quinta-feira, 31 de março de 2016

Hayli Lindgren - Majesty ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I dedicate my life
To the service of a King
An open book to write
The perfect offering
To bring joy to my Father
Joy to my Friend
Let us celebrate together
The wonder of His name

Singing, Majesty, fill this place with Your glory
Majesty, fill this place with Your love
Majesty, I am desperate for You
Majesty, let Your will be done

It's You and You alone
Who captivates my heart
And all the world holds dear
Will but fall apart
Your word is my anchor
Your word is my strength
It will pull me through forever
Until the very end

Singing, Majesty, fill this place with Your glory
Majesty, fill this place with Your love
Majesty, I am desperate for You
Majesty, let Your will be done

It's You and You alone
Who captivates my heart
And all the world holds dear
Will but fall apart
Your word is my anchor
Your word is my strength
It will pull me through forever
Until the very end

Singing, Majesty, fill this place with Your glory
Majesty, fill this place with Your love
Majesty, I am desperate for You
Majesty, let Your will be done

And I'm dancing around to the sound of heaven
Dancing around to the sound of You
Dancing around to the sound of heaven
Dancing around to the sound of You

Majesty, fill this place with Your glory
Majesty, fill this place with Your love
Majesty, I am desperate for You
Majesty, let Your will be done

Pergunta # Question

Com que verdade praticamente todos concordariam?

Existem dois tipos de pessoas no mundo: os dadores e os tomadores. Os tomadores podem comer melhor, mas os dadores dormem melhor... Partilha sempre as tuas bênçãos.

There are two types of people in the world: donors and takers. Takers can eat better, but donors sleep better... Always share your blessings.

Amor é... colocar uma almofada atrás da sua cabeça quando ele tira uma soneca.

Agora Mesmo # Right Now

Agora mesmo a Terra está a girar a 1.600 km/h na linha do equador. Estamos a girar à volta do Sol a 107.000 km/h. O sistema solar está a mover-se no centro da galáxia a 792.000 km/h. A nossa galáxia está a mover-se através do universo a 2.1 milhões de km/h!
Right now the Earth is spinning at 1,600 km/h at the equator. We're turning around the Sun at 107,000 km/h. The solar system is moving in the center of the galaxy at 792,000 km/h. Our galaxy is moving through the universe at 2.1 million km/h!

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O lindo cavalo Gypsy Vanner.
The beautiful horse Gypsy Vanner.

Cego, Surdo e Mudo # Blind, Deaf and Dumb

O absurdo da idolatria é feita simples do ponto de vista de Deus. A nossa tolice em acreditar de alguma forma que um lado do tronco pode ser santo, e o outro lado comum, é impressionante! Ídolos, embora possam não manter a mesma forma, muitas vezes encontram o seu caminho nas nossas casas e encaixam-se fácil e confortavelmente em todas as culturas antes e depois do tempo de Isaías. Um Salmista inspirado observou sabiamente:

Os ídolos deles são prata e ouro,
obra das mãos dos homens.
Têm boca, mas não falam;
olhos têm, mas não vêem.
Têm ouvidos, mas não ouvem;
narizes têm, mas não cheiram.
Têm mãos, mas não apalpam;
pés têm, mas não andam;
nem som algum sai da sua garganta.
(Salmo 115:4-7)

Dá um passo para trás da tua vida por um momento, e olha para ela a partir deste ponto de vista. Será que realmente queremos adorar alguém com 25 anos de idade que sabe jogar bem com a bola, ou um lutador que sabe levar um soco? Experimentarias a perfeição celestial se te parecesses com o modelo na capa de uma revista? Cada um de nós precisa de ter um momento na Bíblia, e apreciar o ponto de vista exclusivo da perspectiva de Deus que a Escritura nos oferece. Quando o fazemos, vemos que estes ídolos não são nada para além de vapor em relação ao nosso Deus, que é a verdadeira rocha na nossa vida (Isaías 44:8).

~ Isaías 44:19


The absurdity of idolatry is made plain from God’s vantage point. Our foolishness in believing that somehow one side of a log could be holy, and the other side common, is staggering! Idols, though they may not hold the same form, often find their way into our homes and fit easily and comfortably into every culture before and since Isaiah’s. An inspired Psalmist wisely observed:

Their idols are silver and gold,
the work of human hands.
They have mouths, but do not speak;
eyes, but do not see.
They have ears, but do not hear;
noses, but do not smell.
They have hands, but do not feel;
feet, but do not walk;
and they do not make a sound in their throat.
(Psalm 115:4-7 ESV)

Take a step back from your life for a moment, and view it from this vantage point. Do we really want to worship a twenty-five year old who can throw a ball well, or a fighter who can take a punch? Would you experience heavenly perfection if you looked like the model on the cover of a magazine? Each of us needs to take a moment in the Bible, and appreciate the unique vantage point of God’s perspective that Scripture affords us. When we do, we see that these idols are nothing but vapor compared to our God who is the true rock in our life (Isaiah 44:8).

