quarta-feira, 31 de maio de 2017

Josh Baldwin - Peace ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

In the land of my heart
In the fathoms of my soul
When the waters of my fears begin to rise
I feel Your love taking hold

In the valley of my mind
On the road of the unknown
When the shadows of my doubts are closing in
You are the light that brings me home

When I breathe in
I don’t understand but I can feel it
Every waking moment in Your presence
This peace won’t let me go

There is freedom
In laying all my worries at Your feet again
Even in my struggle I’m surrendering
Your peace won’t let me go

When my strength is nearly gone
When my wells have all run dry
It’s Your kindness that will lead me to Your arms
Where I find grace that You supply

When I breathe in
I don’t understand but I can feel it
Every waking moment in Your presence
This peace won’t let me go

There is freedom
In laying all my worries at Your feet again
Even in my struggle I’m surrendering
Your peace won’t let me go

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me
Surely all that You promised
Is so much more than I can see
I will rest in the assurance that I have all I need
Here in the Father’s peace

When I breathe in
I don’t understand but I can feel it
Every waking moment in Your presence
This peace won’t let me go

There is freedom
In laying all my worries at Your feet again
Even in my struggle I’m surrendering
Your peace won’t let me go

Pergunta # Question

Qual foi a coisa mais irritante sobre o teu dia de hoje?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Um homem carrega um aguilhão vela na sua cabeça enquanto caminha através do distrito de Hamarweyne em Mogadishu, na Somália.
A man carries a sailfish on his head as he walks through the Hamarweyne district in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Adivinha Quem Vem Jantar? # Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?

Não sei se já foste convidado à Casa Branca ou alguma vez foste convidado a aparecer no Palácio de Buckingham, mas não seria surpreendente ter o Presidente dos Estados Unidos ou a Rainha da Inglaterra a desejar visitar a tua casa? Bem, se achas isto espantoso, ouve esta... há um Rei que representa a realeza e o poder, maior do que qualquer um, que deseja fazer exactamente isso.

A Bíblia diz-nos que é Jesus Cristo, o Rei dos reis. Jesus fala sobre a nossa vida como se fosse um lar. Ele diz que está parado do lado de fora da porta das nossas vidas. Ele está a bater à porta à espera que o convidemos para entrar. Se abrires a porta e O convidares a entrar, Ele promete entrar. Quando Ele entra na tua vida, Ele traz significado, companheirismo, força e amor para enfrentar as demandas da vida. Ele traz tudo o que precisas para viver uma vida completa e determinada.

Que tal? Porquê não abrir a porta hoje? Podes jantar com o Rei dos reis, para todo o sempre. Agora, isto é verdadeiramente incrível!

~ Apocalipse 3:20


I don’t know whether you’ve ever been invited to the White House or ever been asked to make an appearance at Buckingham Palace, but wouldn’t it be amazing to have the President of the United States or the Queen of England desire to visit your home? Well, if you think that’s incredible, get this... there is a King who represents royalty and power, greater than anyone, who desires to do just that.

The Bible tells us that it’s Jesus Christ, the King of kings. Jesus talks about our life like it’s a home. He says He is standing outside the door of our lives. He’s knocking and hoping we’ll invite Him in. If you do open the door and invite Him in, He promises to enter. When He comes into your life, He brings meaning, companionship, strength, and love to face the demands of life. He brings everything you need to live a complete and purposeful life.

How about it? Why not open the door today? You can have dinner with the King of kings, forever and ever. Now, that’s truly incredible!

~ Revelation 3:20

terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2017

Casting Crowns - One Step Away ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

What if you could go back and relive one day of your life all over again
And unmake the mistake that left you a million miles away
From the you, you once knew
Now yesterday's shame keeps saying that you'll never get back on track
But what if I told you…

You're one step away from surrender
One step away from coming home, coming home
One step from arms wide open
His love has never let you go
You're not alone
You're one step away

It doesn't matter how far you've gone
Mercy says you don't have to keep running down the road you're on
Love's never met a lost cause
Your shame, lay it down
Leave your ghosts in the past ‘cause you know that you can't go back
But you can turn around
You've never been more than…

