indesejado.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Skógafoss é um dos mais famosos (e visitados) cascatas da Islândia. Localizada no rio Skoga, Skógafoss é uma das maiores quedas de água do país, com uma largura de 25 metros (82 pés) e uma queda de 60 m (200 pés). Devido à quantidade de borrifos de água que a cascata produz de forma consistente, um arco-íris simples ou duplo é normalmente visível em dias de sol.


Skógafoss is one of the most famous (and visited) waterfalls in Iceland. Located on the Skógá River, Skógafoss is one of the biggest waterfalls in the country with a width of 25 metres (82 feet) and a drop of 60 m (200 ft). Due to the amount of spray the waterfall consistently produces, a single or double rainbow is normally visible on sunny days.

Até que Deus abra a próxima porta, louvai-O no corredor.

Until God opens the next door, praise Him in the hallway.

Perfeitas Imperfeições Photoshoped # Perfect Imperfections Photoshoped

A cantora húngara Boggie resolveu abordar o tema da perfeição do corpo humano. Uma pressão da sociedade que poderá leva a problemas sérios. Neste vídeo, a artista põe a nu as suas imperfeições precisamente para mostrar a ilusão e a manipulação das imagens que nos invadem no dia-a-dia.


The Hungarian singer Boggie decided to address the issue of perfection of the human body. A societal pressure that can lead to serious problems. In this video, the artist lays bare her imperfections to show precisely the illusion and manipulation of images that invade us everyday.

As Palavras Deixam A Tua Boca # Words Leave Your Mouth

As palavras deixam a tua boca, o teu teclado, mas as palavras nunca expirarão silenciosamente num vazio, elas irão explodir sempre nos corações.

Cada verbo que proferes provoca uma acção correspondente, um movimento, em cada ouvinte.

Mede as tuas palavras, elas determinam a distância dos teus relacionamentos.

Digita uma actualização do estado no Facebook e poderá ser radioactivo para sempre. Não te deixes enganar pelo teu teclado: a Internet não tem um botão para apagar. As imagens poderão fazer com que as tuas palavras tenham uma meia-vida de eternidade. Os meios de comunicação social são exactamente isso, social. Vai criar um impacto social em ti durante o tempo que fores um membro da sociedade.

Um tweet pode ser o último tictac na bomba que detona a tua vida.

Fala devagar. As palavras que saem sem pensar muitas vezes dão bofetadas.

Ouve-me, percebe, nunca te esqueças disto: A língua é a cauda do coração. O coração é conhecido pela forma como a língua abana.

~ Provérbios 21:23; Tiago 1:26; 3:5-10


Words leave your mouth, your keyboard, but words don’t ever expire quietly in a void, they always explode in hearts.

Every verb you utter causes a corresponding action, a movement, in every listener.

Measure your words, they determine the distance of your relationships.

Type up a Facebook status update and it can be radioactive forever. Don’t be fooled by your keyboard: the Internet doesn’t have a delete button. Screenshots can make your words have a half life of eternity. Social media is exactly that, social. It impacts you socially for as long as you are a member of society.

One tweet can be the last tick in the bomb that detonates your life.

Speak slow. Off-the-cuff words too often slap.

Hear me, get this, don’t ever forget this: The tongue is the tail of the heart. The heart is known by how the tongue wags.

~ Proverbs 21:23; James 1:26; 3:5-10

sábado, 25 de janeiro de 2014

Nicholas & Veruschka - No Ordinary Man ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Lying helpless on the street without hope and all alone.
A man walked up to me and I could see he felt my sadness like his own.
Then he reached out to me and softly said, You're healed, and I could stand.
As he looked at me there was compassion in his eyes like I had never seen.
There must be more to Him that I did not understand, for he seemed more than just an ordinary man.
I wondered who this man could be.
That He would care so much for me.

I don't understand why there was so much compassion in this man.
He saw me in my need and He reached out his healing hands to me.

His bleeding body brusied and weak, they saw Him stumble to the ground.
Trembling He tried to stand amidst the angry voices in the crowd.
I just could not understand, was this not the Man who had touched me with His healing hands.
And I though how can this be, what had he done to endure such suffering?
There was more to Him that I did not understand for He was more than just an ordinary man
The Son of God see my true need:

He had come to die for me.
Now I realize why there was so much compassion in His eyes.
He cared enough for me that He would die to heal my soul eternally.

