quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2019

Unspoken - If We Only Knew ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

We have tasted the sweetness of Your kindess
Caught a glimpse of Your glory in the sun
And the promise in Your Word it still reminds us
There are greater, greater things to come

If we only knew 
How deep the ocean of Your love
How powerful every drop of blood
How much it cost to rescue us
If we only knew 
How far the east is from the west
How we are clothed in righteousness
How strong the hands that conquered death
If we only knew

God Your peace is beyond our understanding
Tender mercy like a river flowing through
You wait with patient arms to hold us
Desperate for the chance to show us
All we really need is You!

If we only knew 
How deep the ocean of Your love
How powerful every drop of blood
How much it cost to rescue us
If we only knew 
How far the east is from the west
How we are clothed in righteousness
How strong the hands that conquered death
If we only knew

We are only scratching the surface 
We are barely knocking on the door
We are only scratching the surface of Your goodness
We are barely knocking on the door
And You long to show us more

If we only knew 
How deep the ocean of Your love
How powerful every drop of blood
How much it cost to rescue us
If we only knew 
How far the east is from the west
How we are clothed in righteousness
How strong the hands that conquered death

If we only knew
We are, we are 
Daughters and Sons held in Your arms
We are, we are
Daughters and Sons adopted and loved by You

Pergunta # Question

O que é que as tuas roupas dizem sobre ti?

Se crês num Deus que controla as coisas grandes, tens que crer num Deus que controla as coisas pequenas. Somos nós, é claro, para quem as coisas parecem 'pequenas' ou 'grandes'.

If you believe in a God who controls the big things, you have to believe in a God who controls the little things. It is we, of course, to whom things look 'little' or 'big'.

Amor é... cozinhar a sua sobremesa favorita.

Pensamentos leves do pecado geram pensamentos leves do Salvador.

Light thoughts of sin breed light thoughts of the Saviour.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Um artista chinês que usa o apelido @sketch_lines na popular plataforma da rede social TikTok partilha uma série contínua de 'desenhos através do tempo' de fazer cair o queixo que mostram pessoas a envelhecerem diante dos teus olhos.
A Chinese artist who goes by the moniker of @sketch_lines on the popular social media platform TikTok, has been sharing an ongoing series of jaw-dropping ‘timelapse drawings’ that show people aging right before your eyes.

É Preciso Esforço Para Ser Um Bom Seguidor # It Takes Effort To Be A Good Follower

Quando Jesus chamou os Seus discípulos, a Sua primeira ordem antes de dizer-lhes a sua missão foi: "Segue-Me".

O que é que significa seguir alguém?

Imagina que estás num lugar desconhecido, a seguir um amigo no seu carro. Para chegares onde estás a ir, precisas de:

» Confiar nele para levar-te ao lugar certo.
» Submeteres-te à sua liderança; senão vais-te perder.
» Manter os teus olhos nele; não o perder de vista, ou irás perder-te.
» Ir ao seu passo, não passar à frente ou ficar para trás.

Isto é o que está envolvido também em seguir Jesus. Temos que confiar n'Ele para guiar-noa para onde precisamos de ir. Temos que submeter-nos à Sua liderança, à Sua vontade antes da nossa. Temos que manter-nos focados Nele e ir ao Seu passo. Se fizermos isto, Ele nos liderá para onde precisamos de ir.

E aqui estão ainda mais boas notícias, no processo Ele levar-nos-á
 ao nosso propósito de vida.

~ Lucas 9:23


When Jesus called His disciples, His first command before He told them their mission was, "Follow Me".

What does it mean to follow someone?

Imagine that you are in an unfamiliar place, following a friend in your car. To get where you are going, you have to:

» Trust him to lead you to the right place.
» Submit to his leadership; otherwise you get lost.
» Keep your eyes on them; if you lose sight of them, you’ll get lost.
» Go at his pace, not get ahead or fall behind.

This is what is involved in following Jesus, too. We have to trust Him to guide us where we need to go. We have to submit to His leadership, His will before our own. We have to stay focused on Him and go at His pace. If we do this, He’ll lead us to where we need to go.

