segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2019

Hannah Kerr - Split the Sea ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Never thought I'd be where I am now
No way through and no way out
Oh it's hard, but I'm still holding on
Even here, nothing's too far gone
I believe
Every promise that You've spoken
I believe
You are faithful every moment
It may look impossible
But You're the God of miracles
You have always made a way for me
You can still split the sea

With a word, the waves will separate
Who You were, You are, You'll never change
Hearts will heal and mountains move
There is nothing that You cannot do

I believe
Every promise that You've spoken
I believe
You are faithful every moment
It may look impossible
But You're the God of miracles
You have always made a way for me
You can still split the sea
You can still split the sea

As I wait upon the shore
Lift my hands up to You, Lord
I believe
I still believe
As I wait upon the shore
Lift my hands up to You, Lord
I believe 
I still believe
I believe

I believe
Every promise that You've spoken
I believe
You are faithful every moment
It may look impossible
But You're the God of miracles
You have always made a way for me
You can still split the sea
You can still split the sea

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a personagem de ficção de uma música, livro ou filme que gostavas de conhecer?

Pede a Deus qualquer coisa, mas deixa que seja Ele a julgar a maneira, a medida e o momento de dar.

Ask God for anything, but let Him judge as to the manner, measure and timing of the giving.

Amor é... partilhar.

Eu dei a Deus inúmeras razões para Ele não me amar. Nenhum delas foi suficientemente forte para mudá-Lo.

I have given God countless reasons not to love me. None of them has been strong enough to change Him.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Tudo começou quando Ryo Yamazaki notou um pedaço de pêlo no chão e, em vez de atirá-lo fora, ele transformou-o num pequeno chapéu pontiagudo e colocou-o na cabeça de um gato como uma piada.
It all started when Ryo Yamazaki noticed a clump of fur on his floor and rather than throw it out, he molded it into a small pointy hat and placed it on one of his cat’s head as a joke.

Cristianismo Não É Igual A Uma Vida Perfeita # Christianity Does Not Equal A Perfect Life

Jesus foi muito claro que segui-Lo não promete uma vida livre de problemas. Em vez disso, os verdadeiros crentes frequentemente enfrentam perseguição. Ao falar sobre a Sua segunda vinda, Jesus comparou as dificuldades e perseguições que os crentes enfrentarão às dores do parto, que aumentarão em frequência e intensidade ao longo do tempo.

Agora entende isto sobre perseguição e martírio: não devemos procurá-la, MAS devemos ser tão devotados a Cristo que O seguiremos, não importa o custo. Isto significa verbalizar a nossa fé em Cristo, mesmo que nos digam para não o fazer. Se nunca enfrentaste rejeição, discriminação ou perseguição por causa da tua fé, faz uma pergunta a ti mesmo: As pessoas sabem que és Cristão? Eles podem pensar que és uma pessoa boa moralmente, mas já deste glória a Deus verbalizando a tua fé encontrada em Jesus Cristo? Quando o fizeres, encontrarás respeito de alguns e oposição de outros. Espera isso.

A boa notícia, no entanto, é que Deus pode usar para o bem o que o homem deseja para o mal. Afinal, Deus transformou a morte de Cristo na cruz em salvação para ti e para mim. O Cristianismo pode não garantir uma vida perfeita e sem problemas, mas uma coisa é certa: Deus promete uma vitória perfeita no final. Ele promete um Novo Céu e Nova Terra sem problemas com Jesus (Apocalipse 21-22).

~ Mateus 24:9


Jesus was very clear that to follow Him doesn’t promise a problem-free life. Rather, true believers will often face persecution. As Jesus spoke about His second coming, He compared the hardships and persecution believers will face to birth pains which will increase in frequency and intensity over time.

Now understand this about persecution and martyrdom: we are not to seek it, BUT we are to be so devoted to Christ that we will follow Him no matter the cost. That means verbalizing our faith in Christ even if we are told not to. If you’ve never faced rejection, discrimination, or persecution for your faith, then ask yourself a question: Do people know that you’re a Christian? They may think that you’re a nice moral person, but have you ever given glory to God by verbalizing your faith found in Jesus Christ? When you do, you’ll encounter respect from some and opposition from others. Expect it.

The good news, however, is that God can use for good what man desires for evil. After all, God turned the death of Christ on the cross into salvation for you and for me. Christianity may not guarantee a perfect, problem-free life, but one thing is certain: God promises perfect victory in the end. He promises a problem-free New Heaven and New Earth with Jesus (Revelation 21-22).