And as they laid Him on the cross.
He stretched out His arms so willingly.
And they nailed down the hands that had reached out to me.

Now I realize why there was so much compassion in His eyes.
He cared enough for me that He would die to heal my soul eternally.
Die to heal my soul eternally.

As I watched Him hanging there, He turned His head and looked down at me.
He saw me the same as I first had seen.

Amor é... o que pode virar o teu mundo de pernas para o ar.

Uns dizem "eu te amo". Outros amam.

Some say "I love you". Others love.

sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2014

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta bela imagem vemos as famosas Cataratas do Niagara num dia de Inverno gelado. A fotografia, foi tirada no dia 2 de Janeiro de 2014. De acordo com a previsão do tempo do Friendly Forecast, o clima naquele dia foi entre -10 e -15 graus Celsius (14-5 graus Fahrenheit).


In this beautiful capture we see the famous Niagara Falls on a frosty winter day. The photograph, was taken on January 2nd, 2014. According to Friendly Forecast, the weather that day was between -10 and -15 degrees Celsius (14-5 degrees Fahrenheit).

Não estive em todos os lugares, mas estão na minha lista.

I haven't been everywhere, but they're on my list.

O Evangelho É Isto # The Gospel Is This

O Evangelho é isto:
Somos mais pecadores e
imperfeitos em nós mesmos
do que jamais ousamos
acreditar, mas ao mesmo tempo
somos mais amados e aceites
em Jesus Cristo do que
jamais nos atrevemos esperar.

~ Timothy Keller

Amizade # Friendship

Na tua vida deves ter sempre algumas pessoas que nutres e que te dão um pouco ou nada de volta. Também deves ter pessoas que te nutrem, mas a quem tu nada dás de volta. Um terceiro tipo de relacionamento é a partilha repartida. Isto é amizade. Todas as três categorias são importantes, mas não nos referimos às duas primeiras como amizades. A primeira delas é o teu ministério para com outra pessoa, a segunda categoria é o ministério de alguém para ti. Somente a terceira, a partilha repartida, é a verdadeira amizade. ~ Provérbios 18:24


In your life you should always have some people whom you nourish and who return a little or nothing to you. You should also have people who nourish you, but you may return nothing to them. A third kind of relationship is equal sharing. This is friendship. All three categories are important, but don't refer to the first two as friendships. The first one is your ministry to someone else, the second type is someone's ministry to you. Only the third, equal sharing, is true friendship. ~ Proverbs 18:24

Jim Conway

Big Daddy Weave - Redeemed ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Seems like all I could see was the struggle
Haunted by ghosts that lived in my past
Bound up in shackles of all my failures
Wondering how long is this gonna last
Then You look at this prisoner and say to me "son
Stop fighting a fight it's already been won"

I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I used to be
I am redeemed, I'm redeemed

All my life I have been called unworthy
Named by the voice of my shame and regret
But when I hear You whisper, "Child lift up your head"
I remember, oh God, You're not done with me yet

I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, now I'm not who I used to be

Because I don't have to be the old man inside of me
'Cause his day is long dead and gone
Because I've got a new name, a new life, I'm not the same
And a hope that will carry me home

I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, 'cause I'm not who I used to be

I am redeemed, You set me free
So I'll shake off these heavy chains
Wipe away every stain, yeah, I'm not who I used to be
Oh, God, I'm not who I used to be
Jesus, I'm not who I used to be
'Cause I am redeemed
Thank God, redeemed

Amor é... quando ele te aperta a mão.

Quando a vida te der chuva... faz um arco-íris!

When life gives you rain... make a rainbow!

quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2014

Imagem do Dia / Image of the Day

Nesta fotografia de tirar o fôlego, olhamos para o céu, rodeado de sequóias gigantes. A fotografia foi tirada no Sequoia National Park, que está localizado nos Estados Unidos, no sul da Sierra Nevada a leste de Visalia, na Califórnia. Fundado em 25 de Setembro de 1890, o parque abrange 404.063 hectares e é famosa pelas suas sequóias gigantes, incluindo a General Sherman, uma das maiores árvores da Terra.


In this breathtaking photograph, we look skyward, surrounded by giant sequoia trees. The photograph was taken at Sequoia National Park which is located in the United States in the southern Sierra Nevada east of Visalia, California. Established on September 25, 1890, the park spans 404,063 acres and is famous for its giant sequoia trees, including General Sherman, one of the largest trees on Earth.