And here’s even more good news, in the process He’ll lead us to our life purpose.

~ Luke 9:23

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2019

CityAlight - Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

What gift of grace is Jesus my redeemer
There is no more for heaven now to give
He is my joy, my righteousness, and freedom
My steadfast love, my deep and boundless peace

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
For my life is wholly bound to his
Oh how strange and divine, I can sing: all is mine!
Yet not I, but through Christ in me

The night is dark but I am not forsaken
For by my side, the Saviour He will stay
I labour on in weakness and rejoicing
For in my need, His power is displayed

To this I hold, my Shepherd will defend me
Through the deepest valley He will lead
Oh the night has been won, and I shall overcome!
Yet not I, but through Christ in me

No fate I dread, I know I am forgiven
The future sure, the price it has been paid
For Jesus bled and suffered for my pardon
And He was raised to overthrow the grave

To this I hold, my sin has been defeated
Jesus now and ever is my plea
Oh the chains are released, I can sing: I am free!
Yet not I, but through Christ in me

With every breath I long to follow Jesus
For He has said that He will bring me home
And day by day I know He will renew me
Until I stand with joy before the throne

To this I hold, my hope is only Jesus
All the glory evermore to Him
When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat:
Yet not I, but through Christ in me!

When the race is complete, still my lips shall repeat:
Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
Yet not I, but through Christ in me!
Yet not I, but through Christ in me!

Pergunta # Question

A minha ideia de divertir-me NÃO inclui __________?

A maior forma de caridade pode ser reter o julgamento.

The greatest form of charity may be to withhold judgment.

Amor é... ainda ser optimista como no dia em que nos encontramos pela primeira vez.

Estamos activos no Evangelho ou estamos apenas ocupados na Igreja?

Are we active in the Gospel or are we merely busy in the Church?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Empresa de bicicletas holandesa coloca a TV na embalagem, e reduz os danos no transporte em 80%.
Dutch bike company puts TV on packaging, reduces shipping damage 80%.

Não Deixes Que O Que Está A Acontecer No Mundo Abale A Tua Fé # Don't Let What's Happening In The World Shake Your Faith

George Barna, o conhecido investigador de opinião pública, realizou uma pesquisa nacional: "Se pudesse fazer uma pergunta a Deus, qual seria?" A resposta número um foi: "Porquê há tanta dor e sofrimento?"

À luz de toda a inquietação no mundo, são levantadas algumas questões: "Se Deus é todo-poderoso e omnisciente, mas não impede o mal, porquê deveria eu acreditar Nele?" Ou "Se Ele não pode fazer nada sobre tudo isto, Ele não é um grande Deus, não é?" Perguntas como estas podem abalar a nossa fé e oprimir-nos com medo, raiva e perplexidade. Se Deus é todo-poderoso e todo-bom, então como é que Ele pode permitir tanta dor e sofrimento? Como Cristãos, sabemos que Deus é poderoso e amoroso, mas às vezes parece que Ele não se importa ou que estamos sozinhos. Duas coisas para manter em mente: culpamos Deus por muito do mal do homem e Deus deu ao homem livre arbítrio. Ironicamente, quanto mais as pessoas são vítimas do mal do homem, mais elas tendem a culpar Deus. Mas não somos criados como computadores programados para fazer o bem ou o mal. Como Deus, podemos fazer escolhas.

Então, a questão permanece: porquê Deus, que é todo-amoroso e todo-poderoso, permite o sofrimento e o mal? Nenhuma resposta é adequada, mas a principal preocupação de Deus é que confiemos Nele para tirar bem do mal. Se Ele fez isso quando a humanidade assassinou o Seu Filho inocente, Ele pode fazê-lo com todo o sofrimento e inquietação do mundo.

~ Mateus 6:13


George Barna, the well-known public-opinion pollster, conducted a national survey: "If you could ask God one question, what would it be?" The Number one answer was, "Why is there so much pain and suffering?"

