quinta-feira, 28 de julho de 2016

Nichole Nordeman - Slow Down ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Here’s to you
You were pink or blue
And everything I wanted
Here’s to you
Never sleeping through
From midnight till the morning
Had to crawl before you walked
Before you ran
Before I knew it
You were trying to free your fingers from my hand
‘Cause you could it on your own now somehow

Slow down
Won’t you stay here a minute more
I know you want to walk through the door
But it’s all too fast
Let’s make it last a little while
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly
I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can somehow
Slow down

Here’s to you
Every missing tooth
Every bedtime story
Here’s to Barbie cars, light saber wars
Sleeping in on Sunday
Had to crawl
Before you walked
Before you ran
Before I knew it
You were teaching me
The only thing love can
Hold hands through it
When it’s scary, you’ve got me

Slow down
Won’t you stay here a minute more
I know you want to walk through the door
But it’s all too fast
Let’s make it last a little while
I pointed to the sky and now you wanna fly
I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can somehow
Slow down

Please don’t roll your eyes at me
I know I’m embarrassing
But someday you’ll understand
You’ll hold a little hand
Ask them if they can

I am your biggest fan
I hope you know I am
But do you think you can
Slow down

Slow down

Pergunta # Question

Que mentiras auto-destrutivas dizem as pessoas frequentemente a si mesmas?

"Deus dá o que Ele tem, não o que Ele não tem: Ele dá a felicidade que existe, não a felicidade que não é." ~ O Problema da Dor, C. S. Lewis

"God gives what He has, not what He has not: He gives the happiness that there is not happiness that is not." ~ The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis

Amor é... o teste.

Arrumar o telemóvel e prestar atenção quando estão a falar contigo... Há uma aplicação para isso, chama-se RESPEITO.

Putting your phone away and paying attention to those talking to you... There's an app for that, it's called RESPECT.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta fotografia de tirar o fôlego obtemos um sabor da incrível paisagem da Patagónia.
In this breathtaking photo we get a taste of the incredible Patagonian landscape.

A Claridade Dolorosa da Experiência # The Aching Clarity of Hindsight

Um acto feito, nunca pode ser desfeito. Podemos ser capazes de retratar palavras que falámos, pedir desculpas ou atenuar as consequências de uma acção inapropriada, mas nunca podemos desfazer o que foi feito. À primeira vista, esta é uma percepção séria, até mesmo assustadora. Ainda agora, enquanto cada um de nós nos colocamos no lado errado das más decisões e actos perversos, há Alguém que permanece ao nosso lado e que ficou no nosso lugar. Jesus viveu a vida que deveríamos ter vivido, mas não conseguimos e por isso podemos nos alegrar pois através da fé n'Ele "não há condenação para os que estão em Cristo Jesus." (Romanos 8:1).

Esaú, no entanto, serve como um exemplo para todos os Cristãos que abandonam o que é o nosso direito eterno por nascença pela gratificação mundana. Ele, como muitos de nós, abandonam a maior promessa do primogénito para a satisfação imediata do "aqui e agora". Ele ficou cego pelo querer físico e não conseguiu entender o verdadeiro valor da sua herança. Quanto mais vivemos nós desta maneira? Olha para trás para a tua vida, não com culpa, mas com convicção, reconhecendo os períodos em que viveste para cumprir os desejos imediatos da carne em detrimento da "herança eterna prometida" (Hebreus 9:15). Então olha em frente para a promessa de que "sendo justificados pela Sua graça, sejamos feitos herdeiros segundo a esperança da vida eterna." (Tito 3:7).

~ Hebreus 12:16-17


An act done, can never be undone. We may be able to recant words we’ve spoken, apologize or lessen the consequences of an inappropriate action, but never can we undo what’s been done. At first thought, this is a sobering realization, even frightening. Still now, as we each stand upon the wrong side of poor decisions and wicked deeds, there is One who remains at our side and stood in our place. Jesus lived the life we should have but couldn’t, and for that we can rejoice as through faith in Him there is "no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." (Romans 8:1).

