segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2019

Danny Gokey - Wanted ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I was there the moment that it happened
But you couldn’t see Me through the pain
I caught every tear as they were falling
When you lost your heart that day
Yeah you lost your heart that day

Now you only see through broken lenses
Trying to keep your head above the shame
You believe the lie that I am distant
But I hold you every day
Yeah I hold you every day

If you could see it through My eyes
You’d know that you are wanted
You’d know that you are wanted
If you’d let My love inside
I’ll show you that you’re wanted
I’ll show you that you’re wanted

You’re more than all your darkest moments
You are defined by what I see
You’re My reflection, you’re My treasure, you’re My heartbeat
Oh child you belong to Me

If you could see it through My eyes
You’d know that you are wanted
You’d know that you are wanted
If you’d let My love inside
I’ll show you that you’re wanted
I’ll show you that you’re wanted

Not rejected, not unwelcome
You’re wanted, you’re wanted
Not abandoned, not forgotten
You’re wanted, you’re wanted

I’m right here in this moment
And I’m singing over you
Yeah I’m singing over you

If you could see it through My eyes
You’d know that you are wanted
You’d know that you are wanted
If you’d let My love inside
I’ll show you that you’re wanted
I’ll show you that you’re wanted

Pergunta # Question

O que é que realizarias se soubesses que não poderias falhar?

Quando me perguntam: "O que é mais importante: Orar ou ler a bíblia?" Eu pergunto: "O que é mais importante: Inspirar ou expirar?"

When asked: "What is more important: Praying or reading the bible?" I ask: "What is more important: Breathing in or breathing out?"

Amor é...a tua própria botija humana de água quente.

Na Ciência lemos apenas as notas de um poema; no Cristianismo encontramos o próprio poema.

In Science we have been reading only the notes to a poem; in Christianity we find the poem itself.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Sanna Marin, 34 anos, Finlandesa, tornou-se esta semana a Primeira-Ministra mais jovem do mundo. A ex-ministra dos Transportes foi eleita como primeira-ministra por membros do seu Partido Social Democrata de esquerda após a renúncia do Primeiro-Ministro Antii Rinne.
34-year-old Sanna Marin of Finland became the world’s youngest Prime Minster this week. The former transportation minister was elected as prime minister by members of her left-wing Social Democratic Party after the resignation of Prime Minister Antii Rinne.

Entendemos Realmente O Dom De Jesus? # Do We Really Understand The Gift Of Jesus?

Pergunto-me, se compreendo realmente o incrível dom que recebemos quando Jesus morreu pelos nossos pecados? Será que algum de nós? Não que tomemos esse acto como garantido, mas falamos sobre isto com tanta frequência que acho que deixamos de absorver todo o alcance deste dom.

É como se todos os nossos pecados estivessem escritos num quadro. E então Cristo veio com um pano e apagou-os para sempre... como se eles nunca estivessem lá. Neste quadro, alguém coloca um recibo que diz: "PAGO POR INTEIRO". Foi o que os pregos da cruz fizeram, pagaram a penalidade pelos nossos pecados na íntegra. Cristo fez tudo. Os nossos pecados foram pregados na cruz; ficaram resolvidos. Nada mais é necessário para o perdão além da nossa confissão e aceitarmos este dom maravilhoso.

Já o fizeste? Já reivindicaste a liberdade que te tira as amarras de saber que Cristo pagou a dívida total dos teus pecados? Se não, por que não deixar que Cristo te dê um quadro limpo? A nossa escolha é simplesmente aceitar o Seu dom na fé.

~ Colossenses 2:13-14


I wonder, do I really comprehend the incredible gift we were given when Jesus died for our sins? Do any of us? Not that we take this act for granted, but we speak about it so routinely that I think we fail to absorb the full scope of this gift.

It’s as though all of our sins were listed on a writing board. And then Christ has come along with a cloth and erased them forever... as though they were never even there. On that board, somebody puts a receipt that says, "PAID IN FULL". That’s what the nails of the cross did, paid the penalty for our sin in full. Christ has done it all. Our sins have been nailed to the cross; they’ve been taken care of. Nothing more is needed for forgiveness other than our confession and accepting this amazing gift.

Have you done that? Have you claimed the liberating freedom of knowing that Christ has paid the full debt of your sins? If not, why not let Christ give you a clean slate? Our choice is simply to accept His gift in faith.