In light of all of the unrest in the world, some follow-up thoughts are raised: "If God is all-powerful and all-knowing, yet doesn’t stop evil, why should I believe in Him?" Or, "If He can’t do anything about all of this, He isn’t much of a God, is He?" Questions like these can shake our faith and grip us with fear, anger and bewilderment. If God is all-powerful and all-good, then how can He allow so much pain and suffering? As Christians, we know that God is powerful and loving, but sometimes it feels like He doesn’t care, or that we’re all alone. Two things to keep in mind: God gets blamed for a lot of man’s evil and God has given man a free will. Ironically, the more victimized people are by man’s evil, the more they tend to blame God. But, we are not created as computers programmed to do good or evil. Like God, we can make choices.

So, the question remains: why does God, who is all-loving and all-powerful, allow suffering and evil? No answer is adequate, but God’s main concern is that we trust Him to bring good out of evil. If He did it when mankind murdered His innocent Son, He can do it with all of the suffering and unrest in the world.

~ Matthew 6:13

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2019

Nichole Nordeman - You're Here ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

In my younger years
I found You beneath the steeple
In the faces of Your people
Could hear You in the hymns
In my younger years
Then later on
I met You on a road, once winding
Seeking but not always finding
With the building gone
You still loved me later on

Anywhere You are is sanctuary
Everywhere You are is where I'm free

You're here, You're here
The only invitation that You need
Is the very air I breathe
You're here, You're here
I will never be alone
You will be always be my home
'Cause You're here

In the same small room
Staring at the life I've chosen
Hoping that the door's still open
To give my heart to You
In this same small room
What could separate
Me from all the ways You love me?
Nothing below or above me
Could get in the way
This is what You say

Anywhere You are is sanctuary
Everywhere You are is where I'm free

You're here, You're here
The only invitation that You need
Is the very air I breathe
You're here, You're here
I will never be alone
You will be always be my home...

You were at the altar, preacher's hand upon my head
You were in the water, when I came up clean instead
You're still in my story, when my tears fall on the dirt
You're there in the morning, wrapping grace around what hurts
You were in the questions, in the silence on the phone
You were paying cab fare, making sure I made it home
I believed in too far, I believed in my worst fear
But You were never moving closer, You were only always here!

You will always be my home
I don't have to be alone
Don't have to be alone
You will always be my home

Pergunta # Question

Numa escala de 0 a 10, quão feliz estás hoje?

Como vivemos a nossa religião é mais importante do que o que dizemos sobre a nossa religião.

How we live our religion is more important than what we say about our religion.

Love is...

- ...colocar o visco primeiro!

Ele raramente move as montanhas à nossa frente, mas Ele ajuda-nos sempre a escalá-las.

He rarely moves the mountains in front of us, but He always helps us climb them.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Está tão frio em Chicago que estão a pegar fogo aos trilhos para manter os comboios em movimento.
It’s so cold in Chicago they’re setting tracks on fire to keep trains moving.

Já Tiveste Dúvidas Sobre Deus? # Do You Ever Have Doubts About God?

Se formos todos honestos, já tivemos dúvidas sobre Deus. Deixa-me partilhar contigo o que mais me tem causado dúvidas ao longo dos anos, as primeiras três palavras da Bíblia: "No princípio, Deus..." Pergunto-me, como é que Deus pode sempre existir? De onde é que Ele veio? O que é que Ele fez antes da criação?

Mas "No princípio, Deus..." também enriquece a minha fé. Pois a Bíblia também diz: "No princípio era o Verbo e o Verbo era Deus e o Verbo se fez carne." O Verbo é Jesus Cristo e por causa da vida de Jesus, posso ver como é Deus. Por causa da Sua morte, posso ver e experimentar o Seu amor. Porque a evidência da Sua ressurreição é impressionante, posso acreditar no poder de Deus para fazer seja o que for.

Se Jesus ressuscitou dos mortos, posso viver com as perguntas que não consigo entender sobre Deus, como Ele sempre existir, porque Ele é Deus e eu não sou. A maioria de nós tem dúvidas sobre Deus, mas Jesus é a razão pela qual não posso hesitar em acreditar que Deus é real e que Ele existe.

