segunda-feira, 6 de julho de 2020

Clark Family - Big Enough ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I've got a heart that's full of faith-filled helplessness
There are mountains ahead that I can't move by myself
But I know when I'm weak He's strong
When I can barely breathe there's still a song
Even though it's hard right now
I'm not here on my own

So when it seems it can't be done
I know God is big enough
I can run the race I'm called to run
Cause I know God is big enough
He'll finish everything He starts
He'll meet us right here where we are
And I can feel faith rising up
Cause I know God is big enough

There were days when the shadows of doubt make me feel small
I'll declare that I don't stand in my strength at all
Cause I won't live a day you didn't plan
Every single moment is in your hands
Even if the whole world shakes
You're the rock on which I stand

So when it seems it can't be done
I know God is big enough
I can run the race I'm called to run
Cause I know God is big enough
He'll finish everything He starts
He'll meet us right here where we are
And I can feel faith rising up
Cause I know God is big enough

Bigger than the fear that surrounds me
Bigger than the chains that have bound me
Bigger than the story my past could tell
Bigger than the weight of tomorrow
Bigger than the hurt and the sorrow
Bigger than the lies I've told myself

So when it seems it can't be done
I know God is big enough
I can run the race I'm called to run
Cause I know God is big enough
He'll finish everything He starts
He'll meet us right here where we are
And I can feel faith rising up

So when it seems it can't be done
I know God is big enough
I can run the race I'm called to run
Cause I know God is big enough
He'll finish everything He starts
He'll meet us right here where we are
And I can feel faith rising up
Cause I know God is big enough
Yeah I know God is big enough

Pergunta # Question

O que esperas ansiosamente quase todos os dias?

Tudo a que o teu coração se apega e confia, esse é realmente o teu Deus.

Whatever your heart clings to and confides in, that is really your God.

Amor é... quando ele diz que quer passar o resto da vida dele contigo.

Nunca desistas no deserto. Não sabes quão grande é e podes estar quase do outro lado.

Never give up in the desert. You don't know how wide it is, and you may be almost across.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Durante os protestos em larga escala no fim de semana passado em Salt Lake City, no Utah, uma obra de arte pública teve o seu significado simbólico completamente transformado quando os manifestantes derramaram tinta vermelha nas mãos gigantes. "Servir e Proteger" é uma grande escultura de bronze do artista Gregory Ragland, representando duas mãos lado a lado com as palmas das mãos voltadas para cima, demonstrando a linguagem gestual de 'servir'.
During the large-scale protests this past weekend in Salt Lake City, Utah, a public artwork had its symbolic meaning completely transformed when demonstrators poured red paint onto the giant hands. "Serve and Protect" is a large bronze sculpture by artist Gregory Ragland depicting two hands side-by-side with their palms facing upward, demonstrating the sign language, 'to serve'. 

Pelo Amor... De Ti! # For The Love... Of You!

João 3:16. Um dos versos mais conhecidos, se não o mais conhecido da Bíblia. É o evangelho inteiro, as boas novas de Jesus Cristo, resumidas numa frase: Deus nos ama. Deus providenciou um Salvador em Seu Filho, Jesus, mas devemos depositar a nossa total confiança e fé n'Ele. Ao fazer isto, podemos desfrutar de uma vida abundante na companhia do nosso Deus Criador, tanto agora nesta vida quanto no futuro por toda a eternidade.

Mas se não depositamos a nossa total confiança e fé no que Jesus fez por nós na cruz, o que é que acontece? Devemos entender que ainda há uma eternidade para ser desfrutada. Para aqueles que não escolhem a Cristo, haverá uma separação eterna de Deus.

O Deus do Céu e da Terra, o Criador deste Universo e tudo o que existe Nele, oferece a cada um de nós uma escolha. É uma escolha da vida eterna com Ele. Ninguém pode escolher esta eternidade por nós. É uma escolha pessoal. O amor de Deus é tão grande que Ele nos deu o Seu próprio Filho, Jesus, para nos libertar do destino dos nossos pecados e tornar a nossa eternidade segura. Mas a escolha é só tua e minha.

A eternidade é certamente um conceito maior do que qualquer um de nós pode compreender plenamente. Deus no Seu amor por nós, oferece o Seu Espírito Santo para nos ajudar a entender a nossa necessidade por Ele e envolver-nos com a Sua paz, pois este relacionamento é seguro. Estende a tua mão para Ele. Confia Nele. Deus é quem Ele diz que é e Ele te salvará para a eternidade!

~ João 3:16


John 3:16. One of the most familiar, if not THE most familiar verse in the Bible. It’s the entire gospel, the good news of Jesus Christ, summed up in one sentence: God loves us. God provided a Savior in His Son, Jesus, but we must put our complete trust and faith in Him. By doing so, we can enjoy abundant life spent with our Creator God, both now in this life and in the future for all eternity.

But if we don’t place our full trust and faith in what Jesus has done for us on the cross, what then? We must understand that there still is an eternity to be spent. For those who don’t choose Christ, there will be an eternal separation from God.

The God of Heaven and Earth, the Creator of this Universe and all that is in it, gives each of us a choice. It’s a choice of eternal life with Him. No one else can choose that eternity for us. It’s a personal choice. God’s love is so great that He gave us His own Son, Jesus, to deliver us from the fate of our sin and make our eternity secure. But the choice is yours and mine alone.

Eternity is certainly a bigger concept than any of us can fully grasp. God in His love for us, offers His Holy Spirit to help us understand our need for Him and to envelop us with His peace as that relationship is secure. Reach out to Him. Trust Him. God is who He says He is and He will save you for eternity!

~ John 3:16