~ Isaiah 44:19

sábado, 26 de março de 2016

Nicole Nordeman - Why ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

We rode into town the other day just me and my daddy
He said I'd finally reached that age
And I could ride next to him on a horse
That of course was not quite as wide

We heard a crowd of people shouting
And so we stopped to find out why
And there was that man that my dad said he loved
But today there was fear in his eyes

So I said, "Daddy why are they screaming?
Why are the faces of some of them beaming?
Why is he dressed in that bright purple robe?
I'll bet that crown hurts him more than he shows"

"Daddy please can't you do something?
He looks as if though he's gonna cry
You said He was stronger than all of those guys
Daddy please tell me why, why does everyone want him to die?

Later that day the sky grew cloudy
And daddy said I should go inside
Somehow he knew things would get stormy, Lord, was he right?
But I could not keep from wondering

If there was something he had to hide
So after he left I had to find out, I was not afraid of getting lost
So I followed the crowds to a hill where I knew men had been killed
And I heard a voice come from the cross

And it said, "Father why are they screaming?
Why are the faces of some of them beaming?
Why are they casting their lives for my own?
This crown of thorns hurts me more than it shows"

"Father, please can't you do something?
I know that you must hear my cry
I thought I could handle a cross of this size
Father remind me why, why does everyone want me to die?
When will I understand why?"

For my precious son, I hear them screaming
I'm watching the face of the enemy beaming
But soon I will clothe you in robes of my own
Jesus, this hurts me much more than you know

But this dark hour I must do nothing
Though I've heard you unbearable cries
The power in your blood destroys all of the lies
Soon you'll see past their unmerciful eyes

Look there below, see the child
Trembling by her father's side
Now I can tell you why
She is why you must die

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a coisa mais bonita que viste hoje?

Procura primeiro compreender, depois ser compreendido.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood.

Amor é... quando as acções falam mais alto do que as palavras.

Ele vive intercedendo por nós. [Páscoa]

He lives interceding for us. [Passover]

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Vista aérea da costa de Kauai, Hawaii.
Aerial view of the coast of Kauai, Hawaii.

Regozijando-se No Evangelho # Rejoicing In The Gospel

Que bela imagem teria sido poder ver. Um grupo de pessoas acabam de ser informadas de que têm o direito a uma salvação que criam antes ser apenas para os Judeus. Começaram a celebrar por causa disso. Oh como podemos pensar no Evangelho como garantido! Jesus veio ao mundo como um homem Judeu. Ele pregou para os Judeus, mas a Sua morte na cruz foi para todas as raças e nacionalidades, o "Mundo" (João 3:16).

Como seguidores de Jesus, é-nos dito para fazer discípulos de todas as nações, ou todas as pessoas. Os Gentios não foram bem vistos pelo povo Judeu. Eram considerados impuros e indignos de serem salvos. Pedro, o líder da igreja primitiva, recebeu uma visão de Deus que o instruiu de que os Gentios já não deveriam ser considerados impuros (Actos 10:9-16). Não importa o país, cidade, estado, cultura ou área em que vives, vai existir um povo que é considerado impuro e com quem não vale a pena perderes o teu tempo. Temos a maior notícia de todas em que se devem alegrar, o Evangelho! Assim como Deus usou os Judeus para alcançar os Gentios "impuros", Ele quer usar-nos para alcançar os imundos/odiados à nossa volta.

~ Actos 13:48


What a beautiful sight this would have been to see. A group of people have just been told they have a right to the salvation they’d previously believed was only for the Jews. They began to celebrate because of this. Oh how we can take the Gospel for granted! Jesus came into the world as a Jewish man. He preached to the Jews, but His death on the cross was for all races and nationalities, the "World" (John 3:16).

As followers of Jesus, we are told to make disciples of all nations, or all people. The Gentiles were not seen in a good light by the Jewish people. They were considered unclean and unworthy to be saved. Peter, the leader of the early church, received a vision from God instructing him that the Gentiles were no longer to be considered unclean (Acts 10:9-16). No matter what country, city, state, culture, or area you live in, there are going to be a people who are considered unclean and not worth your time. We have the greatest news of all for them to rejoice in, the Gospel! As God used the Jews to reach the "unclean" Gentiles, He wants to use us to reach the unclean/unlovable around us.