~ Matthew 24:9

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2019

Chris Tomlin ft. Andrew Peterson - Is He Worthy? ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Do you feel the world is broken? We do
Do you feel the shadows deepen? We do
But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through? We do
Do you wish that you could see it all made new? We do

Is all creation groaning? It is
Is a new creation coming? It is
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? It is
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? It is

Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy of this?
He is

Does the Father truly love us? He does
Does the Spirit move among us? He does
And does Jesus our Messiah hold forever those He loves? He does
Does our God intend to dwell again with us? He does

Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From ev'ry people and tribe
Ev'ry nation and tongue
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God to reign with the Son
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is

Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
He is
He is
He is worthy
He is worthy
He is

Pergunta # Question

O que é que toleras quase todos os dias?

Qualquer coisa dada a Deus pode tornar-se um caminho para a alegria.

Anything given to God can become a pathway to joy.

Amor é...

Feliz Ano Novo!

Deixa tudo nas mãos que foram feridas por ti.

Leave it all in the hands that were wounded for you.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta interessante foto aérea, vemos todo o conteúdo de um carro de polícia Holandês.
In this interesting overhead shot we see the full contents of a Dutch police car.

Quem Estiver Sem Pecado... # Whoever Is Without Sin...

Os Fariseus tinham acabado de levar uma adúltera diante de Jesus e exigiram: "Jesus, o que dizes?"


A Bíblia não nos diz o que Jesus escreveu na areia naquele dia.

Talvez Ele tenha escrito algo das escrituras.

Talvez Ele tivesse a escrever: "Onde está o homem?" O adultério não envolve dois?

Ou talvez Ele tivesse a escrever os pecados dos Fariseus que estavam a acusar esta mulher.

Talvez Jesus só precisasse de tempo para reunir os Seus pensamentos, porque estava zangado por estarem a humilhar esta mulher apenas para O apanhar.

Não tenho a menor ideia do que Ele escreveu, mas vou-te dizer o que acredito estava a acontecer. Eu acredito que o coração de Jesus estava absolutamente partido quando Ele ajoelhou-Se na areia. Quando Ele olhou para esta mulher, a Sua paixão pelos perdidos estava a causar que o coração se estivesse a partir ao ver como ela estava a ser tratada como um objecto, indigno de viver. O Seu coração também estava a partir-Se porque Ele olhou para os Fariseus e percebeu que eles simplesmente não entendiam. Jesus teria tido completa justificação se tivesse encarado os Fariseus e lhes tivesse dito: "Vocês não entendem! Não vim julgar, mas salvar.” (João 3:17)

Mas Jesus não o fez. Ele não perdeu a razão e explodiu. Numa incrível demonstração de auto-controlo e compaixão por esta mulher, Ele finalmente levantou-Se e disse: "Quem estiver sem pecado, que atire a primeira pedra."

Eles afastaram-se lentamente, deixando cair as suas pedras enquanto saíam. Jesus, num momento, transferiu a humilhação da mulher para os religiosos. Que sabedoria. Que homem, este Jesus. Tens que O amar. Eu certamente O amo. E tu?

~ João 8:6


The Pharisees had just brought an adulteress before Jesus and demanded, "Jesus, what do you say?"


The Bible doesn’t tell us what Jesus wrote in the sand that day.

Maybe He wrote scripture.

Perhaps He was writing, "Where is the man?" Doesn’t adultery involve two?

Or perhaps He was writing the sins of the Pharisees who were accusing this woman.

Maybe Jesus just needed time to collect His thoughts, because He was angry that they were humiliating this woman just to get at Him.

I have no idea what He wrote, but I’ll tell you what I believe was taking place. I believe that Jesus’ heart was absolutely breaking as He knelt in the sand. When He looked at this woman, His passion for the lost was causing His heart to break at how she was being treated as an object, unworthy of life. His heart was also breaking because He looked at the Pharisees and realized they just didn’t get it. Jesus would have been totally justified to get in the Pharisees faces and say, "You guys don’t get it! I came not to judge but to save." (John 3:17)

But Jesus didn’t do that. He didn’t blow His top and blast them. In an amazing display of self-control and compassion for this woman, He finally stood and said, "Whoever is without sin, you throw the first stone."
They slowly drifted away, dropping their stones as they left. Jesus, in a moment, transferred the humiliation from the woman to the religious men. What wisdom. What a man, this Jesus. You gotta love Him. I surely do. How about you?

~ John 8:6