Querem ser alegres? :) Então contem as estrelas do céu em vez das pedras do caminho.

Want to be happy? :) Then count the stars in the sky instead of the stones on the road.

Fotografias Maravilhosas por Elena Shumilova # Wonderful Photographs by Elena Shumilova

Ver As Coisas Com Os Seus Olhos # Look At Things With His Eyes

O que foi que atraiu os homens a Jesus? Sim, Ele falou com autoridade e fez obras miraculosas e maravilhosas, mas acho que a única coisa que os homens não podiam ignorar era a compaixão e amor que vinha do Seu coração e no Seu rosto e nas Suas palavras e acções. Se permanecemos n’Ele como Ele permanece em nós, começamos a ver as coisas de forma diferente. Começamos a ver as coisas com os Seus olhos. ~ Colossenses 3:12


What was it that drew men to Jesus? Yes, He spoke with authority and He did miraculous and wonderful deeds, but I think the one thing that men could not ignore was the compassion and love that came from His heart and on to His face and into His words and deeds. If we abide in Him as He abides in us, we begin to see things differently. We begin to look at things with His eyes. ~ Colossians 3:12

Bob Benson

Confia No Poder # Trust The Power

Quando o mundo te diz "não", tens duas opções: podes rolar e sair ou podes confiar no teu poder (que só Deus pode dar). Derrick Coleman, running back para os Seattle Seahawks, confiou no poder interior (que só Deus pode dar).
When the world tells you "no", you have two options: You can roll over and quit or you can trust your power (that only God can give). Derrick Coleman, running back for the Seattle Seahawks, trusted the power within (that only God can give).

Nem sabes as culpas que o voluntariado tem na miséria dos outros, dos que são obrigados a recebê-lo, perpetua-lhes a miséria. In "Um Lugar Dentro de Nós" ~ Gonçalo Cadilhe

You don't know the fault that volunteering has on the misery of others, of those who are obliged to receive it, perpetuates their misery. In "A Place Inside Us" ~ Gonçalo Cadilhe

Per7ume - Intervalo (participação especial de Rui Veloso) ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫


Amor é... olhando para a frente, não para trás.

Mesmo que não consigas entender como Deus trabalha, sabes que Ele trabalha.

Even though you may not understand how God works, you know He does.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Split Apple Rock é uma formação rochosa geológica na Tasman Bay na costa norte da Ilha do Sul da Nova Zelândia. O rochedo, feito de granito, parece uma maçã dividida ao meio. A popular atracção turística está localizada no Mar da Tasmânia a cerca de 50 metros da costa entre Kaiteriteri e Marahau.


Split Apple Rock is a geological rock formation in The Tasman Bay off the northern coast of the South Island of New Zealand. The rock, made of granite, looks like an apple split in half. The popular tourist attraction is located in the Tasman Sea approximately 50 metres off the coast between Kaiteriteri and Marahau.

Tens duas formas de viver a vida: ou és um jardineiro e tudo vai crescendo à tua volta ou és um eucalipto e tudo vai secando.

You have two ways to live life: either you're a gardener and everything grows around you or you're a eucalyptus and everything dries up.

Na Quietude # In the Stillness

O silêncio é o espaço onde o som pode existir. A quietude é o espaço em que a vida vem à vida.

Se ouvires apenas os sons, apenas o ruído, há muita coisa que vais perder. Ouve também o silêncio, o espaço entre os sons.

Ouve o silêncio, e o que vais ouvir são as ilimitadas possibilidades. Experimenta o silêncio, e vais descobrir como te sentes ao estar plenamente consciente.

É óptimo quando a vida está cheia de sons, cores, actividade e excitação. É ainda melhor quando toda essa actividade da vida baseia-se no verdadeiro e significativo propósito.

No silêncio consegues ouvir esse significado. Na quietude consegues conhecer esse propósito.

Cria um lugar em cada dia para a pacífica quietude. Pois é o lugar onde tudo o que é possível toma forma.

Salmos 46:10


Silence is the space in which sound can exist. Stillness is the space in which life comes to life.

If you listen only to the sounds, only to the noise, there is much that you will miss. Listen also to the silence, to the space between the sounds.

Listen to the silence, and what you’ll hear are the limitless possibilities. Experience the stillness, and you’ll discover how it feels to be fully aware.

It’s great when life is filled with sounds, colors, activity and excitement. It’s even better when all that activity of living is grounded in real and meaningful purpose.