~ Colossians 2:13-14

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2019

Hillsong Young and Free ft. Aodhan King - Highs & Lows ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Tell me where could I run
From Your light
Where could I hide
Hemmed within Your precious thoughts
There’s no hiding from Your love

Highs and lows
Lord You’re with me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Even so
Lord Your mercy is an even flow
You’re too good to let me go

Should I dance on the heights
Or make my bed among the depths
Your mercy waits at every end
Like You planned it from the start

Should the dawn come with wings
Or find me far-side of the sea
There Your hand still fastens me
Ever closer to Your heart

Highs and lows
Lord You’re with me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Even so
Lord Your mercy is an even flow
Should I rise or should I fall
You are faithful through it all
You’re too good to let me go

Highs and lows
You surround me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Lord You’re with me through it all
Highs and lows
In the rhythms of Your grace I know
Should I rise or should I fall
You are faithful through it all
And You’re too good to let me go [x2]

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a tua defesa número 1 contra a negatividade das outras pessoas?

Se o diabo não conseguir tornar-nos maus, ele nos tornará ocupados.

If the devil cannot make us bad, he will make us busy.

Amor é... quando ele limpa o teu pára-brisas depois de uma queda de neve.

Deixa tudo nas mãos que foram feridas por ti.

Leave it all in the hands that were wounded for you.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

A incrível arte de rua de Nikita Golubev, também conhecido como Pro Boy Nick, o artista de Moscovo continua a "cavar arte da sujidade". Enquanto as obras de arte duram apenas até a próxima tempestade ou lavagem de carro, as obras sobrevivem através das redes sociais e da fotografia.
The amazing street art of Nikita Golubev aka Pro Boy Nick, the Moscow-based artist continues to "dig art out of dirt". While the artworks last only until the next rainstorm or car wash, the pieces live on through social media and photography.

És Um Encorajador? # Are You An Encourager?

Desencorajar geralmente ocorre quando acumulam-se eventos decepcionantes. Eventualmente, a nossa força e coragem ficam completamente esgotadas. É um sentimento intenso de perder o ânimo. Por outro lado, o encorajar é a capacidade de expressar força e coragem na vida de alguém. É reabastecer esse "suprimento de coragem" para enfrentar os desafios da vida. Não é incrível a rapidez com que estas palavras mudam de significado devido a dois pequenos ajustes associados à palavra "coragem"? "Desencorajar" ou "Encorajar". Um tira a coragem. Outro dá.

A Bíblia fala muito sobre coragem e encorajamento. Como crentes, somos chamados a encorajar-nos uns aos outros nas nossas jornadas de fé. É por isso que participar do corpo de crentes por meio de adoração, estudo da Bíblia e ministrar a outras pessoas é tão importante. E tu? És um encorajador ou um desencorajador? Quando olhas para a tua vida, ela caracteriza-se por derramar coragem na vida dos outros ou tirá-la? Pede a Deus para ajudar-te a tornar-te um encorajador para os outros.

~ 1 Tessalonicenses 5:11


Discouragement often hits when disappointing events pile up. Eventually our strength and courage become completely drained. It’s an intense feeling of losing heart. Encouragement, on the other hand, is the ability to speak strength and courage into someone’s life. It’s replenishing that "courage supply" to face the challenges in life. Isn’t it amazing how quickly these words change meaning due to two small pre-fixes attached to the word "courage"? "Dis" or "En". One takes courage away. One puts it in.

The Bible talks a lot about courage and encouragement. As believers, we are called to encourage one another in our faith journeys. That’s why taking part in the body of believers through worship, Bible study, and ministering to others is so important. So what about you? Are you an encourager or a discourager? When you look at your life, is it characterized by pouring courage into the lives of others or taking it away? Ask God to help you become an encourager to others.

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11

quarta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2019

Matt Maher - Alive & Breathing feat. Elle Limebear ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

What holds your heart
What stirs your soul
What matters come to mind
The cares you keep
The thoughts you think
It’s not all wasted time
Seek and you will find

Joy still comes in the morning
Hope still walks with the hurting
If you’re still alive and breathing
Praise the Lord
Don’t stop dancing and dreaming
There’s still Good News worth repeating
So lift your head and keep singing
Praise the Lord

Years roll by
We wonder why
We lost our way from home
Our Father finds
The child inside
We had left for growing old
Awake, awake, awake my soul

Joy still comes in the morning
Hope still walks with the hurting
If you’re still alive and breathing
Praise the Lord
Don’t stop dancing and dreaming
There’s still Good News worth repeating
So lift your head and keep singing
Praise the Lord

Let everything, let everything, let everything
Praise the Lord
In the working, in the waiting
Praise the Lord
In the blessing, in the breaking
Praise the Lord
In the dying, the rising
Lei it praise the Lord

Joy still comes in the morning
Hope still walks with the hurting
If you’re still alive and breathing
Praise the Lord
Don’t stop dancing and dreaming
There’s still Good News worth repeating
So lift your head and keep singing

Praise the Lord [x2]

Pergunta # Question

O que desejas mais do que dinheiro?

