segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2018

Casting Crowns - I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth good will to men

And the bells are ringing (peace on earth)
Like a choir they're singing (peace on earth)
In my heart I hear them (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

And in despair I bowed my head
There is no peace on earth I said
For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men

But the bells are ringing (peace on earth)
Like a choir singing (peace on earth)
Does anybody hear them? (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

Then rang the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead, nor does he sleep (peace on earth, peace on earth)
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail 
With peace on earth, good will to men

Then ringing singing on its way
The world revolved from night to day
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men

And the bells they're ringing (peace on earth)
Like a choir they're singing (peace on earth)
And with our hearts we'll hear them (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

Do you hear the bells they're ringing? (peace on earth)
The life the angels singing (peace on earth)
Open up your heart and hear them (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

Peace on earth, peace on earth
Peace on earth, good will to men

Pergunta # Question

Do quê és auto-consciente?

Ele sofreu como Deus porque somente Deus tinha o poder de salvar; Ele sofreu como homem porque só ao homem pertencia a dívida.

He suffered as God because only God had the power to save; He suffered as Man because only man owed the debt.

Amor é... dar como receber no Natal.

A questão não é: "Porque só existe um caminho para Deus?" mas, "Porque existe mesmo um caminho?"

The question is not: "Why is there only one way to God?" but, "Why is there even one way?"

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O artista de botas de neve Simon Beck criou este incrível lobo gigante como parte de uma promoção para o Game of Thrones.
Snowshoe artist Simon Beck created this awesome giant direwolf as part of a promotion for Game of Thrones.

O Jogo Dos Desejos # The Wishing Game

Quando crianças, costumávamos jogar o jogo dos desejos, fazendo a pergunta: "Se pudesses fazer um desejo, o que seria?"

Eu ficava quieto enquanto outros diziam coisas como: muito dinheiro, uma casa grande ou uma mota. Depois eu dizia: "Eu desejava ter desejos ilimitados!" Pensava que era muito inteligente na época, mas olhando para trás, isso simplesmente revelou o incrível egoísmo de uma criança.
Há muitos anos atrás, Deus disse ao jovem Rei de Israel, Salomão: "Pede o que quiseres que Eu te dê." Que oferta! Salomão escolheu "sabedoria para liderar e discernir entre o bem e o mal." Deus ficou satisfeito, sabendo que ele poderia ter pedido riqueza ou uma vida longa. Então Deus concedeu-lhe o desejo e uma vida longa e rica.

Pedir a Deus sabedoria é um pedido sábio, pois frequentemente com sabedoria obtém-se grande sucesso e o respeito dos outros. O mundo é atraído por pessoas que são sábias. Lembra-te, Deus e a Sua Palavra são as melhores fontes de sabedoria.

~ 1 Reis 3:9


As kids we used to play the wishing game, asking the question, “If you could make one wish, what would it be?”
I would stay quiet while others said things like, lots of money, a big house, or a motorcycle. Then I’d say, "I’d wish for unlimited wishes!" I thought I was so smart at the time, but looking back it simply revealed the incredible selfishness of a young boy.

Years ago, God said to Israel’s young King Solomon, "Ask whatever you wish Me to give you." What an offer! Solomon chose "wisdom to lead and discernment between good and evil." God was pleased, knowing he could have asked for wealth or long life. So God granted his wish and a wealthy, long life.

Asking God for wisdom is a wise request indeed, for so often with wisdom comes great success and the respect of others. The world is drawn to people who are wise. Remember, God and His Word are the best sources of wisdom.

~ 1 Kings 3:9

sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2018

Casting Crowns - Even When You're Running ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Do you feel Him in your heartbeat even when you’re running?
You try to drown Him out with your life but you still hear Him calling
With a voice you’ve never heard but it sounds like home, home
You try to shut it out but you feel it in your bones
And it won’t leave you alone

His love is inescapable 
His presence is unshakable
Right now you don’t believe it’s true
A better day is coming
And you don’t need another place to hide
He’ll find you in your darkest night
His love is holding on to you
Even when you’re running

As a kid you said your prayers, now they’re bouncing off the ceiling
They took your world away when you trusted Him for healing
He’s no stranger to your heartbreak, He knows how it feels to lose
From the garden to the cross, He’s been chasing after you
He’s chasing after you

His love is inescapable 
His presence is unshakable
Right now you don’t believe it’s true
A better day is coming
And you don’t need another place to hide
He’ll find you in your darkest night
His love is holding on to you
Even when you’re running

Your fear isn’t dark enough
Your pit isn’t deep enough
Your lie isn’t loud enough 
To keep Him away from you

The Father made the way for you
The Son killed the grave for you
Let His Spirit come alive in you
Are you tired of the running? [x2]

His love is inescapable 
His presence is unshakable
Right now you don’t believe it’s true
A better day is coming
And you don’t need another place to hide
He’ll find you in your darkest night
His love is holding on to you
Even when you’re running

It’s time to stop running now
You don’t have to have it figured out
All you need to do is turn around
And the Father will come running

Pergunta # Question

Qual é uma coisa que tens de deixar para seguir em frente?