~ Acts 13:48

quinta-feira, 24 de março de 2016

Sarah Reeves feat. Elise Miller - Wake (Hillsong Young) ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

At break of day, in hope we rise
We speak Your Name, we lift our eyes
Tune our hearts into Your beat
Where we walk, there You'll be

With fire in our eyes, our lives a-light
Your love untamed, it's blazing out
The streets will glow forever bright
Your glory's breaking through the night

You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay
By my side, in my life, shining through me everyday

You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay
By my side, in my life, shining through me everyday

You wake within me, wake within me
You're in my heart forever

You wake within me, wake within me
You're in my heart forever

With fire in our eyes, our lives a-light
Your love untamed, it's blazing out
The streets will glow forever bright
Your glory's breaking through the night

You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay
By my side, in my life, shining through me everyday

You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay
By my side, in my life, shining through me everyday

You wake within me, wake within me
You're in my heart forever

You wake within me, wake within me
You're in my heart forever

Forever, forever, forever in Your love
Forever, forever, forever in Your love

Forever, forever, forever in Your love
Forever, forever, forever we know that...

You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay
By my side, in my life, shining through me everyday

You will never fade away, Your love is here to stay
By my side, in my life, shining through me everyday

You wake within me, wake within me
You're in my heart forever (x4)

Pergunta # Question

O que é que nunca deverias aturar?

Enganar é fácil... tenta algo mais desafiador como ser fiel.

To deceive is easy... try something more challenging like being faithful.

Amor é... tão antigo como Adão e Eva.

Não Esperes # Don't Wait

Não esperes um sorriso para seres gentil.
Não esperes ser amado para amares.
Não esperes ficar sozinho para reconheceres o valor de quem está ao teu lado.
Não esperes ficar de luto para reconheceres quem hoje é importante para ti.
Não esperes a queda para te lembrares do conselho.
Não esperes a enfermidade para reconheceres quão frágil é a vida.
Não esperes ter muito dinheiro para então contribuíres.
Não esperes por pessoas perfeitas para então te apaixonares.
Não esperes a mágoa para pedires perdão.
Não esperes a separação para buscar a reconciliação.
Não esperes elogios para acreditares em ti mesmo.
Não esperes a dor para acreditares na oração.
Não esperes o dia da tua morte sem antes amares a vida!
Sê sempre tu, autêntico e único!


Don't wait for a smile to be nice.
Don't wait to be loved to love.
Don't wait to be alone to recognize the value of who is at your side.
Don't wait to mourn to recognize who is now important to you.
Don't wait the fall to remember the advice.
Don't wait the disease to recognize how fragile life is.
Don't wait to have much money to contribute.
Don't wait for perfect people and then fall in love.
Don't wait the hurt to ask for forgiveness.
Don't wait for separation to seek reconciliation.
Don't wait to praise to believe in yourself.
Don't wait for pain to believe in prayer.
Don't wait the day of your death not before you love life!
Always be you, authentic and unique!

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Um soberbo estorninho (Lamprotornis superbus).
A superb starling (Lamprotornis superbus).

Que Direcção Sigo? # Which Way Do I Go?

Uma das maiores perguntas que cada seguidor de Jesus faz é "Qual é a vontade de Deus para a minha vida?" Podemos ter a certeza através de Isaías 55 que ao buscarmos a Deus, Ele quer ser encontrado e Ele quer que saibamos o Seu caminho. Também somos desafiados pela ideia de que os nossos desejos e os caminhos que normalmente seguiríamos podem muitas vezes, ser radicalmente diferentes do desejo de Deus. Estes versos têm várias implicações:

» A nossa perspectiva é limitada. Não podemos ver nada para além do que os nossos cinco sentidos nos dizem, aqui e agora. Não podemos ver os corações das pessoas à nossa volta. Não sabemos com a certeza o que o futuro nos espera, nem mesmo daqui a 10 minutos. Em qualquer momento, vemos apenas uma pequena parte da grande imagem.

» A nossa perspectiva está errada. Devido ao egoísmo, ao orgulho e tudo o resto que habita em nós sob a bandeira do pecado, temos uma perspectiva distorcida a respeito de nós mesmos e do mundo circundante. A nossa bússola interior aponta-nos para o que queremos. O problema é que o que nós queremos pode não ser o que é certo e melhor.

» A perspectiva de Deus é perfeita. Deus consegue ver tudo o que está a acontecer no mundo agora. Ele vê tudo o que acontece na mente e no coração de cada pessoa. Ele vê tudo, desde a eternidade passada até à eternidade futura num relance. Para além disso, o Seu caminho está definido sobre tudo o que é certo e melhor.