Somos salvos por um Homem que morreu a amar os Seus inimigos.

We are saved by a Man who died loving His enemies.

Amor é... ter-te para abraçar nas longas noites de inverno.

Jesus não veio para impressionar a multidão, mas para morrer pelos pecadores.

Jesus did not come to impress the crowds, but to die for sinners.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Em apenas 6 meses e 6 dias, Nirmal "Nims" Purja MBE completou o seu desafio de alcançar as 14 montanhas mais altas da Terra, quebrando o recorde anterior de quase oito anos e assumindo o seu lugar na história do montanhismo.
In just 6 months and 6 days, Nirmal "Nims" Purja MBE has completed his challenge to summit Earth’s 14 tallest mountains, smashing the previous record of almost eight years and taking his place in mountaineering history.

Da Morte Para A Vida # From Death To Life

Todos os anos a 8 de Junho, Muçulmanos de todo o mundo reconhecem e lembram a morte e o enterro de Mohammad em Medina, na Arábia Saudita. Embora todos os Muçulmanos reconheçam Jesus como um bom professor e profeta, falta-lhes a parte mais importante da história, a Sua morte e ressurreição. Sim, Jesus morreu na cruz, mas, ao contrário de Maomé, Jesus não ficou morto. É esta a parte da história que faz toda a diferença!

Nada é mais importante do que o evento histórico da morte de Jesus na cruz e a Sua ressurreição dos mortos. Independentemente da tua formação, religião, nacionalidade, idioma ou raça, o convite da salvação do Evangelho está disponível para toda a humanidade. Sim, é exclusiva, pois há apenas uma maneira de recebê-la, somente pela fé em Jesus. Mas também é incrivelmente inclusiva, pois está disponível para qualquer pessoa, quem estiver disposto a recebê-la com arrependimento pela fé.

Confiaste em Cristo para receber o perdão dos pecados e a vida eterna? O que estás à espera? Confia em Quem venceu a morte para oferecer a vida. Garanto que será a melhor decisão que já alguma vez tomaste.

~ João 14:6


Every June 8, Muslims around the world acknowledge and remember the death and burial of Mohammad in Medina, Saudi Arabia. While all Muslims acknowledge Jesus as a good teacher and prophet, they miss the most important part of the story, His death and resurrection. Yes, Jesus died on the cross but unlike Mohammad, Jesus didn’t stay dead. It’s that part of the story that makes all the difference!

Nothing is more important than the historical event of Jesus’ death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. No matter your background, religion, nationality, language, or race, the Gospel’s invitation of salvation is available for all mankind. Yes, it’s exclusive in there’s only one way to receive it, through faith in Jesus alone. But it’s also incredibly inclusive in that it’s available to anyone, anyone who is willing to receive it in repentant faith.

Have you trusted in Christ to receive forgiveness of sin and eternal life? What are you waiting for? Trust in the One who conquered death to offer life. I guarantee it will be the best decision you ever make.

~ John 14:6

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2019

Mack Brock - I Am Loved ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Just as I am
You welcome me
With open arms
How can this be

My guilt is undone
My past is untethered
I leave it behind
And run to my Father

There is no disappointment in Your eyes
There is no shame there is only pride
I am loved
Father I’m loved by You

So unreserved
Your heart for me
My fear is gone
I am set free

There’s nothing to hide
There’s nothing to measure
‘Cause I am Your child
And that’s all that matters

There is no disappointment in Your eyes
There is no shame there is only pride
I am loved
Father I’m loved by You
There is no distance in Your embrace
Over and over again You say
I am loved
Father I’m loved by You

You are changing everything
You are changing everything
I believe it
I receive it
You are changing everything [x3]

There is no disappointment in Your eyes
There is no shame there is only pride
I am loved
Father I’m loved by You
There is no distance in Your embrace
Over and over again You say
I am loved
Father I’m loved by You

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a coisa que a maioria das pessoas têm em comum?

Quanto mais aprendo sobre Deus, mais ciente fico do que não sei sobre Ele.

The more I learn about God, the more aware I become of what I don't know about Him.

Amor é... verem um filme romântico juntos em vez de desporto!

O evangelho não é um desejo. Não é apenas uma elevação optimista ou sentimental. É o anúncio de um facto.