In silence you come to hear that meaning. In stillness you come to know that purpose.

Make a place in each day for the peaceful stillness. For it is the place where all that is possible takes shape.

Psalms 46:10

sexta-feira, 17 de janeiro de 2014

Martina McBride - God's Will ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I met God's Will on a Halloween night
He was dressed as a bag of leaves
It hid the braces on his legs at first

His smile was as bright as the August sun
When he looked at me
As he struggled down the driveway, it almost
Made me hurt

Will don't walk too good
Will don't talk too good
He won't do the things that the other kids do,
In our neighborhood

I've been searchin', wonderin', thinkin'
Lost and lookin' all my life
I've been wounded, jaded, loved and hated
I've wrestled wrong and right
He was a boy without a father
And his mother's miracle
I've been readin', writin', prayin', fightin'
I guess I would be still
Yeah, that was until
I knew God's Will

Will's mom had to work two jobs
We'd watch him when she had to work late
And we'd all laugh like I hadn't laughed
Since I don't know when

Hey Jude was his favorite song
At dinner he'd ask to pray
And then he'd pray for everybody in the world but him

I've been searchin', wonderin', thinkin'
Lost and lookin' all my life
I've been wounded, jaded, loved and hated
I've wrestled wrong and right
He was a boy without a father
And his mother's miracle
I've been readin', writin', prayin', fightin'
I guess I would be still
Yeah, that was until
I knew God's Will

Before they moved to California
His mother said, they didn't think he'd live
And she said each day that I have him, well it's just
another gift
And I never got to tell her, that the boy
Showed me the truth
In crayon red, on notebook paper, he'd written
Me and God love you

I've been searchin', prayin', wounded, jaded
I guess I would be still
Yeah that was until...
I met God's Will on a Halloween night
He was dressed as a bag of leaves

Amor é... ler um ao outro como um livro.

Somos seres humanos, não fazeres humanos.

We are human beings, not human doings.

Mantém-te Positivo # Stay Positive

Aprender a celebrar os nossos problemas começa quando vemos os problemas como uma força positiva nas nossas vidas. Winston Churchill disse: "Um pessimista vê a dificuldade em cada oportunidade; um optimista vê a oportunidade em cada dificuldade." Vêem oportunidades nas vossas dificuldades? Não importa o que estejam a passar, esforcem-se por descobrir algo positivo.

Barry C. Black, A Bênção da Adversidade

~ Barry C. Black, The Blessing of Adversity

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O Lago Jasna é um pitoresco lago alpino, que abrange uma área de superfície modesto de 2,2 hectares (5,4 acres). O que lhe falta em tamanho compensa no ambiente deslumbrante. Localizado no noroeste da Eslovénia, O Lago Jasna fica a 2 km da pequena cidade de Kranjska Gora, que está no Rio Sava Dolinka na região do país do Alto Carniola.


Lake Jasna is a picturesque alpine lake that covers a modest surface area of 2.2 hectares (5.4 acres). What it lacks in size it makes up for in breathtaking surroundings. Located in northwestern Slovenia, Lake Jasna is 2 km from the small town of Kranjska Gora which is on the Sava Dolinka River in the Upper Carniola region of the country.

A direcção é mais importante do que a velocidade. Estamos tão ocupados a olhar para os nossos velocímetros que nos esquecemos do marco (objectivo).

Direction is more important than speed. We are so busy looking at our speedometers that we forget the milestone.

Estar Com Pressa # Being In A Hurry

Estar com pressa.
Chegar à próxima coisa sem entrar totalmente na coisa à minha frente.
Não consigo pensar numa única vantagem que eu já tive em estar com pressa.
Mas milhares de coisas partidas e perdidas, dezenas de milhares, encontram-se na base de toda a pressa...
Através de toda essa pressa eu pensava que estava a ganhar tempo.
Acontece que eu estava a desperdiça-lo.

~ Mark Buchanan, O Repouso de Deus


Being in a hurry.
Getting to the next thing without fully entering the thing in front of me.
I cannot think of a single advantage I've ever gained from being in a hurry.
But a thousand broken and missed things, tens of thousands, lie in the wake of all the rushing...
Through all that haste I thought I was making up time.
It turns out I was throwing it away.

~ Mark Buchanan, The Rest of God

quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2014

Britt Nicole - Walk On The Water ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

You look around
It's staring back at you
Another wave of doubt
Will it pull you under
You wonder

What if I'm overtaken
What if I never make it
What if no one's there?
Will You hear my prayer?