~ Isaías 55:6-9


One of the biggest questions every follower of Jesus asks is "What is God’s will for my life?" We can be reassured from Isaiah 55 that as we seek God, He wants to be found and He wants us to know His path. We are also challenged by the idea that our desires and the paths we would ordinarily follow may often be radically different from what God desires. This scripture has several implications:

» Our perspective is limited. We cannot see anything beyond what our five senses tell us, right here and right now. We cannot see into people’s hearts around us. We don’t know with certainty what the future holds, not even 10 minutes from now. At any given time, we only see a small part of the big picture.

» Our perspective is broken. Due to selfishness, pride, and everything else that dwells in us under the banner of sin, we have a skewed perspective concerning ourselves and the surrounding world. Our inner compass points us towards what we want. The problem is that what we want may not be what is right and best.

» God’s perspective is perfect. God can see everything going on in the world right now. He sees everything going on in every person’s mind and heart. He views everything from eternity past and in eternity future with one glimpse. Additionally, His path is set on everything that is right and best.

~ Isaiah 55:6-9

segunda-feira, 21 de março de 2016

Hillsong United - Say The Word ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Say the word and there is light
Say the word and dead bones rise
Every start and end hangs on Your voice
For Your word never returns void

Written in a billion skies
Speaking to this heart of mine
All that I am with all creation
Hanging on every word that You've spoken
And it will not be shaken
Clinging for life to all Your promise
Hanging on every word that You say

It will remain
And my soul will hang on every word You say

Word made flesh You wrote in grace
Promise kept through cross and grave
Over words of stone You spelled out love
And when You say, “it is done”
It is done

Written in a billion skies
Speaking to this heart of mine
All that I am with all creation
Hanging on every word that You've spoken
And it will not be shaken
Clinging for life to all Your promise
Hanging on every word that You

Written in a billion skies
Speaking to this heart of mine
All that I am with all creation
Hanging on every word that You've spoken
And it will not be shaken
Clinging for life to all Your promise
Hanging on every word that You say

It will remain
And my soul will hang on every word You say
Cause I know Your word will never ever fail
And my soul will hang on every word You say

Pergunta # Question

O que há com a sociedade de hoje que mais te preocupa?

Nós Queremos # We Want

Queremos a felicidade. Queremos paz. Nós queremos ser amados e respeitados. Nós não queremos que alguém nos julgue ou aponte o dedo. A vida não é sobre o que nós queremos. É sobre o que nós damos. E nesse presente aos outros, temos de volta não o que queremos, mas o que precisamos. VIDA.

We want happiness. We want peace. We want to be loved and respected. We don’t want anyone to judge us or point fingers. Life isn’t about what we want. It’s what we give. And in that gift to others, we get back not what we want, but what we need. LIFE.

Amor é... ser o seu fã número um.

Felicidade é aquele momento em que não desejo que nada seja diferente daquilo que é.

Happiness is that moment when I don't want anything being different from what it is.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Fotografia macro da ponta de uma caneta Bic.
Macro photography of a tip of a Bic pen.

Sê Grato Pelo Que Tens! # Be Grateful For What You Have!

» Eu adorava ter um helicóptero.
» Aquele é o meu carro de sonho.
» Quero aquele carro off-road.
» Olha para aquele carro novo.
» Se ao menos pudesse comprar um carro.
» Desejava ter uma bicicleta.
» Ele pode ir para onde quer.
» Sê grato pelo que tens.

Na Época Devida # In Due Season

Na agricultura, há cerca de quatro meses entre a sementeira e a colheita. Durante este tempo os agricultores regam e fertilizam, mas ainda não começam a desfrutar os benefícios da sua colheita. Isto pode ser semelhante nas nossas vidas, e Paulo sabia disto em primeira mão. Ele tinha passado algum tempo na Galácia a partilhar o Evangelho de Cristo e uma igreja nasceu. No entanto, parece que mais tarde ouve que eles estavam perto de desviar-se da própria fé pela qual tinham sido salvos. Contudo Paulo não se cansava de fazer o bem, e sabia que iria colher os benefícios do seu amor contínuo pela igreja no futuro.

Podes ser um pai que ama a criança que decidiu deixar todos os valores que lhe ensinaram. Paulo encoraja-te a não desanimares e a continuar a amar e a orar por ela. Talvez os teus pais não são seguidores de Jesus e rejeitam qualquer ideia de se tornar um. Paulo convida-te a não 
desanimares e a continuar a amar e a orar por eles.