The gospel is not wishful thinking. It's not just optimistic or sentimental uplift. It's the announcement of a fact.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Numa série contínua de esculturas, a artista Kathleen Ryan cria frutas enormes com bolor usando pedras preciosas.
In an ongoing series of sculptures, artist Kathleen Ryan creates oversized moldy fruits using precious gemstones.

Como É A Verdadeira Fé? # What Does Real Faith Look Like?

Cornélio era um centurião Romano estacionado na cidade portuária de Cesareia. As Escrituras descrevem Cornélio como um "homem temente a Deus", o que significava que ele acreditava num poder superior e queria fazer o que era certo. Por outras palavras, ele era um homem confiável e responsável. Cornélio também era um homem de oração. Alguns podem perguntar como é que ele poderia ser um homem uma oração se ele não era Cristão. Bem, existem muitas pessoas que crêem em Deus, mas não O conhecem pessoalmente. Este foi o caso de Cornélio; ele estava perdido, mas à procura de Deus.

Um dia, enquanto orava, Cornélio teve uma visão de Deus. Um anjo disse a Cornélio para enviar homens a Jope, uma cidade a 48 quilómetros da costa, para encontrar um homem chamado Pedro. Antes que Cornélio conhecesse Deus pessoalmente, ele estava disposto a enviar alguém a Jope. Foi preciso fé para seguir um curso de acção que não fazia sentido, mas Cornélio obedeceu. Andar em obediência aos mandamentos de Deus distingue a fé verdadeira de apenas crer em Deus. Cornélio demonstrou essa fé.

Hoje, muitas pessoas têm fé em Deus e na Sua palavra, mas até colocarmos a fé em acção, não estamos a demonstrar fé verdadeira. Há uma grande diferença em ter fé que a Palavra de Deus é verdadeira e em colocar fé em acção obedecendo aos mandamentos de Deus. A verdadeira fé é exibida quando a nossa fé encontra acção. Tens fé verdadeira? Quando se trata de fé, ages em obediência à Palavra de Deus?

~ Actos 10:1-2


Cornelius was a Roman centurion stationed in the port city of Caesarea. The Scriptures describe Cornelius as a "God-fearing man" which meant that he believed in a higher power and wanted to do right. In other words, he was a dependable, responsible and an all-around good man. Cornelius was also a man of prayer. Some might ask how he could be a man a prayer if he wasn’t a Christian. Well, there are many people who believe in God but don’t know Him personally. That was the case with Cornelius; he was lost but searching for God.

One day while praying, Cornelius had a vision from God. An angel told Cornelius to send men to Joppa, a city 30 miles down the coast, and to find a man named Peter. Before Cornelius even knew God personally, he was willing to send someone to Joppa. It took faith to pursue a course of action that didn’t make sense, but Cornelius obeyed. Walking in obedience to God’s commands distinguishes real faith from just believing in God. Cornelius demonstrated this faith.

Many people today have faith in God and in His word, but until we put faith into action we’re not demonstrating real faith. There’s a big difference in having faith that God’s Word is true and putting faith into action by obeying God’s commands. Real faith is displayed when our faith meets action. Do you have real faith? When it comes to faith, will you act in obedience to God’s Word?

~ Acts 10:1-2

segunda-feira, 28 de outubro de 2019

Hannah Kerr - Split the Sea ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Never thought I'd be where I am now
No way through and no way out
Oh it's hard, but I'm still holding on
Even here, nothing's too far gone
I believe
Every promise that You've spoken
I believe
You are faithful every moment
It may look impossible
But You're the God of miracles
You have always made a way for me
You can still split the sea

With a word, the waves will separate
Who You were, You are, You'll never change
Hearts will heal and mountains move
There is nothing that You cannot do

I believe
Every promise that You've spoken
I believe
You are faithful every moment
It may look impossible
But You're the God of miracles
You have always made a way for me
You can still split the sea
You can still split the sea

As I wait upon the shore
Lift my hands up to You, Lord
I believe
I still believe
As I wait upon the shore
Lift my hands up to You, Lord
I believe 
I still believe
I believe

I believe
Every promise that You've spoken
I believe
You are faithful every moment
It may look impossible
But You're the God of miracles
You have always made a way for me
You can still split the sea
You can still split the sea

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a personagem de ficção de uma música, livro ou filme que gostavas de conhecer?

Pede a Deus qualquer coisa, mas deixa que seja Ele a julgar a maneira, a medida e o momento de dar.

Ask God for anything, but let Him judge as to the manner, measure and timing of the giving.

Amor é... partilhar.

Eu dei a Deus inúmeras razões para Ele não me amar. Nenhum delas foi suficientemente forte para mudá-Lo.