Esau, however, serves as an example for all Christians in forsaking what is our eternal birthright for worldly gratification. He, like too many of us, forsook the greater promise as firstborn for the immediate satisfaction of the "here and now". He was blinded by physical want and could not grasp the true value of his inheritance. How much more do we live this way? Look back upon your life, not in guilt, but with conviction, acknowledging the periods where you have lived to fulfill the immediate desires of the flesh at the expense of "the promised eternal inheritance" (Hebrews 9:15). See to it then that you look ahead to the promise that "being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life." (Titus 3:7).

~ Hebrews 12:16-17

quarta-feira, 20 de julho de 2016

Mark Schultz - I Have Been There ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

In a room without a view
A new mother smiles and holds the tiny fingers
Of her brand new baby girl
Her husband takes her by the hand
So unsure about the future and no money
Can they make it in this world
And they pray, Lord all we have to give is love
Then they heard a gentle voice, like an echo from above

I have been there
I know what fear is all about
Yes, I have been there
I'm standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead you home
Oh I have been there

He'd been a pastor twenty years
But tonight he sits alone and brokenhearted in the corner of the church
He's tried to save a fallen world
With his words and with his wisdom
But it seems like it is only getting worse
And he cried, Oh Lord I just don't understand
And then he felt the hand of grace, and he heard a voice that said

Yes, I have been there
I know what pain is all about
I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead you home
Oh I have been there

An older man up on hill
Holding flowers but he can't hold back the tears
He has come to say goodbye
He thinks about the life she lived
Thinks about how hard it's been to live without her
Sixty years right by his side
And he cries, Oh Lord I loved her 'til the end
Then he heard a gentle voice say you'll see her once again

I have been there
I know what sorrow is all about
Yes, I have been there
And I am standing with you now
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead her home
The road could lead her home

Oh I have been there
Well I overcame the cross
I have been there
So her life would not be lost
I have been there
And I came to build a bridge oh so this road could lead you home
The road could lead you home
Oh I have been there

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a lição da vida mais valiosa que aprendeste de um erro?

Mesmo quando toda a gente só vê as nossas falhas, Deus ainda vê as nossas possibilidades.

Even when everybody only sees our failures, God still sees our possibilities.

Amor é... colocar o deslumbramento.

Viajar é o meu desporto favorito.

Traveling is my favorite sport.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta linda foto, vemos as cores impressionantes do Outono num passeio pela natureza, perto da aldeia de Börnste, Kirchspiel, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, na Alemanha.
In this beautiful photo, we see the stunning Autumn colours in a nature walk near the hamlet Börnste, Kirchspiel, Dülmen, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

Uma Parábola De Fé E Obras # A Parable Of Faith And Works

Um velho escocês usava uma pequena embarcação a remos para o transporte de passageiros. Um dia, um passageiro notou que o bom velhinho tinha esculpido num remo a palavra "Fé", e no outro remo a palavra "Obras". A curiosidade levou-o a perguntar o significado disto. O velho, sendo um bem equilibrado Cristão e contente com a oportunidade de testemunhar, disse: "Eu vou mostrar-lhe."

Assim dizendo, ele deixou cair um dos remos e usou apenas o outro chamado Obras, e eles andaram em círculos. Então ele deixou cair aquele remo e começou a usar o remo chamado Fé, e o pequeno barco começou andar novamente só em círculos, desta vez ao contrário, mas ainda aos círculos.

Depois desta demonstração, o velho pegou na Fé e nas Obras e usando ambos os remos juntos, acelerou rapidamente sobre a água, explicando ao seu passageiro curioso: "Veja, isto é a mesma coisa na vida Cristã. Obras mortas sem fé é inútil, e a fé sem obras está morta também não o levando a lugar nenhum. Mas a fé e as obras trabalhando juntas contribuem para a segurança, o progresso e a bênção."

~ Tiago 2:26


An old Scotsman operated a little rowboat for transporting passengers. One day a passenger noticed that the good old man had carved on one oar the word "Faith", and on the other oar the word "Works". Curiosity led him to ask the meaning of this. The old man, being a well-balanced Christian and glad of the opportunity for testimony, said, "I will show you."

So saying, he dropped one oar and plied the other called Works, and they just went around in circles. Then he dropped that oar and began to ply the oar called Faith, and the little boat just went around in circles again, this time the other way around, but still in a circle.

After this demonstration the old man picked up Faith and Works and plying both oars together, sped swiftly over the water, explaining to his inquiring passenger: "You see, that is the way it is in the Christian life. Dead works without faith are useless, and faith without works is dead also, getting you nowhere. But faith and works pulling together make for safety, progress and blessing."