One step away from surrender
One step away from coming home, coming home
One step from arms wide open
His love has never let you go
You're not alone (not alone)
You're one step away
One step away

Lay down, lay down your old chains
Come now, and take up your new name
Your best life up ahead now
You're one step away [x3]

So come on home, come on home
One step from arms wide open
His love has never let you go
You're not alone (you're not alone)
You're one step away

Lay down, lay down your old chains
Take up, take up your new name [x2]

Lay down, lay down your old chains
Come now, take up your new name
Your best life up ahead now
One step away

Lay down, lay down your old chains
Come now, and take up your new name
Your best life up ahead now
You're just one step away

Pergunta # Question

De que coisa NÃO precisas para ser feliz?

Amor é...

- O nosso amor vai connosco para todo o lado!

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Uma linda coruja das neves parece estar a voar por cima de uma nuvem, mas na verdade está a deslizar centímetros acima de um campo de neve numa caçada para alimento, perto de Ottawa, Ontário, no Canadá.
A beautiful snowy owl looks like she is flying above a cloud, but in fact she is gliding inches above a snowplain in a hunt for food, just outside of Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Os Primeiros Momentos Do Dia # The First Moments Of The Day

Tanto já foi dito sobre ir o quilómetro extra... e isso é uma coisa boa. Na verdade, Jesus Cristo ensinou-nos a ir o quilómetro extra no serviço aos outros. Mas muitas vezes esquecemos a importância de ir o primeiro quilómetro. Os corredores sabem, quando treinam, que não é sempre o terceiro ou quarto quilómetro que é o mais difícil, mas sim o primeiro quilómetro! Apenas começar pode às vezes ser o nosso maior desafio.

Como é que começas o teu dia? Provavelmente tens uma lista completa de coisas que precisam de ser realizadas. Às vezes há tanta coisa para fazer que estamos tão sobrecarregados e não sabemos por onde começar. Outras vezes, saltamos algumas coisas muito importantes sabendo que há tantas outras coisas para fazer. Começa esse primeiro quilómetro do dia por discretamente passar alguns momentos na escritura e em oração e vais sentir que o resto do dia é muito mais fácil de navegar.

Lembra-te, se estás a treinar para uma grande corrida de estrada ou simplesmente para a corrida diária de vida, o quilómetro extra não significa nada, a menos que fielmente passes o primeiro.

~ Hebreus 12:1-2


So much is said about going the extra mile... and that’s a good thing. In fact, Jesus Christ taught us to go the extra mile in service to others. But we often overlook the importance of going the first mile. Joggers know, when in training, it is not always the third or fourth mile that is the toughest but rather it is the first mile! Just getting started can sometimes be our biggest challenge.

How do you start your day? You probably have a whole list of things that need to be accomplished. Sometimes there is so much to do that we are so overwhelmed and don’t know where to start. Other times we jump over some very important things knowing there are so many other things to do. Start that first mile of the day by quietly spending a few moments in scripture and in prayer and you will find the rest of the day is much easier to navigate.

Remember, whether you are training for a big road race or simply for the daily race of life, the extra mile does not mean anything unless you faithfully go the first one.

~ Hebrews 12:1-2

segunda-feira, 29 de maio de 2017

Bethel Music Kids - Ever Be ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Your love is devoted like a ring of solid gold
Like a vow that is tested like a covenant of old
Your love is enduring through the winter rain
And beyond the horizon with mercy for today

Faithful You have been and faithful You will be
You pledge yourself to me and it's why I sing

Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips

You Father the orphan
Your kindness makes us whole
And You shoulder our weakness
And Your strength becomes our own
Now You're making me like You
Clothing me in white
Bringing beauty from ashes
For You will have Your bride

Free of all her guilt and rid of all her shame
And known by her true name and it's why I sing

Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips

You will be praised You will be praised
With angels and saints we sing worthy are You Lord
You will be praised You will be praised
With angels and saints we sing worthy are You Lord [x2]

And it's why I sing
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips
Your praise will ever be on my lips, ever be on my lips

Pergunta # Question

Que tempos desapareceram para sempre?