É fácil fazer o bem e não desistir quando podemos colher recompensas imediatas. Mas, há uma recompensa espiritual que vamos colher no céu, se não nesta terra, que podemos esperar como Paulo fez com as muitas igrejas que gerou. Não desanimes se sentes que as tuas boas obras estão a passar despercebidas.

~ Gálatas 6:9


In agriculture, there are about four months between planting and harvesting. During this time the farmer waters and fertilizes, but doesn’t yet get to enjoy the benefits of his harvest. This can be similar in our lives, and Paul knew this first hand. He had spent time in Galatia sharing the Gospel of Christ and a church was born. However, it seemed only to hear later that they were close to departing from the very faith by which they’d been saved. But Paul would not grow tired of doing good, and knew that he would reap the benefit of his continual love for the church in the future.

You may be a parent loving the child who has decided to leave all the values you taught him, or her. Paul encourages you not to be weary and keep loving and praying for them. Maybe your parents aren’t followers of Jesus and reject any idea of becoming one. Paul encourages you not to become weary and continue loving and praying for them.

It is easy to do good and not give up when we can reap immediate rewards. But, there is a spiritual reward we will reap in heaven, if not on this earth, that we can look forward to as Paul did with the many churches he fathered. Don’t be discouraged if you feel like your good deeds are going unnoticed.

~ Galatians 6:9

sábado, 19 de março de 2016

Casting Crowns - All You've Ever Wanted ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I just looked up today
And realized how far away I am from where You are
You gave me life worth dying for
But between the altar and the door
I bought the lies that promised more
And here I go again

Lord, I know I let You down
But somehow, I will make You proud
I'll turn this sinking ship around
And make it back to You

But all my deeds and my good name
Are just dirty rags that tear and strain
To cover all my guilty stains
That You already washed away

('Cause) All You've ever wanted, all You've ever wanted
All You've ever wanted was my heart
Freedom's arms are open, my chains have all been broken
Relentless love has called me from the start
And all You wanted was my heart

I was chasing healing when I'd been made well
I was fighting battles when You conquered hell
Living free but from a prison cell
Lord, I lay it down today

So I'll stop living off of how I feel
And start standing on Your truth revealed
Jesus is my strength, my shield
And He will never fail me

('Cause) All You've ever wanted, all You've ever wanted
All You've ever wanted was my heart
Freedom's arms are open, my chains have all been broken
Relentless love has called me from the start
And all You wanted was my heart

No more chains, I've been set free
No more fighting battles You've won for me
Now in Christ, I stand complete

All You've ever wanted, all You've ever wanted
All You've ever wanted was my heart
Freedom's arms are open, my chains have all been broken
Relentless love has called me from the start
And all You wanted was my heart
All You wanted was my heart
All You wanted was my heart
All You wanted was my heart

Pergunta # Question

Pelo o que é que estás grato que por vezes não dás valor?

Viajar é mais do que ver os pontos turísticos; é uma mudança que continua profunda e permanentemente nas ideias da vida.

Travel is more than the seeing of sights; it's a change that goes on deep and permanente in the ideas of living.

Amor é... ver um ao outro debaixo de uma nova luz.

Viver numa situação favorável ou desfavorável faz parte da vida, mas sorrir em todas estas situações é a arte de viver.

Living in the favorable and unfavorable situation is part of living, but smiling in all those situations is the art of living.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

As escadas intermináveis (Umschreibung), Alemanha.
The endless stairs (Umschreibung), Germany.

Conforto, Conveniência e Responsabilidade # Comfort, Convenience, and Accountability

Uma forte repreensão é o tipo de conversa que a maioria de nós não quer ter. Mas a dura realidade é que esta é a conversa que muitos de nós precisamos. Vivemos numa época em que muitas coisas são fáceis para nós, em que necessitamos de pensar pouco e não fazer um esforço. Por exemplo, uma pessoa descobre que ele ou ela está a apetecer-lhe frango, simples. Passam pelo supermercado no caminho do trabalho para casa e compram um frango já preparado e cozinhado, pronto para comer! Em suma, as nossas vidas estão permeadas por conforto e conveniência.

Conforto e conveniência não são coisas más, mas podem tornar-se prejudiciais. Ainda mais quando consideramos que os Cretenses de Paulo e Tito não tinham nem por perto o conforto que temos à nossa volta na nossa era moderna.

Quando as coisas vêm facilmente nas nossas vidas físicas, muitas vezes permitimos que a mentalidade do "conforto com facilidade" escorregue para a nossa caminhada espiritual. Na verdade, muitas vezes ela pode até dominar pois o físico está intimamente entrelaçado com o espiritual.