~ James 2:26

segunda-feira, 18 de julho de 2016

JJ Weeks Band - Let Them See You ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Take away the melodies, take away the songs I sing
Take away all the lights and all the songs You let me write
Does the man I am today say the words you need to say

Let them see You in me let them hear You when I speak
Let them feel You when I sing
Let them see You, let them see You in me

Who am I with out Your grace, another smile another face
Another breath a grain of sand passing quickly through Your hand
I give my life an offering take it all take everything

Let them see You in me let them hear You when I speak
Let them feel You when I sing
Let them see You, just let them see You in me

With every breath I breathe I sing a simple melody
But I pray they’ll hear more than a song
In me, in me

Let them see You in me let them hear You when I speak
Let them feel You when I sing
Let them see You

Let them see You in me let them hear You when I speak
Let them feel You when I sing
Let them see You, let them see You in me
Let them see You in me

Pergunta # Question

Como é que descreverias o actual estado da tua vida em 3 palavras?

Se te sentes como se tivesses o mundo aos teus ombros... faz o pino e fica com o mundo aos teus pés.

If you feel like you have the world on your shoulders... do a handstand and have the world at your feet.

Amor é... o que te ajuda sobre águas agitadas.

Vida e Morte # Life and Death

A Vida perguntou à Morte: "Porque é que as pessoas me amam, mas odeiam-te a ti?"
A Morte respondeu: "Porque tu és uma linda mentira e eu sou uma dolorosa verdade."
Life asked Death: "Why do people love me, but hate you?"
Death answered: "Because you are a beautiful lie and I'm a painful truth."

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Este brinquedo em miniatura de um Volkswagen Beetle foi encontrado em exposição na Colecção do Museu de História Natural e Entomologia de Cleveland.
This miniature toy Volkswagen Beetle was spotted on display at the Cleveland Museum of Natural History’s Entomology Collection.

Mexerico: A Espada de Dois Gumes # Gossip: The Double-Edged Sword

É preciso pouco esforço para saber que o mexerico é um fascínio entre os seres humanos. A sabedoria mostra-nos que o mexerico é uma fonte de desprezo e destruição, mas a cultura popular continua a ser excessivamente obcecado com isso. No entanto, e os Cristãos? Será que estamos acima disto?

Eu já me envolvi em mexericos? Já fiquei fascinado com o mexerico? Infelizmente, já. Sou grato a Deus porque Ele libertou o meu coração do laço da maldade, e me abençoou com lições de vida e um grupo de apoio que promove a minha genuína humildade. Ainda assim, nenhum de nós está verdadeiramente imune, e precisamos manter uma vigilância diária aos nossos corações. "O mexerico ocioso é o recreio do diabo" não é um ditado sem razão de ser!

Tiago continua a ser um dos meus livros favoritos da Bíblia, porque ele foi tão inspirado sobre assuntos como estes. Todos faríamos bem em levar este verso no coração:

"Quem dentre vós é sábio e entendido? Mostre pelo seu bom procedimento as suas obras em mansidão de sabedoria. Mas, se tendes amargo ciúme e sentimento faccioso em vosso coração, não vos glorieis, nem mintais contra a verdade. Essa não é a sabedoria que vem do alto, mas é terrena, animal e diabólica. Porque onde há ciúme e sentimento faccioso, aí há confusão e toda obra má. Mas a sabedoria que vem do alto é, primeiramente, pura, depois pacífica, moderada, tratável, cheia de misericórdia e de bons frutos, sem parcialidade, e sem hipocrisia. Ora, o fruto da justiça semeia-se em paz para aqueles que promovem a paz." (Tiago 3:13-18)

~ Tiago 3:9-10


It would take little effort to see that gossip is a fascination among human beings. Wisdom would show us that gossip is a wellspring of contempt and destruction, but popular culture remains inordinately obsessed with it. What of Christians, though? Are we above this?

Have I ever gossiped? Have I ever been fascinated with gossip? Unfortunately, I have. I’m grateful to God that He’s freed my heart from the snare of maliciousness, and that He’s blessed me with life lessons and a support group that foster my genuine humility. Still, none of us is truly immune, and we need to keep a daily watch on our hearts. "Idle gossip is the devil’s playground" isn’t a saying for no reason!