~ Lucas 8:25a


If everyone is honest, we’ve all had doubts about God. Let me share with you what has caused me the most doubt through the years, the first four words of the Bible: "In the beginning God..." I wonder, how could God always exist? Where did He come from? What did He do before creation?

But "In the beginning God..." also enriches my faith. For the Bible also says, "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God and the Word became flesh." The Word is Jesus Christ and because of Jesus’ life, I can see what God is like. Because of His death I can see and experience His love. Because the evidence of His resurrection is overwhelming, I can believe in God’s power to do anything.

If Jesus rose from the dead, I can live with the questions I can’t understand about God, like Him always existing, because He is God and I am not. Most of us have doubts about God, but Jesus is the reason I can have no hesitation in believing that God is real and that He does exist.

~ Luke 8:25a

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2019

Lauren Daigle - Everything ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Even the sparrow has a place to lay its head
So why would I let worries steal my breath
Even the roses, You have clothed in brilliant red
Still I'm the one You love more than this

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need

Even the oceans push and pull at Your command
So You can still my heart with Your hand
You tell the seasons when it's time for them to turn
So I will trust You, even when it hurts

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need [x2]

When I can't see, You lead me
When I can't hear, You show me
When I can't stand, You carry me
When I'm lost, You will find me
When I'm weak, You are mighty
You are everything I need

You give me everything
You give me everything
You give me everything
I need [x4]

Pergunta # Question

Aos teus olhos, o que é que torna o teu mais do que tudo mais atraente?

Deus fará sempre um caminho onde não há caminho.

God will always make a way where there is no way.

Amor é... deixar o passado onde pertence.

Se estiveres no caminho certo, será sempre a subir.

If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Uma foto de perto de um tigre com uma secção de pêlo cortado mostra que a sua pele é listada como o seu pêlo. Esta é a prova definitiva de que um tigre não pode mudar as suas listas.
A close up photo of a tiger with a section of its fur shaved shows that its skin is striped just like its fur. Definitive proof that a tiger cannot change its stripes.

Nunca Poderemos Entender A Criatividade Genial De Deus # We Can Never Understand God's Creative Genius

Acreditas que há vida noutros planetas? A Bíblia não menciona se existe ou não. Simplesmente diz que Deus criou os céus e a terra e colocou o homem nela. Para ser verdade, este silêncio sobre o assunto não significa necessariamente que a terra é o único lugar com vida. Mas novamente, não diz que há outra vida lá fora também.

Tem sido produzido vistas magníficas do espaço e, desde então, os cientistas continuam a encontrar evidências de um potencial ilimitado de pesquisa no espaço, e o seu entusiasmo é contagiante. Há muito mais para conhecer e explorar!

Haverá vida noutros planetas? Ou a terra é o único planeta que tem vida? Eu não sei. Mas como é que estas novas descobertas afectam a nossa visão de Deus? Precisamos de rever a nossa compreensão Dele?

Bem, a resposta depende de quão grande é o teu conceito de Deus. Sabes, precisamos de reconhecer que Deus é todo-poderoso, muito maior do que qualquer coisa que a mente humana possa conceber. As descobertas da ciência entusiasmam-nos, mas é ainda mais emocionante quando reconhecemos a grandeza do Criador de tudo isto. Deus é ilimitado. A Sua criatividade genial supera a capacidade do homem de compreender.

Não precisamos de temer a ciência ou o que está lá fora no espaço. Pois, no final, a ciência simplesmente explica-nos a criatividade genial de Deus. E Deus está em tudo isso!

~ Isaías 40:26, 28


Do you believe there is life on other planets? The Bible doesn’t mention whether there is or not. It simply says that God created the heavens and earth and put man on it. To be true, this silence on the subject does not necessarily say that earth is the only place with life on it. Then again, it doesn’t say there is other life out there, either.

There has been produced magnificent views of space, and since then, scientists are continuing to find evidence for unlimited potential for research in space, and their excitement is contagious. There’s so much more to know and explore!

Could there be life on other planets? Or is the earth the only planet that has life on it? I don’t know. But how do these new discoveries affect our view of God? Do we need to revise our understanding of Him?