Para podermos manter uma guarda contra o conforto e facilidade a ditar o nosso bem estar espiritual e até físico precisamos de responsabilidade. Estes mesmos "glutões preguiçosos" em Creta estavam sob a supervisão e liderança de Tito, e portanto, eram responsáveis diante dele assim como ele era diante deles. Mas a responsabilidade não nos beneficia, se não recebermos repreensões juntamente com o louvor. Encontra a responsabilidade de confiança para a tua vida, e uma vez encontrada, submete-te a ela e compreende que Deus usa a repreensão para que possamos "ser sãos na fé."

~ Tito 1:12-13


A sharp rebuke is the sort of conversation most of us don’t want to have. But the harsh reality is that its just the talk many of us need. We live in an age where many things come easily to us, with little effort or thought required. For example, a person finds he or she is in the mood for chicken, simple. Swing by the grocery store on the way home from work and pick up some chicken already baked and breaded, ready to eat! In short, our lives are permeated by comfort and convenience.

Comfort and convenience are not evil things, but can become detrimental. Even more so when we consider that the Cretans of Paul and Titus’ day didn’t have near the creature comforts we are surrounded by in our modern age.

When things come easily in our physical lives, we often allow that "comfort with ease" mentality to slip into to our spiritual walk. In fact, often times it can even dominate as the physical realm is intricately intertwined with the spiritual.

In order for us to keep a guard against comfort and ease dictating our spiritual and even physical well being we need accountability. Those same "lazy gluttons" in Crete were under the supervision and leadership of Titus, and therefore accountable to him as he was to them. But accountability doesn’t do a beneficial thing for us if we don’t receive rebukes along with praise. Find trustworthy accountability for your life, and once found, submit to it understanding that God uses rebukes that we may "be sound in the faith."

~ Titus 1:12-13

sexta-feira, 11 de março de 2016

Will Reagan & United Pursuit - Through And Through ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I find that I'm safe and warm
In Your loving arms

I find that I'm safe and warm
In Your loving arms

You see me
And You know me
And You love me
Through and through

You see me
And You know me
And You love me
Through and through

I find that I'm safe and warm
In Your loving arms

I find that I'm safe and warm
In Your loving arms

You see me
And You know me
And You love me
Through and through

You see me
And You know me
And You love me
Through and through
Through and through
God You love me
Through and through

You see me
And You know me
And You love me
Through and through

Pergunta # Question

Qual é aquela promessa que fizeste a ti próprio?

Sempre que te sentires triste, lembra-te que nalgum lugar neste mundo há um idiota a puxar uma porta que diz "EMPURRE".

Whenever you feel sad, just remember that somewhere in this world there's an idiot pulling a door that says "PUSH".

E Se For A Felicidade? # What If It's Happiness?

» I'm going to the market and I'll soon be back. Don't open the door to anybody. Even if the person insists!
» All right.
» MOM!
» What If it's happiness?

Amor é... um relacionamento que deixa a sua marca.

Neste mundo, há coisas que só podes fazer sozinho, e coisas que só podes fazer com outra pessoa. É importante combinar os dois apenas na quantidade certa.

In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It’s important to combine the two in just the right amount.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Felix Baumgartner ultrapassando a barreira do som, 14-10-2012.
Felix Baumgartner exceeding the sound barrier, 14-10-2012.

Um Povo Da Graça # A People Of Grace

É difícil imaginar porquê Paulo estava a dizer à Igreja de Corinto que estava grato por eles. A igreja em Corinto tinha "problemas" sérios. Entre eles, um homem estava a dormir com a mulher do seu pai (1 Coríntios 5:1), irmãos amados estavam a processar uns aos outros (1 Coríntios 6:1), as pessoas embebedavam-se com o vinho da comunhão (1 Coríntios 11:21), e a lista continuou. O que é que ele viu naquelas pessoas que o fizeram agradecido?

Paulo viu o que só um seguidor de Jesus Cristo podia ver; A graça de Deus a trabalhar nas suas vidas. Geralmente, quanto mais tempo uma pessoa passa com os outros, mais evidente se torna o pecado nas suas vidas. Isto pode aproximá-los mais uns aos outros, ou levá-los a afastarem mais. Infelizmente, em muitos relacionamentos de facto leva à separação ou pelo menos, a uma grande desconfiança e um orgulho na vida de alguém que julga as falhas da outra pessoa.

Ao olharmos para a graça de Deus nas vidas daqueles à nossa volta, em vez das suas falhas, vamos começar a vê-los como uma bênção nas nossas vidas em vez de uma maldição. Ver a graça abundante de Deus nos outros deve ser o que separa a igreja das pessoas de fora. Somos pecadores cheios de graça, em vez de pecadores cheios de orgulho.