James remains one of my favorite books of the bible, because he was so inspired concerning matters like these. We would all do well to take this verse to heart:

"Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom. But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. But the wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere. And a harvest of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace." (James 3:13-18)

~ James 3:9-10

quinta-feira, 14 de julho de 2016

Selah - I Will Carry You ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

There were photographs I wanted to take
Things I wanted to show you
Sing sweet lullabies, wipe your teary eyes
Who could love you like this?

People say that I am brave but I'm not
Truth is I'm barely hanging on
But there's a greater story
Written long before me
Because He loves you like this

I will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All my life
And I will praise the One Who's chosen me
To carry you

Such a short time
Such a long road
All this madness
But I know
That the silence
Has brought me to His voice
And He says?

I've shown her photographs of time beginning
Walked her through the parted seas
Angel lullabies, no more teary eyes
Who could love her like this?

I will carry you
While your heart beats here
Long beyond the empty cradle
Through the coming years
I will carry you
All your life
And I will praise the One Who's chosen Me
To carry you

Todo o kit de sobrevivência deveria incluir o senso de humor.

Every survival kit should include a sense of humor.

Pergunta # Question

O que é que te faz sentir confortável?

Quanto Mais Velho Fico # The Older I Get

Quanto mais velho fico, menos vejo a vida como sendo preto e branco, bom ou mau, certo ou errado. Em vez disso, parece-me ver um monte de áreas cinzentas na minha linha de visão. Só que ainda não percebi se me tornei mais sábio ou se é a minha visão que me está a falhar.
The older I get, the less I see life as black and white, good or bad, right or wrong. Instead, I seem to see a lot of gray areas in my line of sight. But I haven't figured out if I became wiser or if it's my eye sight that is failing me.

Amor é... emprestar-lhe as tuas chaves do carro.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O que aqui vemos é um espantoso papagaio em forma de baleia com 27,5 metros de comprimento desenhado por Peter Lynn. Esta foto foi tirada na praia de Scheveningen, em Haia, na Holanda.
Seen here is an amazing 90 ft long whale kite designed by Peter Lynn. This photo was taken at Scheveningen Beach in The Hague, the Netherlands.

No Final # In The End

A busca do nosso desejo nem sempre nos traz satisfação. Podemos arder num desejo de alguma coisa, mas quando a temos, essa coisa poderá não trazer a nossa grande satisfação, mas sim acelerar o nosso desaparecimento. Nós seres humanos somos dotados com uma tendência auto-destrutiva. Uma orientação com um foco tão interior que pode cegar-nos de toda a previsão. Lembra-te do jovem, a quem Salomão disse:

"Alegra-te, jovem, na tua mocidade, e recreie-se o teu coração nos dias da tua mocidade, e anda pelos caminhos do teu coração, e pela vista dos teus olhos; sabe, porém, que por todas estas coisas te trará Deus a juízo. (Eclesiastes 11:9)"

Deus pesa tanto a busca pelo desejo justo como egoísta. Quando somos erguidos com Cristo, começamos uma transformação fundamental. É encontrada nisto: os nossos desejos mais profundos são encontrados em querer o que Deus quer, amar o que Deus ama, e aborrecer o que Ele aborrece. No final, todo o nosso dever é o de "temer a Deus e guardar os Seus mandamentos". Jesus descreveu-o como a nossa expressão de amor por Ele (João 14:15). Assim quando considerarmos o desejo do nosso dia actual, que o possamos pesar junto com o fim da realização da vida, e escolher sabiamente, lembrando que "Deus há de trazer a juízo toda a obra, e até tudo o que está encoberto, quer seja bom, quer seja mau."

~ Eclesiastes 12:13-14


The pursuit of our desire will not always bring about our fulfillment. We may burn with a desire for something, yet when had, that thing may never bring our great fulfillment, but rather hasten our demise. We humans are possessed of a self-destructive bent. An orientation with such an inward focus that it can blind us of all foresight. Remember the young man, whom Solomon told:

"Rejoice, O young man, in your youth, and let your heart cheer you in the days of your youth. Walk in the ways of your heart and the sight of your eyes. But know that for all these things God will bring you into judgment. (Ecclesiastes 11:9)"

God weighs both the pursuit of righteous and selfish desire. When we are raised with Christ we begin a fundamental transformation. It is found in this: our deepest desires are found in wanting what God wants, loving what God loves, and hating that which He hates. In the end, our whole duty is to "fear God and keep His commandments". Jesus described it as our expression of love for Him (John 14:15). So when considering our current day’s desire, weigh it against the end of life’s fulfillment, and choose wisely, remembering that "God will bring every deed into judgement, with every secret thing, whether good or evil."