I have given God countless reasons not to love me. None of them has been strong enough to change Him.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Tudo começou quando Ryo Yamazaki notou um pedaço de pêlo no chão e, em vez de atirá-lo fora, ele transformou-o num pequeno chapéu pontiagudo e colocou-o na cabeça de um gato como uma piada.
It all started when Ryo Yamazaki noticed a clump of fur on his floor and rather than throw it out, he molded it into a small pointy hat and placed it on one of his cat’s head as a joke.

Cristianismo Não É Igual A Uma Vida Perfeita # Christianity Does Not Equal A Perfect Life

Jesus foi muito claro que segui-Lo não promete uma vida livre de problemas. Em vez disso, os verdadeiros crentes frequentemente enfrentam perseguição. Ao falar sobre a Sua segunda vinda, Jesus comparou as dificuldades e perseguições que os crentes enfrentarão às dores do parto, que aumentarão em frequência e intensidade ao longo do tempo.

Agora entende isto sobre perseguição e martírio: não devemos procurá-la, MAS devemos ser tão devotados a Cristo que O seguiremos, não importa o custo. Isto significa verbalizar a nossa fé em Cristo, mesmo que nos digam para não o fazer. Se nunca enfrentaste rejeição, discriminação ou perseguição por causa da tua fé, faz uma pergunta a ti mesmo: As pessoas sabem que és Cristão? Eles podem pensar que és uma pessoa boa moralmente, mas já deste glória a Deus verbalizando a tua fé encontrada em Jesus Cristo? Quando o fizeres, encontrarás respeito de alguns e oposição de outros. Espera isso.

A boa notícia, no entanto, é que Deus pode usar para o bem o que o homem deseja para o mal. Afinal, Deus transformou a morte de Cristo na cruz em salvação para ti e para mim. O Cristianismo pode não garantir uma vida perfeita e sem problemas, mas uma coisa é certa: Deus promete uma vitória perfeita no final. Ele promete um Novo Céu e Nova Terra sem problemas com Jesus (Apocalipse 21-22).

~ Mateus 24:9


Jesus was very clear that to follow Him doesn’t promise a problem-free life. Rather, true believers will often face persecution. As Jesus spoke about His second coming, He compared the hardships and persecution believers will face to birth pains which will increase in frequency and intensity over time.

Now understand this about persecution and martyrdom: we are not to seek it, BUT we are to be so devoted to Christ that we will follow Him no matter the cost. That means verbalizing our faith in Christ even if we are told not to. If you’ve never faced rejection, discrimination, or persecution for your faith, then ask yourself a question: Do people know that you’re a Christian? They may think that you’re a nice moral person, but have you ever given glory to God by verbalizing your faith found in Jesus Christ? When you do, you’ll encounter respect from some and opposition from others. Expect it.

The good news, however, is that God can use for good what man desires for evil. After all, God turned the death of Christ on the cross into salvation for you and for me. Christianity may not guarantee a perfect, problem-free life, but one thing is certain: God promises perfect victory in the end. He promises a problem-free New Heaven and New Earth with Jesus (Revelation 21-22).

~ Matthew 24:9

terça-feira, 8 de outubro de 2019

Chris Tomlin ft. Andrew Peterson - Is He Worthy? ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Do you feel the world is broken? We do
Do you feel the shadows deepen? We do
But do you know that all the dark won't stop the light from getting through? We do
Do you wish that you could see it all made new? We do

Is all creation groaning? It is
Is a new creation coming? It is
Is the glory of the Lord to be the light within our midst? It is
Is it good that we remind ourselves of this? It is

Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy of this?
He is

Does the Father truly love us? He does
Does the Spirit move among us? He does
And does Jesus our Messiah hold forever those He loves? He does
Does our God intend to dwell again with us? He does

Is anyone worthy?
Is anyone whole?
Is anyone able to break the seal and open the scroll?
The Lion of Judah who conquered the grave
He is David's root and the Lamb who died to ransom the slave
From ev'ry people and tribe
Ev'ry nation and tongue
He has made us a kingdom and priests to God to reign with the Son
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Of all blessing and honor and glory?
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
Is He worthy of this?
He is

Is He worthy?
Is He worthy?
He is
He is
He is worthy
He is worthy
He is

Pergunta # Question

O que é que toleras quase todos os dias?

Qualquer coisa dada a Deus pode tornar-se um caminho para a alegria.

Anything given to God can become a pathway to joy.

Amor é...

Feliz Ano Novo!

Deixa tudo nas mãos que foram feridas por ti.

Leave it all in the hands that were wounded for you.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Nesta interessante foto aérea, vemos todo o conteúdo de um carro de polícia Holandês.
In this interesting overhead shot we see the full contents of a Dutch police car.