As pessoas perguntam-me: "Porquê orar se Deus é soberano?" Eu respondo: "Porquê orar se Ele não for?"

People ask me: "Why pray if God is sovereign?" I respond: "Why pray if He isn't?"

Amor é... fazer um boneco de neve que se parece com ele.

A única coisa que a igreja pode dar ao mundo que é verdadeiramente única é o Evangelho.

The only thing that the church can provide to the world that is truly unique is the Gospel.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Esta incrível plantação de floresta Hinoki pelo mestre Bonsai Masahiko Kimura, foi recentemente vendida na 38.ª Exposição Anual Nippon Bonsai Taikan por 1.800.000 Ienes, o que equivale a aproximadamente US $15.800.
This incredible Hinoki forest planting by Bonsai master Masahiko Kimura, was recently sold at the 38th annual Nippon Bonsai Taikan Exhibition for ¥1,800,000 which is equal to approximately $15,800.

Porque Deus Amou (Insere Aqui O Teu Nome) De Tal Maneira # For God So Loved (Insert Your Name Here)

João 3:16 é provavelmente o verso mais famoso da Bíblia. Basicamente, Jesus resume o Seu propósito na Terra, era tudo sobre o amor: "Deus amou o mundo de tal maneira." Agora quero que substituas a palavra "mundo" pelo o teu nome, porque o que Jesus estava a dizer é para cada pessoa. Deus amou-te tanto que Ele enviou o Seu Filho, Jesus. E se confiarmos Nele e aceitarmos que Ele é a verdade e o Filho de Deus, então teremos a vida eterna. Embora cada um de nós morra, Jesus promete aos seus seguidores uma vida com Ele por toda a eternidade. Tudo depende se O aceitamos como o nosso Salvador pessoal.

Jesus promete a vida eterna, significando um relacionamento eterno com Deus. Esta não é apenas uma promessa para a eternidade, mas uma promessa para uma vida abundante hoje. Em João 10:10, Jesus disse: "O ladrão vem senão para roubar, matar e destruir; Eu vim para que tenham vida e a tenham em abundância."

A vida abundante que Jesus estava a falar não se refere a coisas materiais; isto não significa que vais realizar o "sonho". Talvez o realizes ou talvez não. Esta não é a questão. Quando Jesus prometeu uma vida abundante aqui na terra para os Seus seguidores, Ele estava a falar sobre a vida mais significativa, plena e com o maior propósito possível n'Ele.

Por outras palavras, as nossas vidas não serão perfeitas, livres de problemas e incertezas, mas podemos ter a certeza de que Jesus andará connosco por todos os altos e baixos, sempre e para sempre. Nada nos vai afastar deste relacionamento com Jesus. Porquê? Porque Deus amou – TE – de tal maneira.

~ João 3:16


John 3:16 is probably the most famous verse in the Bible. It’s basically Jesus summarizing His purpose on Earth which was all about love: "God so loved the world." Now I want you to replace the word "world" with your name, because what Jesus was saying is for every single person. God so loved you that He sent His Son, Jesus. And if we trust in Him and accept that He is truth and the Son of God, then we will have eternal life. Although each of us will die, Jesus promises His followers a life with Him for all of eternity. It all depends if we accept Him as our personal Saviour.

Jesus promises eternal life, meaning an eternal relationship with God. This isn’t just a promise for eternity, but a promise for an abundant life today. In John 10:10 Jesus said, "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly."

The abundant life Jesus was talking about doesn’t refer to material things; it doesn’t mean you’re going to fulfill the "dream". Maybe you will or maybe you won’t. That’s not the point. When Jesus promised an abundant life here on earth for His followers, He was speaking about living the most meaningful, fulfilled and purposeful life possible in Him.

In other words, our lives won’t be perfect, free from problems and uncertainties, but we can be confident that Jesus will walk with us through all of the ups and down, always and forever. Nothing will take away that relationship with Jesus. Why? Because God so loved – YOU.