Porque esperamos ser melhor tratados neste mundo do que foi Jesus?

Why do we expect to be better treated in this world than Jesus was?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

"Full Moon Service" é a mais recente manipulação de fotografia pelo artista e fotógrafo Erik Johansson.
"Full Moon Service" is the latest photo manipulation by artist and photographer Erik Johansson.

Seguir Quem? # Follow Who?

A Bíblia conta a história de André e Pedro a passar de pescadores a pescadores de homens. Somos apresentados a estes homens com este verso: "Eles, pois, deixando imediatamente as redes, O seguiram." Francamente, este verso sempre me perturbou. Imagina um estranho a caminhar até ti enquanto estás a trabalhar. Não conheces este homem, mas Ele diz: "Segue-Me". Isto significa abandonar tudo o que é familiar na tua vida, a tua família, amigos e a tua ocupação, para segui-Lo. Sim, Ele é dinâmico e carismático. Mas largar tudo e segui-lo cegamente? Simplesmente não consigo identificar-me com isto.

Felizmente, não aconteceu desta maneira. O facto é que André e Pedro foram apresentados a Jesus e passaram um dia inteiro a ouvir e a falar com Ele. (João 1:35-42) Depois ouviram-No pregar. Até viram como Jesus sabia muito mais sobre a pesca do que eles. (Lucas 5:1-11) Tinham O visto curar os doentes nas suas cidades de origem (Mateus 4:23). Depois de tudo isto, perceberam que Ele não era apenas um homem, mas o Messias, o Deus-homem e verdadeiramente tornaram-se convictos dos seus pecados. Jesus aproximou-se deles e disse: "Vinde após Mim, e Eu vos farei pescadores de homens." Nesta altura, eles estavam prontos para largar tudo e seguir Jesus. (Mateus 4:18-20)

Não, eles não seguiram Jesus cegamente. Haviam visto e ouvido o suficiente para crer que Ele é o Homem, o Messias. Se conheceres o Jesus da Bíblia, verás que o Seu chamado para ti será o mesmo que foi para André e Pedro: "Vinde após Mim, e Eu vos farei pescadores de homens."
~ Mateus 4:20


The Bible tells the story of Andrew and Peter going from being fishermen to fishers of men. We are introduced to them with this verse: "Immediately they left their nets, and they followed Him." Frankly, this verse has always disturbed me. Imagine a stranger walking up to you while you are working. You don’t know this man, but He says, "Follow Me." It means giving up all that’s familiar in your life, your family, friends, and your occupation, to follow Him. Yes, He’s dynamic and charismatic. But dropping everything and blindly following him? I just can’t identify with that.

Fortunately, it didn’t happen that way. The fact is Andrew and Peter were introduced to Jesus and had spent a full day listening and talking to Him. (John 1:35-42) Then they heard Him preach. They even saw how Jesus knew a whole lot more about fishing than they did. (Luke 5:1-11) They had seen Him healing the sick in their home towns (Matthew 4:23). After all that, they realized He was not just a man, but the Messiah, the God-man and truly became convicted of their sins. Jesus approached them and said, "Follow Me, and I’ll make you fishers of men." At that point, they were ready to drop everything and follow Jesus. (Matthew 4:18-20)

No, they didn’t blindly follow Jesus. They had seen and heard enough to believe He is the Man, the Messiah. If you get to know Jesus from the Bible, you’ll see His calling for you will be the same as it was for Andrew and Peter, "Follow me. I’ll make you fishers of men."

~ Matthew 4:20

sexta-feira, 26 de maio de 2017

Hillsong - The Stand ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

You stood before creation
Eternity in Your hand
You spoke the earth into motion
My soul now to stand

You stood before my failure
And carried the cross for my shame
My sin weighed upon Your shoulders
My soul now to stand

So what could I say?
And what could I do?
But offer this heart, Oh God
Completely to You [x2]

I'll stand
With arms high and heart abandoned
In awe of the One who gave it all
I'll stand
My soul Lord to You surrendered
All I am is Yours [x2]
All I am is Yours
All I am is Yours

Pergunta # Question

O que é que neste preciso momento te poderia excitar mais?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Todos sabemos que os camaleões são bons em esconder-se, mas este réptil inteligente - que é na verdade duas mulheres pintadas - pode ser o grande mestre do disfarce.
We all know chameleons are good at hiding, but this clever reptile - which is actually two painted women - might be the ultimate master of disguise.