~ Ecclesiastes 12:13-14

sábado, 9 de julho de 2016

Brandon Heath - Give Me Your Eyes ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Looked down from a broken sky
Traced out by the city lights
My world from a mile high
Best seat in the house tonight
Touched down on the cold black top
Hold on for the sudden stop
Breathe in the familiar shock
Of confusion
And chaos

All those people goin' somewhere
Why have I never cared?

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see

Step out on a busy street
See a girl and our eyes meet
Does her best to smile at me
To hide what's underneath
There's a man just to her right
Black suit and a bright red tie
Too ashamed to tell his wife
He's out of work, he's buyin' time

All those people goin' somewhere
Why have I never cared?

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see

I've been there a million times
A couple of million eyes
Just move and pass me by
I swear I never thought that I was wrong
Well I want a second glance
So give me a second chance
To see the way You've seen the people all along

Give me Your eyes for just one second
Give me Your eyes so I can see
Everything that I keep missing
Give me Your love for humanity
Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted
The ones that are far beyond my reach
Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten
Give me Your eyes so I can see

Give me Your Eyes (Give me Your eyes for just one second)
Lord, give me Your eyes (Give me Your eyes so I can see)
Everything (Everything that I keep missing)
(Give me Your love for humanity)
Give me Your heart (Give me Your arms for the broken-hearted)
For the broken hearted (The ones that are far beyond my reach)
Give me Your heart (Give me Your heart for the ones forgotten)
Lord, give me Your eyes (Give me Your eyes so I can see)

Pergunta # Question

O que é que todo bom relacionamento tem?

Beleza é a sombra de Deus sobre o universo.

Beauty is the shadow of God on the universe.

Amor é... um pequeno passo para ti, um grande salto para os dois.

Um simples "olá" pode mudar o teu dia... a falta dele também.

A simple "hello" can change your day... the lack of it too.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

No deserto do sudoeste do Peru encontras a vila de Huacachina, um oásis minúsculo com uma população modesta de uma centena de residentes permanentes. A vila aparentemente isolada está, de facto, a uns escassos 8 km da cidade de Ica, capital da região (e um tamanho decente com uma população de aproximadamente 220.000).
In the desert of southwestern Peru you will find the village of Huacachina, a tiny oasis with a modest population of a hundred or so permanent residents. The seemingly secluded village is in fact, a scant 8km from the city of Ica, the region’s capital (and a decent size with a population of approximately 220,000).

Amor Louco # Crazy Love

Deus é amor. Um amor louco, implacável, todo-poderoso. Já alguma vez te perguntaste se estamos a perdê-lo?

É uma loucura, se pensares nisso. O Deus do universo, o Criador do nitrogénio e agulhas de pinheiro, galáxias e o E-minor, ama-nos com um amor radical, incondicional e abnegado. E qual é a nossa resposta típica? Vamos à igreja, cantamos hinos e tentamos não ser maldizentes.

Quer já tenhas verbalizado ou não, todos sabemos que algo está errado.

Há alguma coisa profunda dentro do teu coração que quer há muito tempo libertar-se do status quo? Estás com fome de uma fé autêntica que aborda os problemas do nosso mundo, com tangíveis e até mesmo soluções radicais? Deus chama-te a uma relação de amor apaixonado com Ele mesmo. Porque a resposta à complacência religiosa não está em trabalhar mais numa lista de fazer e não fazer mas apaixonares-te por Deus. E uma vez que encontras o Seu amor, nunca mais serás o mesmo.

Porque quando estás loucamente apaixonado por alguém, isso muda tudo.

~ João 3:16

God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we’re missing it?

It’s crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe, the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor, loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs and try not to cuss.

Whether you’ve verbalized it yet or not, we all know something’s wrong.

Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder at a list of do’s and don’ts, it’s falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, you will never be the same.

Because when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.