~ 1 Coríntios 1:4


It is hard to imagine why Paul was telling the Church at Corinth that he was thankful for them. The church in Corinth had serious "issues". Among them, a man was sleeping with his father’s wife (1 Corinthians 5:1), fellow believers were suing each other (1 Corinthians 6:1), people were getting drunk off of the communion wine (1 Corinthians 11:21), and the list went on. What did he see in those people that made him thankful?

Paul saw what only a follower of Jesus Christ could see; God’s grace at work in their lives. Generally, the more time a person spends with another, the more obvious sin in their life becomes. This can either bring them closer together, or rend them further apart. Unfortunately, in many relationships it does indeed lead to separation or in the least, great mistrust and a pride in one’s life as they judge the other person’s faults.

As we look for God’s grace in the lives of those around us, rather then their faults, we will begin to view them as a blessing in our lives instead of a curse. Seeing God’s abundant grace in others should be what separates the church from those outside of it. We are sinners full of grace, instead of sinners full of pride.

~ 1 Corinthians 1:4

quinta-feira, 10 de março de 2016

Bethel Music - You Make Me Brave ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I stand before You now
The greatness of Your renown
I have heard of the majesty and wonder of You
King of Heaven, in humility, I bow

As Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter in

I have heard You calling my name
I have heard the song of love that You sing
So I will let You draw me out beyond the shore
Into Your grace
Your grace

As Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter in

You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the love that made a way

You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves
You make me brave
You make me brave
No fear can hinder now the promises you made
You make me brave
You make me brave
You call me out beyond the shore into the waves

Because Your love, in wave after wave
Crashes over me, crashes over me
For You are for us
You are not against us
Champion of Heaven
You made a way
Champion of Heaven
You made a way for all to enter in

Pergunta # Question

O que é que gostarias de poder apagar do passado?

Os rumores são levados por aqueles que odeiam, espalhados por tolos e aceites por idiotas.

Rumors are carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots.

Amor é... ir para a estrada com a tua auto-caravana.

A felicidade não é um estado temporário da mente. A felicidade é um estilo de vida que exige reconhecer que estás disposto a trabalhar para fazer do amanhã um dia melhor.

Happiness isn't a temporary state of mind. Happiness is a lifestyle that requires acknowledging that you are willing to do the work to make tomorrow a better day.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Um caracol cubano (Priotrochatella stellata), com a sua concha única.
A cuban snail (Priotrochatella stellata), with its unique shell.

Um Chamado À Coragem # A Call To Courage

A vida assusta-te? Sentes-te cercado por aqueles que te querem fazer mal, como os hackers dos computadores, empresários desonestos e até mesmo vizinhos que se aproveitam de ti? A coisa mais fácil neste tipo de ambiente seria escondermos atrás das paredes das nossas casas e proteger-nos dos perigos que se encontram à espera.

Mas Jesus chamou os Seus discípulos para algo diferente. Pediu-lhes que tivessem coragem e força em face de algumas situações muito assustadoras. Quando Jesus andou sobre as águas em direcção a eles enquanto atravessavam o mar, Ele pediu-lhes para acreditar que a figura parecida com um espírito era realmente o seu Salvador. Pediu-lhes para saírem aos pares e pregarem em Seu nome. E finalmente, Ele pediu-lhes para ir a Jerusalém com Ele para os Seus últimos dias.

As oportunidades que Deus quer trazer ao nosso caminho precisam de coragem. Quando confrontados com oportunidades que nos assustam, devemos lembrar-nos que Deus nos faz fortes na nossa fraqueza. Deus usa os próprios desafios que fazem os nossos joelhos tremerem para nos usar para a grandeza, e como as Suas mãos e pés na terra. Sai hoje com coragem, não importa o que estás a enfrentar e fica a saber que Deus está contigo.

~ Mateus 14:27


Does life frighten you? Do you feel surrounded by those who would do you harm, computer hackers, dishonest business people, and even neighbors who take advantage of you? The easiest thing in this type of environment would be to hide behind the walls of our homes and protect ourselves from the dangers that lie in wait.

But Jesus called His disciples to something different. He asked them to have courage and strength in the face of some very frightening situations. When Jesus walked on the water toward them as they sailed across the sea, He asked them to believe that this ghost-like figure was really their Savior. He asked them to go out in pairs and preach in His name. And finally, He asked them to go to Jerusalem with Him for His final days.

The opportunities that God wants to bring your way will take courage. When faced with opportunities that frighten us, we should remember that God makes us strong in our weakness. God uses the very challenges that make our knees tremble to use us for greatness, and as His hands and feet on earth. Step out today in courage, no matter what you’re facing, and know that God has you.