Quem Estiver Sem Pecado... # Whoever Is Without Sin...

Os Fariseus tinham acabado de levar uma adúltera diante de Jesus e exigiram: "Jesus, o que dizes?"


A Bíblia não nos diz o que Jesus escreveu na areia naquele dia.

Talvez Ele tenha escrito algo das escrituras.

Talvez Ele tivesse a escrever: "Onde está o homem?" O adultério não envolve dois?

Ou talvez Ele tivesse a escrever os pecados dos Fariseus que estavam a acusar esta mulher.

Talvez Jesus só precisasse de tempo para reunir os Seus pensamentos, porque estava zangado por estarem a humilhar esta mulher apenas para O apanhar.

Não tenho a menor ideia do que Ele escreveu, mas vou-te dizer o que acredito estava a acontecer. Eu acredito que o coração de Jesus estava absolutamente partido quando Ele ajoelhou-Se na areia. Quando Ele olhou para esta mulher, a Sua paixão pelos perdidos estava a causar que o coração se estivesse a partir ao ver como ela estava a ser tratada como um objecto, indigno de viver. O Seu coração também estava a partir-Se porque Ele olhou para os Fariseus e percebeu que eles simplesmente não entendiam. Jesus teria tido completa justificação se tivesse encarado os Fariseus e lhes tivesse dito: "Vocês não entendem! Não vim julgar, mas salvar.” (João 3:17)

Mas Jesus não o fez. Ele não perdeu a razão e explodiu. Numa incrível demonstração de auto-controlo e compaixão por esta mulher, Ele finalmente levantou-Se e disse: "Quem estiver sem pecado, que atire a primeira pedra."

Eles afastaram-se lentamente, deixando cair as suas pedras enquanto saíam. Jesus, num momento, transferiu a humilhação da mulher para os religiosos. Que sabedoria. Que homem, este Jesus. Tens que O amar. Eu certamente O amo. E tu?

~ João 8:6


The Pharisees had just brought an adulteress before Jesus and demanded, "Jesus, what do you say?"


The Bible doesn’t tell us what Jesus wrote in the sand that day.

Maybe He wrote scripture.

Perhaps He was writing, "Where is the man?" Doesn’t adultery involve two?

Or perhaps He was writing the sins of the Pharisees who were accusing this woman.

Maybe Jesus just needed time to collect His thoughts, because He was angry that they were humiliating this woman just to get at Him.

I have no idea what He wrote, but I’ll tell you what I believe was taking place. I believe that Jesus’ heart was absolutely breaking as He knelt in the sand. When He looked at this woman, His passion for the lost was causing His heart to break at how she was being treated as an object, unworthy of life. His heart was also breaking because He looked at the Pharisees and realized they just didn’t get it. Jesus would have been totally justified to get in the Pharisees faces and say, "You guys don’t get it! I came not to judge but to save." (John 3:17)

But Jesus didn’t do that. He didn’t blow His top and blast them. In an amazing display of self-control and compassion for this woman, He finally stood and said, "Whoever is without sin, you throw the first stone."
They slowly drifted away, dropping their stones as they left. Jesus, in a moment, transferred the humiliation from the woman to the religious men. What wisdom. What a man, this Jesus. You gotta love Him. I surely do. How about you?

~ John 8:6

segunda-feira, 16 de setembro de 2019

Lauren Daigle - Rescue ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

You are not hidden
There’s never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army
To find you in the middle of darkest night 
It’s true
I will rescue you

There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You’re not defenseless
I’ll be your shelter
I’ll be your armor

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

I will send out an army
To find you in the middle of darkest night 
It’s true
I will rescue you
I will never stop marching
To reach you in the middle of the hardest fight 
It’s true
I will rescue you

I hear the whisper underneath your breath
I hear you whisper you have nothing left

I will send out an army
To find you in the middle of darkest night 
It’s true
I will rescue you
I will never stop marching
To reach you in the middle of the hardest fight 
It’s true
I will rescue you
I will rescue you

Pergunta # Question

Do que é que a sociedade perdeu de vista hoje em dia?

Não existe uma pessoa que não amarias se pudesse ler a história dela.

There isn't a person you wouldn't love if you could read their story.

Amor é... acalmar as suas preocupações.

A paz não é a ausência de problemas, mas a presença de Cristo.

Peace is not the absence of trouble but the presence of Christ.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Laura Baverstock é uma bordadora de mão especialista, artista têxtil e ilustradora que mistura técnicas tradicionais de costura com a sua prática de design contemporâneo. Ela cria desenhos embelezados e peças sob medida com materiais e bordados modernos, adicionando textura e contraste.
Laura Baverstock is a specialist hand embroiderer, textile artist, and illustrator who mixes traditional stitching techniques with her contemporary design practice. She creates embellished designs and bespoke pieces with modern materials and embroidery adding texture and contrast.