~ John 3:16

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2018

Anthem Lights feat. Amy Grant - Emmanuel, God With Us ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

We dim the light
We stoke the fire
We breathe the ever-green
Young ones wait
While the old ones make up
Tales of how it used to be

China dolls, candy corn
Painted wooden toys
Treasures found to the wondrous sound
Of carolling the Savior
Born to us on Christmas morn

Emmanuel, God with us
Emmanuel, God with us
The son of Israel

And still He calls through the night
Beyond the days of old
A voice of peace to the weary ones
Who struggle with the human soul

All of us travelers
Through a gvien time
Who can know what tomorrow holds
But over the horizon
Surely you and I will find

Emmanuel, God with us
Emmanuel, God with us
The son of Israel

And the years they come
And the years they go
Through we may forget somehow
That the child once born in Bethlehem
Is still among us now

Emmanuel, God with us
Emmanuel, God with us
The son of Israel

Pergunta # Question

Qual é uma escolha que tu no futuro sabes que vais te agradecer por teres tomado?

Mesmo que não vejas nada, Deus está a trabalhar.

Even though you see nothing, God is working.

Amor é... ser a sua audiência cativada!

Quando fazes a tua parte, o Senhor acrescenta o Seu poder aos teus esforços.

When you do your part, the Lord adds His power to your efforts.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Chen San-yuan, o jogador de 70 anos que joga Pokemon Go em 11 telefones. O avô de 70 anos conheceu o jogo pelo neto e é viciado desde então. Ele diz que mantém a sua mente afiada, o corpo activo e a sua carteira mais leve; pois gasta mais de $1.290 por mês em compras no jogo.
Chen San-yuan the 70-Year-Old gamer that plays Pokemon Go on 11 phones. The 70-year-old grandfather first learned of the game from his grandson and has been addicted ever since. He says it keeps his mind sharp, body active and wallet light; as he spends upwards of $1,290 per month on in-game purchases.

Não Te Esqueças Dos Teus Amigos! # Don't Forget Your Friends!

Acho que é correto assumir que muitas pessoas hoje não gostam do sector das Finanças. Ninguém gosta de pagar impostos. No entanto, não está tão mal quanto estava nos dias de Jesus. Naquela época, os colectores de impostos podiam cobrar mais do que uma pessoa devia e embolsar a diferença! Os colectores de impostos Judeus que colectavam dos Judeus para Roma eram vistos como traidores do seu próprio povo e eram desprezados. Assim, em Cafarnaum, a cidade natal adoptada de Jesus, quando Ele caminha directamente até este colector de impostos desprezado, Mateus, e pede-lhe que seja um dos Seus seguidores... consegues imaginar como as pessoas ficaram horrorizadas? E ninguém ficou mais chocado do que Mateus! Ele não era bem-vindo na sinagoga e era desprezado pelos seus companheiros Judeus, mas contrário do que sabia sobre si mesmo, Mateus foi escolhido por Jesus como um dos apóstolos originais.

O que se seguiu foi uma grande recepção para Jesus na casa de Mateus, onde ele convidou outros colectores de impostos e os seus amigos pecadores. Porque é que ele fez isto? Bem, Mateus ficou tão comovido que Cristo o chamou para ser um seguidor, que queria que os seus amigos conhecessem Jesus e reconhecessem como este Jesus poderia mudar também as suas vidas. Então, ele convidou todos para a sua festa para conhecê-Lo.

Os líderes religiosos Judeus ficaram chocados com isto. Acharam que era ridículo que este homem, Jesus, que Se chamava um homem de Deus, se misturasse com os pecadores assim. Vê como Jesus respondeu em Lucas 5:31:

Não são aqueles que estão bem que precisam de um médico, mas aqueles que estão doentes.

Eu não vim chamar os justos, mas pecadores ao arrependimento.

Hoje não é diferente. Quando uma pessoa vem a conhecer Jesus, é hora de festa. Hora de convidar as pessoas e partilhar com elas como Jesus mudou a sua vida.

Mateus acertou. É a minha esperança e oração que todos nós também acertemos.

~ Lucas 5:27-29


I think it’s correct to assume that many folks today are not fond of the IRS. Nobody likes to pay taxes. Yet, we don’t have it nearly as bad as people did in Jesus’ day. Back then, the tax collectors could collect more than a person owed and pocket the difference! Jewish tax collectors who collected from the Jews for Rome were seen as traitors of their own people, and they were despised. So, in Capernaum, Jesus’ adopted home town, when He walks right over to this despised tax collector, Matthew, and asks him to be one of His followers... can you imagine how appalled the people were? And no one was more shocked than Matthew! He was not welcome in the synagogue and was despised by his fellow Jews, but, contrary to what he knew about himself, Matthew was chosen by Jesus as one of the original apostles.