When you take that first step
Into the unknown
You know that He won't let you go

So what are you waiting for?
What do you have to lose?
Your insecurities try to alter you

You know you're made for more
So don't be afraid to move
Your faith is all
It takes in you
You can walk on the water too

So get out
And let your fear fall to the ground
No time to waste
Don't wait
Don't you turn around and miss out
Everything you were made for
I know you're not sure
So you play it safe
You try to run away

If you take that first step
Into the unknown
My God won't let you go

So what are you waiting for? 
What do you have to lose? 
Your insecurities try to alter you

You know you're made for more 
So don't be afraid to move 
Your faith is all 
It takes in you 
You can walk on the water too

(Step Out)
Even when a storm hits
(Step Out)
Even when you're broken
(Step Out)
Even when your heart is telling you, telling you to give up
(Step Out)
When your hope is stolen
You can't see where you're going
You don't have to be afraid

So what are you waiting for?

So what are you waiting for?
What do you have to lose?
Your insecurities they try to alter you

You know you're made for more
So don't be afraid to move
Your faith is all
It takes in you
You can walk on the water

You can walk on the water too

Ter fé é ver adiante aquilo que só faz sentido em retrospectiva.

To have faith is to see forward what only makes sense in retrospective.

Amor é... onde queres estar.

"A fidelidade de Deus é grande; o Seu amor cuidadoso é sempre novo, a cada dia que passa." ~ Lamentações 3:23 (A Bíblia Viva)

"Great is His faithfulness; His loving-kindness begins afresh each day." ~ Lamentations 3:23 (The Living Bible)

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta fantástica fotografia tirada de perto, vemos um esquilo e um pássaro a enfrentarem-se, ambos claramente interessados no alimento que está no topo deste poste.


In this fantastic close up, we see a chipmunk and bird facing off, both clearly interested in the food that is atop this post.

Um hábito é vencido pelo hábito. ~ Erasmos

A habit is overcome by habit. ~ Erasmus

O Lar é a Estufa # The Home is the Greenhouse

O lar é a estufa onde a sabedoria divina é cultivada. O lar é o lugar onde a maioria dos traços comportamentais, bons e maus, são aprendidos, reforçados e passados adiante às gerações futuras. Um lar é... cheio de riquezas espirituais quando cada membro adopta um espírito de servo. A maioria das discussões familiares decorre da falta renúncia aos direitos pessoais. Uma pessoa cheia do Espírito de Cristo deseja ardentemente servir. Ele não busca estabelecer o seu próprio território emocional, mas livremente edifica e encoraja outros membros da família através do seu espírito de servo. ~ Marcos 9:35


The home is the greenhouse where godly wisdom is cultivated. The home is where the majority of behavioral traits, good and bad, are learned, reinforced and passed along to future generations. A home is... filled with spiritual riches when each member adopts a servant's spirit. Most family arguments stem from failure to yield personal rights. A person filled with the Spirit of Christ strongly desires to serve. He does not seek to establish his own emotional turf, but freely edifies and encourages other family members through his servant spirit. ~ Mark 9:35

Charles Stanely

Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (What Doesn't Kill You) - (Jervy Hou & Bri Heart Cover) ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Amor é... alguém que se sente parte de ti.

Às Vezes # Sometimes

Às vezes Deus acalma a tempestade...

Às vezes Ele permite que a tempestade enfureça
E acalma o Seu filho.


Sometimes God calms the storm...

Sometimes He lets the storm rage
And calms His child.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta fotografia subaquática de tirar o fôlego, vemos uma mulher em mergulho livre (ou seja, sem ajuda na respiração), com um cardume de atum. Isto não é uma composição ou manipulação digital como muitos poderão rapidamente assumir. O modelo na fotografia é Saho Harada, uma nadadora sincronizada duas vezes Olímpica do Japão, e a fotografia foi tirada com uma profundidade de aproximadamente 18 metros (59 pés).


In this breathtaking underwater photograph by Kurt Arrigo, we see a woman freediving (i.e., no breathing aid) with a school of tuna fish. This is not a composite or digitally manipulated as many may be quick to assume. The model in the photograph is Saho Harada, a two-time Olympic synchronised swimmer for Japan, and the photograph was taken at a depth of approximately 18 meters (59 ft).