Tens A Bênção Perfeita? # Do You have The Perfect Blessing?

Quais são as maiores bênçãos da tua vida? Reserva alguns momentos para anotar o que achas que são algumas das maiores bênçãos da vida. Se estás a sentir-te mal-humorado hoje, isto realmente te ajudará! Apenas tenta. Agora, ao pensar nestas bênçãos, pergunta: "Existe um fio comum entre as bênçãos e porquê estas bênçãos são tão grandes? O que os torna únicos?"

Podemos ser abençoados por ter avós e pais Cristãos, e agradecidos por Deus nos abençoar com um incrível cônjuge Cristão. Também podemos ser abençoados com irmãos Cristãos, com filhos e até mesmo com belos netos. E, é claro, podemos ser abençoados com inúmeros amigos.

Todas as nossas maiores bênçãos podem realmente ser relacionamentos. E aparentemente, na nossa vida, os relacionamentos mais significativos podem ter este vínculo comum com Jesus Cristo. Mas quero que saibas que estas bênçãos não são perfeitas. Claro, todos podem ser influenciados com este relacionamento com Cristo, mas são imperfeitos porque todos pecamos. Todos os meus familiares pecam. Eu peco. O meu conjugue peca. Todos nós pecamos.

Então, qual é a bênção perfeita? Bem, a única bênção perfeita é Jesus. Ele é o presente perfeito. Quando Ele voltar, será quando seremos perfeitos como Jesus. E isso, meus amigos, é a maior bênção de todas.

~ Tiago 1:17


What are the greatest blessings in your life? Take a few moments to jot down what you feel are some of life’s greatest blessings. If you’re feeling real grumpy today, this will really help you! Just give it a try. Now as you think of those blessings, I ask you, “Is there a common thread through the blessings, and why are those blessings so great? What makes them unique?”

We can be blessed by having Christian grandparents and parents, and thankful that God has blessed us with an incredible Christian spouse. We can also be blessed with Christian siblings, with children, and even blessed with beautiful grandchildren, as well. And, of course, we can be blessed with countless friends.

All of our greatest blessings can really be relationships. And seemingly, in our life, the most significant relationships can have that common bond with Jesus Christ. But I want you to know that these blessings are not perfect. Sure, they can all be influenced with that relationship with Christ, but they are imperfect because all of us sin. All of my relatives sin. I sin. My spouse sins. We all sin.

So, what is the perfect blessing? Well, the one perfect blessing is Jesus. He is the perfect gift. When He returns, that is when we will be perfect like Jesus. And that, my friends is the greatest blessing of all.

~ James 1:17

quinta-feira, 15 de agosto de 2019

Casting Crowns - One More Song For You ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Staring at this old piano
Playing through the memories that it holds
Singing through the stories that it’s told
And all the prayers that have been lifted
The leaps of faith, the giants slain
Desperate cries, and broken praise
Have all the songs been sung?
Is there still room for one?
Maybe one more hand in the air saying You are Holy
One more shattered heart singing You are good
Maybe one more voice crying out for mercy 
One more hungry soul declaring You’re enough
As long as there’s breath in me
Lord, there will always be
One more song for You
One more song for You

What can I offer You but weakness?
All my life I tried to hide
You brought it all into the light
I’m still amazed that You would choose me
If You can use the least of these
Then there is no one You can’t reach
In a world that’s lost its song
Show them there’s still room for one

Maybe one more hand in the air saying You are Holy
One more shattered heart singing You are good
Maybe one more voice crying out for mercy 
One more hungry soul declaring You’re enough
As long as there’s breath in me
Lord, there will always be
One more song for You

With no one here but You to listen
My heart is bursting at the seams 
Out of all the songs I’ve lifted what I truly hope to see
Is one more broken life made whole
One more prodigal brought home
What better way to praise Your name and majesty

Maybe one more hand in the air saying You are Holy
One more shattered heart singing You are good
Maybe one more voice crying out for mercy 
One more hungry soul declaring You’re enough
As long as there’s breath in me
Lord, there will always be
One more song for You
One more song for You

Pergunta # Question

Vale a pena morrer por aquilo que estás a viver?

Nós caímos em privado antes de cairmos publicamente.

We fall privately before we ever fall publicly.

Amor é... tu ao meu lado através do próximo ano.

Todos os milagres da Bíblia começaram como um problema.