~ Matthew 14:27

segunda-feira, 7 de março de 2016

Elliot - Borderlines ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Your love knows no borderlines
Knows no end, no confines
Limitless, and so I have much more
Than I could want, than I could hope for

And this is just a breath
Of His kindness
This is just the edge
Of His love

Oh God my God worthy of praise
So rich in love and measureless grace
Reaching deeper than the floor of any ocean
Stretches wider than the earth He set in motion

I have walked the shoreline of Your sea
But I cannot begin to dive into this deep
I have spoke, and uttered many things
but words cannot begin to tell Your mysteries

And this is just a breath
Of His kindness
This is just the edge
Of His love

Oh God my God worthy of praise
So rich in love and measureless grace
Reaching deeper than the floor of any ocean 
Stretches wider than the earth He set in motion

What great manner of love is upon us
This measure of love is beyond us
What great manner of love is upon us now

What great manner of love is upon us 
This measure of love is beyond us
What great manner of love is upon us now
Is upon us now
Is upon us now
Is upon us now

Oh God my God worthy of praise
So rich in love and measureless grace
Reaching deeper than the floor of any ocean 
Stretches wider than the earth He set in motion

Pergunta # Question

O que é que sentes mais falta da tua vida de há cinco anos atrás?

As coisas que me tornam diferente são as coisas que me fazem ser eu.

The things that make me different are the things that make me.

Amor é... sonhar.

Inspire amor, expire gratidão.

Inhale love, exhale gratitude.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Neve e tulipas na Patagónia, Argentina.
Snow and tulips in Patagonia, Argentina.

Resistindo Às Tempestades # Weathering The Storms

Se cresceste na igreja, provavelmente já ouviste falar da parábola do homem que edificou a sua casa sobre a rocha e o homem que construiu a sua casa sobre a areia durante a Escola Sabatina. Muitas vezes podemos concentrar-nos na fundação do homem cuja casa foi construída sobre a rocha. Ele obedece às palavras de Jesus e a sua casa fica em pé. Muitas vezes tendemos a ignorar que este homem também passa pela tempestade. Ambos os homens passam pela mesma tempestade, mas há um resultado diferente para estes homens. A única diferença é a sua fundação

Podemos aprender uma verdade preciosa com esta parábola. Aprendemos que a vida Cristã não é sobre como escapar as tempestades que vêm na nossa direcção. A vida Cristã é sobre o resistir às tempestades com Jesus como o nosso fundamento. Jesus nunca disse que o homem que obedece às Suas palavras nunca terá quaisquer problemas na vida. Ele diz que o homem que obedece às Suas palavras será capaz de atravessar os problemas, porque ele tem Jesus como o seu fundamento.

~ Lucas 6:47-48


If you grew up in the church, you probably heard the parable of the man building his house on the rock and the man who built his house on the sand at Sabbath School. We can often focus on the foundation of the man whose house was built on the rock. He obeys the words of Jesus and his house stays up. We often tend to ignore that this man also goes through the storm. Both of these men go through the same storm, but there is a different outcome for these men. The only difference is their foundation

We can learn a little nugget of truth from this parable. We learn that the Christian life isn’t about escaping the storms that come our way. The Christian life is about weathering the storms with Jesus as our foundation. Jesus never said that the man who does His words won’t have any problems in life. He says that the man who does His words will be able to make it through these problems because he has Jesus as his foundation.

~ Luke 6:47-48

sábado, 5 de março de 2016

I Am They - Over & Over Again ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Wake me up from my slumber, oh God
Take these shaking hands and hold them still
Wake me up from my slumber, oh God
Lift my eyes to Yours, where my help comes from

Over and over again, Your love and Your mercy begin
No matter how far, You find me where I am

When my fears chase my failures, oh God
Oh when heaven’s glow seems so far
Wake me up to Your glory, oh God
Draw my eyes to Yours, where my help comes from
I will find You

Over and over again, Your love and Your mercy begin
No matter how far, You find me where I am

Over and over again, Your love and Your mercy begin
No matter how far, You find me where I am

In my suffering and
In my weakness and
When from You I ran
You find me
In the dark of sin,
When I’m there again
You find me, You find me

In my suffering and
In my weakness and
When from You I ran
You find me
In the dark of sin,
When I’m there again
You find me, You find me

Over and over again, Your love and Your mercy begin
No matter how far, You find me where I am

Over and over again (Your mercy falls)
You are faithful to the end (and You lift me up)
No matter how far, You find me where I am
Over again

Wake me up to Your glory, oh God
Lift my eyes to Yours, where my help comes from

Pergunta # Question

Na tua vida, qual tem sido a maior bênção disfarçada?