~ John 3:16

sábado, 2 de julho de 2016

One Voice Children's Choir - Glorious ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

There are times when you might feel aimless
You can't see the places where you belong
But you will find that there is a purpose
It's been there within you, all along
And when you're near it, you can almost hear it

It's like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you will start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh, it's Glorious!

You will know how to let it ring out
As you discover who you are
Others around you, will start to wake up
To the sounds that are in their hearts
It's so amazing, what we're all creating

It's like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you will start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh, it's Glorious!

Oh, as you feel the notes build higher, you will see
It's like a symphony, just keep listening
And pretty soon you will start to figure out your part
Everyone plays a piece
And there are melodies
In each one of us
Oh, it's Glorious!

Pergunta # Question

O que é que não queres ver durante o teu tempo de vida?

Deus ama-te por causa de quem Deus é, não por causa de qualquer coisa que fizeste ou deixaste de fazer.

God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or you didn't do.

Amor é... desejar que o dia nunca acabasse.

Quando as nossas expectativas são reduzidas a zero, realmente apreciamos tudo o que temos.

When our expectations are reduced to zero, we really appreciate everything we have.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O que aqui vemos é uma grande obra de arte wheatepaste JR na fachada do edifício La Voix Du Nord em Lille, em França. A obra de arte é parte da série em curso 'Sem Moldura' de JR que começou em 2009.
Seen here is a huge wheatepaste artwork JR on the façade of the La Voix Du Nord building in Lille, France. The artwork is part of JR’s ongoing ‘Unframed‘ series which began back in 2009.

Verum Dictum

Era uma máxima da lei Judaica, "que o testemunho de duas pessoas é verdadeiro." Dito de forma simples, duas testemunhas que corroborem estão mais provavelmente ​​na verdade do que uma. Isto derivou de Deuteronómio 17:6, onde "Pela boca de duas ou de três testemunhas, será morto o que houver de morrer;". Duas testemunhas eram necessárias, em favor da vida, num caso punível com a morte, bem como num caso de traição, ampla prova da culpa do acusado seria fornecida.

Os Fariseus acusaram Jesus de falso testemunho, alegando que deu testemunho de Si mesmo, mas não foi assim. Como Jesus lembrou-lhes, "o Pai que Me enviou, também dá testemunho de Mim." O Pai e o Seu Espírito prestou testemunho de Jesus no Jordão. E "eis que se lhe abriram os céus, e viu o Espírito Santo de Deus descendo como uma pomba e vindo sobre Ele; e eis que uma voz dos céus dizia: Este é o Meu Filho amado, em quem Me comprazo." (Mateus 3:16b-17).

Não servimos um homem que falava palavras vazias ou feitas de promessas sem sentido. Servimos ao Senhor Jesus, a quem o Pai de toda a criação confirmou e enviou. Este Jesus, este Servo Rei, é aquele cujo testemunho é verdadeiro e eterno.

"Perguntou-lhe, pois, Pilatos: Logo tu és rei? Respondeu Jesus: Tu dizes que Eu sou rei. Eu para isso nasci, e para isso vim ao mundo, a fim de dar testemunho da verdade. Todo aquele que é da verdade ouve a Minha voz." João 18:37

~ João 8:17-18


It was a maxim of Jewish law, "that the testimony of two people is true." Simply put, two corroborating witnesses are more likely in the truth than one. This was derived from Deuteronomy 17:6, where "at the mouth of two witnesses shall he that is worthy of death be put to death." Two witnesses were required, in favor of life, that in a case punishable by death, as with a case of treason, ample evidence of the accused’s guilt would be supplied.

The Pharisees accused Jesus of false testimony on the grounds that he bore witness about Himself, but that was not so. As Jesus reminded them, "the Father who sent Me bears witness about Me." The Father and His Spirit bore witness about Jesus at the Jordan. The "heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on Him; and behold, a voice from heaven said, this is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Matthew 3:16b-17).

We don’t serve a man who spoke with empty words or made void promises. We serve the Lord Jesus, whom the Father of all creation affirmed and sent. This Jesus, this Servant King, is the one whose testimony is true and eternal.

"Then Pilate said to him, So you are a king? Jesus answered, You say that I am a king. For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have come into the world—to bear witness to the truth. Everyone who is of the truth listens to my voice." John 18:37

~ John 8:17-18