Every miracle in the Bible first started as a problem.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O campo de lavanda aparentemente interminável está localizado em Valensole, no sul da França.
The seemingly endless lavender field is located in Valensole in the south of France.

Rendição? Acho Que Não! # Surrender? I Don't Think So!

Winston Churchill inspirou o mundo livre ao declarar desafiadoramente: "Nunca nos renderemos!" durante os dias mais sombrios da Inglaterra. A história mostrou que ele, mais do que qualquer outra pessoa, pode ser creditado por ter salvo a Grã-Bretanha de uma quase certa escravização pelos Nazis. No entanto, quando a Segunda Guerra Mundial terminou, o seu amado país sem a menor cerimónia dispensou-o como primeiro-ministro. Tentando consolá-lo, a sua esposa declarou que esta rejeição pode realmente ser uma bênção disfarçada. "Se for", respondeu ele, "então é muito bem disfarçada."

Apesar desta humilhante rejeição, Churchill continuou com a sua vida. Na verdade, no ano seguinte, ele fez o discurso da "Cortina de Ferro", sobre o qual o mundo livre baseou a sua política durante a Guerra Fria. Ele também escreveu uma história em seis volumes da Segunda Guerra Mundial (ganhando um Prémio Pulitzer) e publicou o clássico, Uma História dos Povos de Língua Inglesa. Adiciona tudo isto a outro mandato como primeiro-ministro e muitos anos como o mais velho estadista do mundo livre.

Jesus promete-nos: "...neste mundo, terás tribulação." Enfrentarás muitas rejeições, bloqueios de estradas e até minas terrestres na tua vida. Às vezes, Deus coloca estes desafios para ensinar-nos, testar-nos ou mesmo redireccionar-nos. Aprende a ver estas tragédias como oportunidades para tornar-te mais forte e descobrir as maiores oportunidades. Podes até descobrir que a Sra. Churchill estava certa! Lembra-te, Jesus diz: "...mas tem coragem, Eu venci o mundo." Com este conhecimento, podemos responder a qualquer desafio com "Rendição? Nunca!"

~ João 16:33


Winston Churchill inspired the free world as he defiantly declared, "We shall never surrender!" during England’s darkest days. History has shown that he, more than any other person, can be credited with saving Britain from an almost certain enslavement by the Nazis. Yet, as World War II ended, his beloved country unceremoniously dumped him as its prime minister. Attempting to comfort him, his wife declared that this rejection might actually be a blessing in disguise. "If it is", he replied, "then it is very effectively disguised."

Despite this humbling rejection, Churchill went on with his life. In fact, the following year he made the “Iron Curtain” speech, upon which the free world based its policy during the Cold War. He also wrote a six-volume history of World War II (winning a Pulitzer Prize) and published the classic, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Add all that to another term as prime minister and many years as the elder statesman of the free world.

Jesus promises us, " this world, you will have tribulation." You will face many rejections, roadblocks, and even land mines in your life. Sometimes God puts these challenges there to teach you, to test you, or even to redirect you. Learn to view these tragedies as opportunities to make yourself stronger and to uncover greater opportunities. You just might discover that Mrs. Churchill was right! Remember, Jesus says, "...but take courage, I have overcome the world." With that knowledge, we can answer any challenge with, "Surrender? Never!"

~ John 16:33

quarta-feira, 7 de agosto de 2019

Riley Clemmons - Fighting For Me ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I need the kinda love that can outlast the night
I need the kinda love that is willing to fight

When the going gets tough
And my strengths not enough
I see You showing up like never before
This battle for my heart
You took on from the start
You are the peace when my mind’s at war
And ohhhhhhhhhhhh

You will never stop fighting for me
When I can’t fight for myself
Every word is a promise You keep
Cause You love me like nobody else
You stand up for me in the darkest night
When my faith is weak You’re still by my side
You will never stop fighting for me

In the perfect timing You make all things right
You paint a silver lining in this heart of mine

When the going gets tough
And my strengths not enough
I see You showing up like never before
This battle for my heart
You took on from the start
You are the peace when my mind’s at war
And ohhhhhhhhhhhh

You will never stop fighting for me
When I can’t fight for myself
Every word is a promise You keep
Cause You love me like nobody else
You stand up for me in the darkest night
When my faith is weak You’re still by my side
You will never stop fighting for me
You will never stop fighting for me

Your love
Is winning me over
Your heart
Is pulling me closer [x2]

You will never stop fighting for me
Stop fighting for me
Every word is a promise You keep
Every word is a promise You keep
Cause You love me like nobody
You stand up for me in the darkest night
Your by my side
You will never stop
You will never stop fighting for me