Well, the answer depends on how big your concept of God is. You see, we need to recognize that God is almighty, far greater than anything the human mind can conceive. The discoveries of science excite us, but it’s even more exciting when we recognize the greatness of the Creator of it all. God is limitless. His creative genius surpasses man’s ability to comprehend.

We don’t need to fear science or what’s out there in space. For, in the end, science simply explains to us the creative genius of God. And God is over all of it!

~ Isaiah 40:26, 28

segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2019

Unspoken - You've Always Been ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I've had good days, I've had bad days, tasted victory in defeat
I've had problems, big as planets turn to pebbles when You speak
I've had nothing to my name, never lacked for anything
'Cause You were there with me

You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been

When I stand before You guilty, oh, Your mercy bears my blame
When in pride I think I'm worthy, You point out the price You paid
When I wander far away, You keep calling out my name
You don't give up on me

You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been

You are my strength, my rock, Jesus
You are my hope, my song, Jesus
Before my heart knows what to pray
You've already made a way, Jesus

You've been my Savior, Sustainer, when I'm at my end
My Healer, Redeemer, again and again
My Mother and my Father, Brother, Sister, and Friend
Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been [x3]

Everything I've needed Lord, You've always been
Oh, Yes, You have
Thank You, Jesus, yes
You've always been

Pergunta # Question

Do que é que gostavas de ser perdoado?

O que Deus sabe sobre nós é mais importante do que o que os outros pensam.

What God knows about us is more important than what others think.

Amor é... às vezes uma miragem.

Ora grande, mesmo quando te sentes pequeno.

Pray big, even when you feel small.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Raku Inoue é um artista Japonês e designer de roupas de Montreal, Canadá. Numa série em andamento intitulada Natureza Insectos & Animais, Inoue cria arranjos florais nas formas de vários insectos e animais.
Raku Inoue is a Japanese artist and clothing designer based in Montreal, Canada. In an ongoing series entitled, Natura Insects & Animals, Inoue creates floral arrangements into the shapes of various insects and animals.

Apenas Um Caminho Verdadeiro # Only One True Way

Já notaste uma certa ironia no mundo ocidental? Parece que, enquanto alguns países estão a tornar-se cada vez mais seculares, eles também estão a tornar-se mais espirituais... especialmente com tudo o que está a acontecer com as condições económicas mundiais e os governos a cair. Enquanto outros países ocidentais parecem cada vez mais sem Deus, também estão a tornar-se numa terra de muitos deuses. Quando as pessoas reconhecem que deve haver algum poder superior na vida, elas ainda se rebelam contra a ideia de qualquer autoridade sobre as suas próprias vidas pessoais. As pessoas querem a espiritualidade do seu jeito, sem amarras. Mas as buscas espirituais de todos esses deuses feitos pelo homem são um beco sem saída. Então, qual é a resposta?

Dica: Existe apenas um caminho verdadeiro para Deus, e é através de Jesus Cristo. Ele mesmo disse isso na mais controversa declaração que fez: "Eu Sou o caminho, a verdade e a vida; ninguém vem ao Pai senão por Mim ."

Não caias nos padrões indecisos da maioria. Olha para Jesus Cristo e encontra a resposta para o que tens estado a perder: o caminho para Deus, a verdadeira espiritualidade.

~ Êxodo 20:2-3

Have you noticed a certain irony in the ocidental world? It seems that, while somes countries are becoming more and more secular, they're also becoming more spiritual... especially with all that is going on with the world economic conditions and crumbling governments. While other ocidental countries seem more and more godless, they're also becoming a land of many gods. As people recognize that there must be some higher power in life, they still rebel against the idea of any authority over their own personal lives. People want spirituality their own way, with no strings attached. But the spiritual pursuits of all these man-made gods is a dead end. So, what is the answer?

Hint: There is only one true way to God, and that is through Jesus Christ. He said that Himself in the most controversial statement He made: "I Am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me."

Don’t fall into the indecisive patterns of the majority. Look to Jesus Christ and find the answer to what you’ve been missing: the way to God, true spirituality.

~ Exodus 20:2-3