Não Podes Negociar Com Deus # You Can't Bargain With God

No primeiro século, as pessoas começaram a ver Deus como alguém com quem podiam negociar. Então elas diziam: "Que tal isto, Deus? Se eu fizer isto, então farás aquilo." E hoje, ainda dizemos: "Deus, se me conseguires isto, farei aquilo." "Deus, se me conseguires este emprego, eu faço aquilo." Bem, sinto muito ter que dizer que isto simplesmente não funciona assim.

Afinal, que tipo de Deus faria isto? E se estivéssemos os dois a negociar com Deus pela mesma coisa e tu tivesses mais daquilo que estavas a usar para negociar do que eu? Eu iria perder. E quão coerente seria um Deus com quem tu pudesses negociar? Olha, seria um Deus emocional, despreocupado e inconsistente. Seria um Deus que é incerto sobre o futuro, que poderia nem ter controlo sobre ele.

Não, temos um Deus que, se já tiveste um miúdo a agarrar o teu tornozelo e acabas por arrastá-lo através do chão, aprecia este tipo de persistência, onde te viras e te agarras a Ele e dizes: "Deus, eu preciso de uma resposta. Preciso da Tua ajuda." Não é um Deus a quem dizes: "Deus, se me deres uma resposta, farei isto ou farei aquilo." Temos um Deus que simplesmente quer este tipo de comunicação connosco, Quer a nossa dependência Dele. Temos um Deus a quem podes implorar e, em última instância, enquanto pedimos e imploramos o nosso caso com Ele, descansar quando finalmente nos submetemos ao Seu plano.

É tão maravilhoso que não temos um Deus com quem possamos negociar. Sê grato que temos um Deus que é forte e consistente e vê o futuro. Um Deus que está no comando do futuro e tem planos para nós que são grandes e maravilhosos e melhores para a Sua glória. Portanto, podemos pedir e implorar-Lhe, mas em última instância, quando nos submetemos ao Seu plano para as nossas vidas, sabemos que Ele está a dar-nos o Seu melhor.

~ Deuteronómio 23:21


In the first century, people began began viewing God as someone they could bargain with. So they would say, "How about this, God? If I do this, then you’ll do this." And today, we still say, "God, if you’ll get me that, I’ll do this." "God if you get me this job, I’ll do that." Well, I’m sorry to tell you that it just doesn’t work that way.

What kind of God would do that, anyway? What if you and I were both bargaining God for the same thing and you had more of whatever the bargaining chips were than I did? I would lose. And how consistent of a God would that be if you could bargain with Him? Man, that’s an emotional, wishy-washy, inconsistent God. That’s a God who is uncertain about the future, who may not even be in control of it.

No, we have a God who, if you’ve ever had a kid grab onto your ankle and you end up dragging him across the floor, appreciates that kind of persistence, where you reach on and you hang on to Him and say, "God, I need an answer. I need your help." Not a God to whom you say, "God, if you’ll give me an answer, I’ll do this or do that." We have a God who simply wants that kind of communication with us, wants our dependence on Him. We have a God you can beg and ultimately, as we beg and we plead our case with Him, come to rest when we finally submit to His plan.

It’s so wonderful we don’t have a God you can bargain with. Be thankful we have a God who is strong and consistent and sees into the future. A God who is in charge of the future and has plans for us that are great and wonderful and best for His glory. So, we can beg and plead with Him, but ultimately, when we submit to His plan for our lives, we know He’s giving us His best.