What followed was a big reception for Jesus at Matthew’s house, where he invited other tax collectors and his sinful friends. Why would he do this? Well, Matthew was so moved that Christ had called Him to be a follower, He wanted his friends to meet Jesus and recognize how this Jesus could change their lives, too. So, he invited them all to his party to meet Him.

The Jewish religious leaders were appalled by that. They thought it was ridiculous that this man Jesus, who called Himself a man of God, would mingle with the sinners like that. See how Jesus responded in Luke 5:31:

It is not those who are well who need a physician, but those who are sick.

I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.

It’s no different today. When a person comes to know Jesus, it’s party time. Time to invite people over and share with them how Jesus has changed their life.

Matthew got it right. It’s my hope and prayer that all of us will get it right, as well.

~ Luke 5:27-29

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2018

Pat Barrett - Into Faith I Go ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I’ve never been good at change
If I’m honest it’s always scared me
But I can’t deny this stirring deep inside me
And I know it’s time to stop resisting
‘Cause I’m not getting any younger
Fear is such a sad way to live a life
So, face to the wind, I’m jumping out, I’m walking in
Every single thing You want to show me

To the ups and downs
The highs and lows
The taking in
The letting go
To tears and laughter
The great unknown
To the open journey
Into faith I go

Nobody said this would be easy
Anyone who did never went through anything painful
But faith is not some fragile thing that shatters when we walk through something hard
So, we walk on
Whatever may come

To the ups and downs
The highs and lows
The taking in
The letting go
To tears and laughter
The great unknown
To the open journey
Into faith I go

Running like a child in an open field
Stepping off the edge, I’m facing all my fears
If this is what it feels like to be born again
I’ll be born again

So, when I feel like giving up
When I feel like throwing it all away
I look back over my shoulder 
And I can see Your goodness every single step that I have taken
And it beats like a drum
And it rings like a bell
And it sings like a choir
And it’s leading me on my way
Oh, You lead me on my way

To the ups and downs
The highs and lows
The taking in
The letting go
To tears and laughter
The great unknown
To the open journey
Into faith I go

Pergunta # Question

Há 5 anos atrás, o que é que pensavas estaria diferente na tua vida hoje?

Vai o quilómetro extra, nunca está demasiado cheio.

Go the extra mile, it's never crowded.

Amor é... caminhar sozinho com as tuas lembranças.

Às vezes o teu único meio de transporte disponível é um salto de fé.

Sometimes your only available mode of transportation is a leap of faith.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Uma tarambola tranquila aconchega quatro filhotes.
Piping plover brooding four chicks.

Com Toda A Tua Força # With All Your Strength

Precisamos de amar Deus com toda a nossa força. Isto significa toda a nossa energia. É interessante que a palavra que o evangelho de Marcos usa para "força" também significa "habilidade". Gosto disto. Porque o que é que isto nos diz sobre amar Deus? Significa que Deus deu-nos talentos e habilidades. E quando usamos estes talentos e habilidades na igreja, na vocação ou nas relações com os outros, podemos abordá-lo de duas maneiras: podemos buscar a glória para nós mesmos ou procurar glorificar a Deus.

Sabes, amar Deus com toda a nossa energia, com todas as nossas habilidades, com todos os nossos dons espirituais, significa servir ao Senhor no ministério. É uma maneira de expressar o nosso amor a Ele. Significa não reter nada quando se trata do nosso nível de energia em mostrar o nosso amor por Deus. Significa que quando estamos a usar toda esta energia na nossa vocação, ou na escola, estamos a fazer isso porque é agradável a Deus aproveitar ao máximo as nossas habilidades para Ele. Estamos a amar Deus com toda a nossa força, com todo o nosso ser.

~ Marcos 12:29-30


We need to love God with all of our strength. That means all of our energy. It’s interesting that the word the gospel of Mark uses for "strength" also means "ability". I love that. Because what does that tell us about loving God? It means that God has given all of us talents and abilities. And when we use those talents and abilities in church, or in vocation, or in relationships with others, we can approach it one of two ways: we can seek glory for ourselves or look to glorify God.

You see, to love God with all of our energy, with all of our abilities, with all of our spiritual gifts, means serving the Lord in ministry. It’s a way of expressing our love to Him. It means holding nothing back when it comes to our energy level in showing our love for God. It means that when we’re using all that energy in our vocation, or in school, we’re doing it because it is pleasing to God to make the most of our abilities for Him. We are loving God with all of our strength, with all of our being.

~ Mark 12:29-30