segunda-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2019

Danny Gokey - Wanted ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I was there the moment that it happened
But you couldn’t see Me through the pain
I caught every tear as they were falling
When you lost your heart that day
Yeah you lost your heart that day

Now you only see through broken lenses
Trying to keep your head above the shame
You believe the lie that I am distant
But I hold you every day
Yeah I hold you every day

If you could see it through My eyes
You’d know that you are wanted
You’d know that you are wanted
If you’d let My love inside
I’ll show you that you’re wanted
I’ll show you that you’re wanted

You’re more than all your darkest moments
You are defined by what I see
You’re My reflection, you’re My treasure, you’re My heartbeat
Oh child you belong to Me

If you could see it through My eyes
You’d know that you are wanted
You’d know that you are wanted
If you’d let My love inside
I’ll show you that you’re wanted
I’ll show you that you’re wanted

Not rejected, not unwelcome
You’re wanted, you’re wanted
Not abandoned, not forgotten
You’re wanted, you’re wanted

I’m right here in this moment
And I’m singing over you
Yeah I’m singing over you

If you could see it through My eyes
You’d know that you are wanted
You’d know that you are wanted
If you’d let My love inside
I’ll show you that you’re wanted
I’ll show you that you’re wanted

Pergunta # Question

O que é que realizarias se soubesses que não poderias falhar?

Quando me perguntam: "O que é mais importante: Orar ou ler a bíblia?" Eu pergunto: "O que é mais importante: Inspirar ou expirar?"

When asked: "What is more important: Praying or reading the bible?" I ask: "What is more important: Breathing in or breathing out?"

Amor é...a tua própria botija humana de água quente.

Na Ciência lemos apenas as notas de um poema; no Cristianismo encontramos o próprio poema.

In Science we have been reading only the notes to a poem; in Christianity we find the poem itself.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Sanna Marin, 34 anos, Finlandesa, tornou-se esta semana a Primeira-Ministra mais jovem do mundo. A ex-ministra dos Transportes foi eleita como primeira-ministra por membros do seu Partido Social Democrata de esquerda após a renúncia do Primeiro-Ministro Antii Rinne.
34-year-old Sanna Marin of Finland became the world’s youngest Prime Minster this week. The former transportation minister was elected as prime minister by members of her left-wing Social Democratic Party after the resignation of Prime Minister Antii Rinne.

Entendemos Realmente O Dom De Jesus? # Do We Really Understand The Gift Of Jesus?

Pergunto-me, se compreendo realmente o incrível dom que recebemos quando Jesus morreu pelos nossos pecados? Será que algum de nós? Não que tomemos esse acto como garantido, mas falamos sobre isto com tanta frequência que acho que deixamos de absorver todo o alcance deste dom.

É como se todos os nossos pecados estivessem escritos num quadro. E então Cristo veio com um pano e apagou-os para sempre... como se eles nunca estivessem lá. Neste quadro, alguém coloca um recibo que diz: "PAGO POR INTEIRO". Foi o que os pregos da cruz fizeram, pagaram a penalidade pelos nossos pecados na íntegra. Cristo fez tudo. Os nossos pecados foram pregados na cruz; ficaram resolvidos. Nada mais é necessário para o perdão além da nossa confissão e aceitarmos este dom maravilhoso.

Já o fizeste? Já reivindicaste a liberdade que te tira as amarras de saber que Cristo pagou a dívida total dos teus pecados? Se não, por que não deixar que Cristo te dê um quadro limpo? A nossa escolha é simplesmente aceitar o Seu dom na fé.

~ Colossenses 2:13-14


I wonder, do I really comprehend the incredible gift we were given when Jesus died for our sins? Do any of us? Not that we take this act for granted, but we speak about it so routinely that I think we fail to absorb the full scope of this gift.

It’s as though all of our sins were listed on a writing board. And then Christ has come along with a cloth and erased them forever... as though they were never even there. On that board, somebody puts a receipt that says, "PAID IN FULL". That’s what the nails of the cross did, paid the penalty for our sin in full. Christ has done it all. Our sins have been nailed to the cross; they’ve been taken care of. Nothing more is needed for forgiveness other than our confession and accepting this amazing gift.