~ Deuteronomy 23:21

quarta-feira, 24 de maio de 2017

I Am They - No Longer Slaves ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

You unravel me with a melody
You surround me with a song
Of deliverance from my enemies
'Til all my fears are gone

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God [x2]

From my mother's womb
You have chosen me
Love has called my name
I've been born again into Your family
Your blood flows through my veins

I'm no longer a slave to fear
I am a child of God 

You split the sea
So I could walk right through it
My fears were drowned in perfect love
You rescued me
So I could stand and sing
I am a child of God 

I am a child of God
Yes, I am
I am a child of God

Full of faith
I am a child of God

Ser Cristão é mais do que apenas uma conversão instantânea, é um processo diário pelo qual te tornas cada vez mais semelhante a Cristo.

Being a Christian is more than just an instantaneous conversion, it is a daily process whereby you grow to be more and more like Christ.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Ucranianos atiram água uns aos outros numa rua em Lviv, na Ucrânia.
Ukrainians pour water on each other on a street in Lviv, Ukraine.

O Trabalho do Artista Mestre # The Work Of The Master Artist

Primeiro, houve as Sete Maravilhas do Mundo:

» O Colosso de Rodes
» A Grande Pirâmide de Gizé
» Os Jardins Suspensos de Babilónia
» O Farol de Alexandria
» O Mausoléu em Halicarnassus
» A Estátua de Zeus em Olympia
» O Templo de Artemisa em Éfeso

Depois, vieram as Sete Maravilhas do Mundo Moderno, e depois as Sete Maravilhas Naturais do Mundo, e depois o NOVO conjunto de maravilhas do mundo.

Não percebes? TODAS as criações de Deus são Maravilhas do Mundo! Fico sempre espantado quando vejo o Discovery Channel ou um especial da National Geographic sobre o estudo aprofundado de um animal que nunca vi, aprendendo sobre o que os torna únicos e como sobrevivem. E mesmo que Deus seja raramente mencionado, se é que é alguma vez, nestes programas, isto aumenta a minha fé, pois lembro-me que Deus pensou em tudo, em cada pequeno detalhe na criação deste ser vivo. Para todos os lugares que te voltes na criação, há evidências de um desenho inteligente, o trabalho do Artista Mestre.

Deixa-me perguntar-te uma coisa: quando vês uma grande pintura... A Mona Lisa de DaVinci, uma peça de Van Gogh, ou uma cena da Vida Americana de Norman Rockwell, tens mais admiração da peça de arte do que do artista? É pouco provável. No entanto, fazemos sempre isto com a criação de Deus. Se honramos a criação e abandonamos o Criador, perdemos tudo. A melhor maneira de apreciar a criação é conhecer e apreciar o Criador.

~ Génesis 1:31


First, there were the Seven Wonders of the World:

» The Colossus of Rhodes
» The Great Pyramid of Giza
» The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
» The Lighthouse of Alexandria
» The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus
» The Statue of Zeus at Olympia
» The Temple of Artemis at Ephesusand

Then, there came the Seven Wonders of the Modern World, and then the Seven Natural Wonders of the World, and then the NEW set of wonders of the world.

Don’t you get it? ALL of God’s creations are Wonders of the World! I’m always amazed when I watch the Discovery Channel or a National Geographic special on an in-depth study of an animal I’ve rarely seen, gaining insight about what makes them unique and how they survive. And even though God is rarely, if ever, mentioned on these shows, it causes my faith to soar, for I’m reminded that God thought of everything, every little detail in creating this living thing. Everywhere you turn in creation, there’s evidence of intelligent design, the work of the Master Artist.

Let me ask you something: When you see a great painting... DaVinci’s Mona Lisa, a piece by Van Gogh, or a scene of American life by Norman Rockwell, do you have more awe of the piece of art than of the artist? Not likely. Yet, we do this all the time with God’s creation. If we honor the creation and forsake the Creator, we miss everything. The best way to appreciate creation is to know and appreciate the Creator.

~ Genesis 1:31

segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2017

Brian and Jenn Johnson - You're Gonna Be Ok ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

I know it's all you've got to just, be strong
And it's a fight just to keep it together, together
I know you think, that you are too far gone
But hope is never lost
Hope is never lost

Hold on, don't let go
Hold on, don't let go

Just take, one step, closer 
Put one foot in front of the other
You'll, get through this 
Just follow the light in the darkness 
You're gonna be ok        

I know your heart is heavy from those nights
Just remember that you're a fighter, a fighter
You never know just what tomorrow holds
And you're stronger than you know
Stronger than you know

Hold on, don't let go
Hold on, don't let go

Just take, one step, closer 
Put one foot in front of the other
You'll, get through this 
Just follow the light in the darkness
One step, closer 
Put one foot in front of the other
You'll, get through this 
Just follow the light in the darkness
You're gonna be ok        

And when the night, is closing in
Don't give up, and don't give in
This won't last, it's not the end, it's not the end
You're gonna be ok
When the night, is closing in
Don't give up, and don't give in
This won't last, it's not the end, it's not the end
You're gonna be ok
You're gonna be ok

Pergunta # Question

Em 3 palavras ou menos, como é que descreverias o ponto onde estás na tua vida?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Um visitante segura no seu coelho de brinquedo junto do vidro do aquário à frente de Aurora o urso polar Russo no Aquário de São Paulo, em São Paulo, no Brasil.
A visitor holds up her toy bunny to the aquarium glass in front of Aurora the Russian polar bear at the Sao Paulo Aquarium in Sao Paulo, Brazil.

Sê Calmo – Jesus Ouve Sempre As Tuas Orações # Be Calm – Jesus Always Hears Your Prayers

Já enfrentaste um momento realmente difícil na tua vida e a frustração foi multiplicada, porque parecia que Jesus não estava lá contigo? Os discípulos enfrentaram esta situação. Jesus disse-lhes que levassem o barco ao mar enquanto Ele ficava para trás para orar. De repente, surgiu uma poderosa tempestade. Os discípulos aterrorizados enfrentaram-na por várias horas antes de Jesus, fazendo uma entrada bastante dramática, apareceu para confortá-los. Então, porque é que Jesus não veio até eles imediatamente?

Bem, pensa nisto desta maneira. Quando estamos a passar por tempestades, faz parte da nossa natureza humana ter a mentalidade de que, "Tenho que trabalhar nisto sozinho!" Os discípulos sabiam que Jesus estava em terra e provavelmente assumiram que de facto não havia nada que Ele pudesse fazer de qualquer maneira. Mas Cristo estava a orar na margem pelos discípulos quando viu a tempestade a surgir. E deves perceber que Jesus também está a ouvir as tuas orações no meio dos teus problemas.

Entende isto: Não há nada neste mundo que seja mais forte do que Jesus. O facto é que Ele nem sempre dá-nos uma paz perfeita e calma no momento em que estamos a derramar o nosso coração a Ele; às vezes a calma vem depois. Ele nos trará a Sua paz no Seu tempo. Podes enfrentar as dificuldades da vida com coragem porque Jesus promete que Ele estará contigo.

~ Mateus 28:20b


Have you ever faced a really tough time in your life and the frustration was multiplied, because it did not seem that Jesus was there for you? The disciples faced this very situation. Jesus told them to take their boat to sea while He stayed behind to pray. Suddenly, a powerful storm came up. The terrified disciples faced it for several hours before Jesus, making a pretty dramatic entrance, showed up to comfort them. So, why didn’t Jesus come to them right away?

Well, think about it this way. When we are going through storms, it’s human nature for us to have the mindset that, "I’ve just got to work this out by myself!" The disciples knew Jesus was on land and probably assumed there really wasn’t anything He could do anyway. But Christ was praying on the shore for the disciples as He saw the storm come up. And you should realize that Jesus is also hearing your prayers in the midst of your problems.

Know this: There is nothing in this world that is stronger than Jesus. The fact is that He doesn’t always give us a perfect peace and calm at the very moment that we’re pouring out our heart to Him; sometimes the calm comes later. He will bring us His peace in His timing. You can face life’s difficulties with courage because Jesus promises that He will be with you.