Have you done that? Have you claimed the liberating freedom of knowing that Christ has paid the full debt of your sins? If not, why not let Christ give you a clean slate? Our choice is simply to accept His gift in faith.

~ Colossians 2:13-14

sábado, 21 de dezembro de 2019

Hillsong Young and Free ft. Aodhan King - Highs & Lows ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Tell me where could I run
From Your light
Where could I hide
Hemmed within Your precious thoughts
There’s no hiding from Your love

Highs and lows
Lord You’re with me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Even so
Lord Your mercy is an even flow
You’re too good to let me go

Should I dance on the heights
Or make my bed among the depths
Your mercy waits at every end
Like You planned it from the start

Should the dawn come with wings
Or find me far-side of the sea
There Your hand still fastens me
Ever closer to Your heart

Highs and lows
Lord You’re with me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Even so
Lord Your mercy is an even flow
Should I rise or should I fall
You are faithful through it all
You’re too good to let me go

Highs and lows
You surround me either way it goes
Should I rise or should I fall
Lord You’re with me through it all
Highs and lows
In the rhythms of Your grace I know
Should I rise or should I fall
You are faithful through it all
And You’re too good to let me go [x2]

Pergunta # Question

Qual é a tua defesa número 1 contra a negatividade das outras pessoas?

Se o diabo não conseguir tornar-nos maus, ele nos tornará ocupados.

If the devil cannot make us bad, he will make us busy.

Amor é... quando ele limpa o teu pára-brisas depois de uma queda de neve.

Deixa tudo nas mãos que foram feridas por ti.

Leave it all in the hands that were wounded for you.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

A incrível arte de rua de Nikita Golubev, também conhecido como Pro Boy Nick, o artista de Moscovo continua a "cavar arte da sujidade". Enquanto as obras de arte duram apenas até a próxima tempestade ou lavagem de carro, as obras sobrevivem através das redes sociais e da fotografia.
The amazing street art of Nikita Golubev aka Pro Boy Nick, the Moscow-based artist continues to "dig art out of dirt". While the artworks last only until the next rainstorm or car wash, the pieces live on through social media and photography.

És Um Encorajador? # Are You An Encourager?

Desencorajar geralmente ocorre quando acumulam-se eventos decepcionantes. Eventualmente, a nossa força e coragem ficam completamente esgotadas. É um sentimento intenso de perder o ânimo. Por outro lado, o encorajar é a capacidade de expressar força e coragem na vida de alguém. É reabastecer esse "suprimento de coragem" para enfrentar os desafios da vida. Não é incrível a rapidez com que estas palavras mudam de significado devido a dois pequenos ajustes associados à palavra "coragem"? "Desencorajar" ou "Encorajar". Um tira a coragem. Outro dá.

A Bíblia fala muito sobre coragem e encorajamento. Como crentes, somos chamados a encorajar-nos uns aos outros nas nossas jornadas de fé. É por isso que participar do corpo de crentes por meio de adoração, estudo da Bíblia e ministrar a outras pessoas é tão importante. E tu? És um encorajador ou um desencorajador? Quando olhas para a tua vida, ela caracteriza-se por derramar coragem na vida dos outros ou tirá-la? Pede a Deus para ajudar-te a tornar-te um encorajador para os outros.

~ 1 Tessalonicenses 5:11


Discouragement often hits when disappointing events pile up. Eventually our strength and courage become completely drained. It’s an intense feeling of losing heart. Encouragement, on the other hand, is the ability to speak strength and courage into someone’s life. It’s replenishing that "courage supply" to face the challenges in life. Isn’t it amazing how quickly these words change meaning due to two small pre-fixes attached to the word "courage"? "Dis" or "En". One takes courage away. One puts it in.

The Bible talks a lot about courage and encouragement. As believers, we are called to encourage one another in our faith journeys. That’s why taking part in the body of believers through worship, Bible study, and ministering to others is so important. So what about you? Are you an encourager or a discourager? When you look at your life, is it characterized by pouring courage into the lives of others or taking it away? Ask God to help you become an encourager to others.

~ 1 Thessalonians 5:11