~ Matthew 28:20b

sábado, 20 de maio de 2017

United Pursuit feat. Will Reagan - Lay it All Down ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Bring your worry, grief and pain 
Every cause you have for shame 
Lay it all down, lay it all down

When your cares, have buried you
And there’s nothing left to do
Lay it all down, lay it all down
At the feet of Jesus, at the feet of Jesus

Carried on, but your heart was tired
Feared the worst, and felt the fire
Lay it all down, lay it all down

Filled with all, those anxious thoughts
And your doubts, became your god
Lay it all down, lay it all down
At the feet of Jesus, at the feet of Jesus

Lay it all down, lay it all down
Lay it all down, lay it all down [x3]

At the feet, of Jesus
At the feet, of Jesus

When we’ve given up, on better days
There are memories, we can’t erase
Lay it all down, lay it all down

We’ve come to fear, what we can’t explain
There’s nothing here, that can ease the pain
Lay it all down, lay it all down
At the feet of Jesus, at the feet of Jesus

Lay it all down, lay it all down
Lay it all down, lay it all down [x3]

At the feet, of Jesus
At the feet, of Jesus

Lay it all down, lay it all down
Lay it all down, lay it all down [x3]

At the feet, of Jesus
At the feet, of Jesus

Lay it all down, lay it all down
Lay it all down, lay it all down [x3]

At the feet, of Jesus
At the feet, of Jesus

Pergunta # Question

Nada é mais desagradável do que ________?

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

Um pica-pau numa zona de Guapiles, na província de Limon, Costa Rica.
A woodpecker in a zone of Guapiles, in the province of Limon, Costa Rica.

Somente Um Tolo Diz Que Não Há Nenhum Deus # Only A Fool Says There Is No God

Um livro mais vendido é A Desilusão de Deus de Richard Dawkins, professor de Ciências da Universidade de Oxford. Se há alguma forma de descrever Richard Dawkins, é isto: Ele é um evangelista para o ateísmo!

Uma coisa que realmente me fascina sobre o livro de Dawkins é a sua profunda hostilidade em relação à religião. Ele realmente acredita que a religião é uma influência do mal sobre a humanidade. Embora ele inclua muitos exemplos de ofensas do Cristianismo, ele é bastante silencioso sobre o assunto do mal que brota das filosofias ateias no século 20. Não há menção de homens como Mao, Estaline e Pol Pot. Nada sobre a liderança da Coreia do Norte ou qualquer outra pessoa que abraçou filosofias ateias e assassinou mega-milhões dos seus próprios cidadãos. Onde está a condenação disto?

A Bíblia é clara de que "um tolo diz no seu coração que não há Deus." Quando esta pessoa começa a abraçar uma causa criada pelo homem, uma ideologia inventada pelo homem e, no processo, faz o que é certo aos seus próprios olhos, Ele começa a justificar coisas abomináveis ​​e más.

~ Salmo 14:1


One best selling book is The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, Professor of Science at Oxford University. If there’s any way to describe Richard Dawkins, it is this: He is an evangelist for atheism!

One thing that really fascinates me about Dawkins’ book is his deep hostility towards religion. He really believes that religion is an evil influence on mankind.While he includes many examples of Christian misdeeds, he is quite silent on the subject of the evil springing from the atheistic philosophies in the 20th century. There’s no mention of men like Mao, Stalin, and Pol Pot. Nothing about the leadership of North Korea or any of the other people who have embraced atheistic philosophies and murdered mega-millions of their own citizens. Where’s the condemnation of that?

The Bible is clear that "a fool says in his heart there is no God." When that person begins to embrace a man-made cause, a man-invented ideology, and in the process, do what is right in his own eyes, he begins to justify abominable and evil things.

~ Psalm 14:1

terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2017

Laura Story ft. Mac Powell - Open Hands ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

The sweetest sound, the highest praise
Is the letting go of this life You gave
Our greatest prayer, an act of faith
Is an open hand; Lord have Your way

Take it all, every hope, every dream, every plan
Take it all, every weight, all the shame and brokenness
Jesus, I surrender all every victory and loss
Take it all, take it all 'till all I have is open hands

A clenching fist, a life of fear,
A burden held, has no place here
Cause You call me now to cast it all
On the shoulders of the One who's strong

Take it all, every hope, every dream, every plan
Take it all, every weight, all the shame and brokenness
Jesus, I surrender all every victory and loss
Take it all, take it all 'till all I have is open hands
All I have is open hands

I'm not afraid of what I lose; my greatest joy is finding You [x2]
Take it all, take it all [x2]

Take it all, every hope, every dream, every plan
Take it all, every weight, all the shame and brokenness
Jesus, I surrender all every victory and loss
Take it all, take it all 'till all I have is open hands
All I have is open hands I surrender
All I have is open hands

Pergunta # Question

Como é que consegues poupar 100€ este mês?

Encontrarás as pegadas de Jesus tanto à tua frente como ao teu lado.

You will find the footprints of Jesus both in front of you and beside you.

Imagem do Dia # Image of the Day

O usuário do Reddit capeboddaveb partilhou recentemente esta foto de uma Árvore de Cerejeira Kwanzan que ele plantou no seu quintal na mesma semana que a sua filha nasceu. 23 anos depois, ele publicou que a sua filha está prestes a tirar um mestrado.
Reddit user capeboddaveb recently shared this photo of a Kwanzan Cherry Tree that he planted in his front yard the same week his daughter was born. 23 years later he posted that his daughter is about to graduate with a master’s degree.

Deus Está No Controlo # God Is In Control

Somos constantemente bombardeados com más notícias, para onde quer que nos voltamos. É deprimente. A dura realidade das notícias diárias desafia aqueles que acreditam que o homem é inerentemente bom e o mundo está a ficar melhor.

A Bíblia diz-nos a verdade. Os seres humanos não são inatamente bons e gentis, e a sociedade não está a progredir em direcção à paz e harmonia universais. De facto, 
a verdade é exactamente o oposto! O pecado do homem é uma realidade constante e se não queremos acreditar, podemos simplesmente ignorar as notícias e recusar-nos a trancar as portas à noite.

No entanto, felizmente, Deus está no controlo da história e do futuro, e qualquer pessoa que reconhece a sua necessidade de Deus em Cristo segura a chave para a paz interior e segurança. Pois em Cristo, quer vivamos quer morramos, não podemos perder. Cristo dá-nos a chave para a vida eterna e viver esta vida vitoriosamente.

~ João 10:10


We’re constantly bombarded with bad news, everywhere we turn. It’s depressing. The harsh reality of the daily news challenges those who believe that man is inherently good and the world is getting better.

The Bible tells us the truth. Human beings are not innately good and kind, and society is not progressing toward universal peace and harmony. In fact, just the opposite is true! Man’s sin is a constant reality and if we don’t want to believe it, we can just ignore the news and refuse to lock our doors at night.

However, thankfully, God is in control of history and the future, and anyone who acknowledges his need for God in Christ holds the key to inner peace and security. For in Christ, whether we live or die, we can’t lose. Christ gives us the key to eternal life and living this life victoriously.

~ John 10:10

segunda-feira, 15 de maio de 2017

Kim Walker-Smith - Throne Room ... ♪♫♪♫♪♫♪♫

Dream after dream, You are
Speaking to me, breathing
Word after word of kingdom come
Here at Your feet, I can
See the unseen, truly
One look at You and I'm undone

I run to the throne room
I run to the throne room

And I fall on my face
With angels and saints
And all I can say is
Holy, holy, holy are You, God
My heart can't contain
The weight of Your name
And all I can say is
Holy, holy, holy are You

Grace upon grace, all my
Fear falls away only
Your perfect love for me remains
Oh, time after time You stay
Close by my side burning
Fire inside I can't contain

I run to the throne room
I run to the throne room

And I fall on my face
With angels and saints
And all I can say is
Holy, holy, holy are You, God
My heart can't contain
The weight of Your name
And all I can say is
Holy, holy, holy are You

I run to the throne room
Before You, the only One
I run to the throne room
Before You, I'm overcome
I run to the throne room
Before You, the only One
I run to the throne room
Before You, I'm overcome

And I fall on my face
With angels and saints
And all I can say is
Holy, holy, holy are You, God
My heart can't contain
The weight of Your name
And all I can say is
Holy, holy, holy are You

Pergunta # Question

Numa palavra, o que é que queres realizar no próximo ano?

Ler sem reflectir é como comer sem digerir.

To read without reflecting is like eating without digesting.